We Have a Hot Tub!
Saturday, Aug 5th, 2023, 13:27 (CEST)
For financial reasons we have been unable to afford a hot tub for the wellness area this year. Yesterday some participants came together and funded the delivery of a hot tub for the event so we have one after all!
We added a Hot Tub Ticket product to the webshop. They are 100 HAX and you can buy as many as you feel is enough to pay for your use of the hot tub. It will be used to fund firewood and any excess HAX will go to BornHack.
The water is replaced every 1-2 days so the hacker soup doesn't become too rich.
Please be aware you may encounter naked hackers around the hot tub area.
Happy hot tubbing!
Art Competition at BornHack: The Future Companion
Saturday, Aug 5th, 2023, 13:21 (CEST)
This year we have a art competition running throughout the week at BornHack. The competition is organised by a sponsor and the three first places will win a ticket for BornHack 2024.
The theme for the art competition is The Future Companion and it is about showing your idea of what a companion could look like in the future. Is it a new kind of Tamagotchi? An avatar in the Metaverse? A robot dog? A clone of your grandmother? A mockingbird drone? An LLM chatbot? Something completely new?
You can use any form of media and technology including sculpture, digital art, interactive installations, and more.
Think big, be bold, and let your creativity unfold within the framework “The Future Companion”.
Submit your name or team name to: Caroline Sofie Axelsson · Life with Artificials · csa@mindfuture.com (back from holiday the 6. Aug.) and the winners will be announced on Tuesday, the 8th of August in the Speakers Tent.
Badge prices for BornHack 2023
Wednesday, Aug 2nd, 2023, 13:27 (CEST)
Due to our current economic situation, where we have fewer sponsors than usual, we unfortunately have to charge a small fee for our badges for BornHack this year.
The badge prices are as follows:
- With a badge voucher (included in a one-week ticket): 100 HAX.
- Without a badge voucher: 150 HAX.
Some of the old BornHack badges are also available for sale in the info desk!
Live Streams from BornHack 2023
Wednesday, Aug 2nd, 2023, 12:36 (CEST)
We are live streaming some of the events from our program. The stream is available via a Tor Onion Service at http://xgsobitduxv7gcc5qlveigwiku7qcjn5exf4ayusw4mwq7kfrapmrjyd.onion/ and via legacy IP (both v6 and v4) at https://live.bornhack.dk/
Daily Volunteer Meetings at BornHack
Wednesday, Aug 2nd, 2023, 12:18 (CEST)
As something new this year, we want to have a short meeting each day for all available volunteers who aren't busy with either team tasks or enjoying BornHack!
We meet at 14:00 daily in the star tent in front of the infodesk. Members of Orga will be present, and we'll go over issues that we ought to fix on-site. Once we are done, we will do a quick pass over some of our areas to ensure they are nice and tidy!
We Have a Shuttle Bus!
Saturday, Jul 29th, 2023, 15:47 (CEST)
Good news, everyone! There will be a shuttle bus after all. Huge thanks to Dennis, who put us in touch with the sponsor Roskilde Auto & Skadecenter!
To book the shuttle for a pickup or dropoff at the Gelsted station, please e-mail shuttle@bornhack.org and state you arrival or departure time and how many you are. Please try to book at least 24 hours ahead of time, otherwise we might not see your e-mail in time.
BornHack 2023 Status
Saturday, Jul 22nd, 2023, 19:43 (CEST)
BornHack 2023 starts in a little over one week and preparations are underway. We wanted to share an update on the progress and some changes we've been forced to make. We have also included a link to an example of a packing list of what to bring to an event like BornHack.
We are very excited about the coming weeks and we are looking forward to seeing everyone!
No Shuttle Bus
We have been unable to find a shuttle bus sponsor for 2023, which sadly means we cannot offer a shuttle service like the previous years. We realise this is an inconvenience for people arriving by train. Please read the Shuttle Bus section on the Info page for information about alternatives.
If someone in your network has a car we can use for shuttle service please contact shuttle@bornhack.org asap.
Caravan Area Move
The map has been updated and the Caravan Camping area has been moved to the other side of the road:
Buildup officially starts on Saturday the 29th. If you want to arrive earlier please coordinate with an orga person before you arrive.
Please remember to register your village on the Villages page.
It is looking likely that we will have a functional DECT network this year. Please remember to bring a DECT handset and register your number in the phonebook.
What To Bring
If you've never attended a hacker camp before you could consider looking at someone else's packing list for inspiration on what to bring. There is an example on Github.
See you on Hylkedam!
Merchandise available from the webshop
Tuesday, Jul 18th, 2023, 15:01 (CEST)
The 2023 edition of our merchandise is available in the shop now.
Please get your orders in as quickly as possible so that we will have a chance to get the suitable sizes in time. All merchandise orders will be delivered at BornHack, but will NOT be produced until fully paid. If you decide to pay in cash, please do so immediately after arriving at the event.
Unfortunately we cannot guarantee that all orders will be fulfilled, as some sizes have been problematic to get in the last few years, but we will do our best and the earlier you place your order, the better the chance. We will of couse refund if unable to deliver.
BornHack 2023 Call for Participation
Tuesday, May 16th, 2023, 12:00 (CEST)
The BornHack 2023 Call for Participation is open!
We are looking for talented, humorous, inspiring, and/or provocative speakers to host talks, workshops, and other events to make the official program at BornHack 2023 live up to the high expectations set by previous years. If you have something interesting to say, we want to hear it! Read our Call for Participation to learn more and submit your content today.
We prefer submissions as early as possible to have more time to plan the final program and coordinate with speakers. Please submit it sooner rather than later.
Kickoff 2023
Monday, Apr 3rd, 2023, 20:41 (CEST)
We are having the BornHack 2023 kickoff at our venue, Hylkedam on 18-20/5. We hope that a lot of our volunteers will drop by to help shape the 2023 event. It will be a good opportunity for new volunteers to select which teams to participate on, and help get those teams started.
The main day will be on 18th, where people are showing up during the morning for meet'n'greet, then we'll have lunch and begin the kickoff. The 19th&20th is for planning the years team activities, and hanging out.
We plan on leaving the venue on 21st in the morning.
Tentative plan:
Thursday the 18th of May:
- 10-12 Arrive for meet'n'greet
- 12-13 Lunch
- 13-18 Kickoff
- 18-20 Dinner
- 20- Hanging out
Friday the 19th of May:
- 10-12 Team breakout 1
- 12-13 Lunch
- 13-15 Team breakout 2
- 15-16 Break
- 16-18 Team breakout 3
- 18-20 Dinner
- 20- Hanging out
Saturday the 20th of May:
Sunday the 21st of May:
- 10-12 Cleaning and leaving
You can participate only on 18/5, or you can grab a bed in one of the cabins (or bring a tent) and stay for a couple of nights. Expect the whole thing to be casual, but in particular the 19th and 20th will have plenty of social and relaxation time.
Participating in the kickoff is free, but it is appreciated if you can chip in around 100,- DKK/HAX (around 14€) for food per day (excluding Thursday). It will also be possible to join the kickoff virtually if you are unable to participate in person.
See you! Or follow the live-stream at http://xgsobitduxv7gcc5qlveigwiku7qcjn5exf4ayusw4mwq7kfrapmrjyd.onion/ or https://live.bornhack.dk/
BornHack 2023 Tickets Available
Monday, Dec 5th, 2022, 23:56 (CET)
We are happy to announce that the BornHack 2023 tickets are now available in our webshop. The usual ticket types are available: full week tickets for adults and children, as well as caravan tickets, car park tickets, cabins, and fridge tickets. One-day tickets, tents and other village gear are not yet available.
Since the first BornHack in 2016 we have kept prices the same (1200 DKK for a standard ticket), but increasing costs have forced us to increase the ticket prices around 10% this year. A standard ticket is now 1337 DKK. If you are able to pay more than the standard 1337 DKK for a ticket then please do so, it is highly appreciated.
We are planning a BornHack 2023 kickoff at Hylkedam from the 17th to the 21st of May. More info to come, but volunteers can mark the dates in the calendar!
In loving memory of Jesper "graffen" Hess
Tuesday, Oct 18th, 2022, 13:59 (CEST)
Our dear friend Jesper "graffen" Hess sadly passed away on Friday, the 14th of October. He was traveling in Berlin with his boyfriend Magnus when Jesper suffered a sudden heartattack. Our thoughts are with Magnus, Jesper's family and friends.
Jesper was a BornHack organiser. His personality, positive outlook and abilities will be missed dearly in the organisation. Nothing will fill the void left by his passing, but we are grateful for the years we got to know him.
Jesper's kind-hearted nature, sense of order, humor, and generally pleasant personality have significantly impacted the BornHack organisation. Jesper could channel frustration into positive energy like no other. When we repeatedly kept making mistakes on the logistics between ourselves and a larger delivery vendor, Jesper took over the Logistics Team, and the issues ceased to exist.
As part of BornHack's Code of Conduct team, Jesper placed himself in the epicenter of our community goals of inclusion. When conflicts arose he worked with community members and helped to resolve them in a positive way. The last thing Jesper said on the BornHack Orga Signal group the day before his trip to Berlin is an example of his constant community leadership efforts. He was telling us about a plan he has made for BornHack to collaborate with an NGO which works on making events more accessible for people with hidden disabilities. We will do our best to continue these efforts without him because we know this work was important to Jesper.
Jesper also stepped up to lead the Info desk Team when he saw a need. He was passionate about the Wellness Team where he organised massages for sore volunteers, and made sure our wilderness hottub was operational by cleaning (and thoroughly testing!) it. The Radio Team was a one-man operation using Jesper's radios, frequencies, repeater, and know-how.
As good as he was at it, Jesper never actually intended to become part of the BornHack organiser team, it was all a happy accident. He purchased a BornHack hoodie in 2017 which was mistakenly labeled "Organiser" on the back, so we suggested he join Orga, and he did. Jesper was always up for fun and quirky ideas. Joining the BornHack Orga on a whim, thus sparking countless long and wonderful friendships and maturing the organisation in the process, is a fitting analogy for his personality.
Outside of BornHack, Jesper has also contributed significantly to Denmark's IT security, privacy, and hacking communities. He ran numerous PGP key-signing events back in the day, and he helped start the highly successful Cryptohagen movement. He also helped build and run the Danish organisation data.coop, which works on local, decentralized hosting of key internet services for its members. He was also a HAM operator (callsign OZ9DLP) active in the Danish HAM community.
During BornHack 2023 we will find ways to remember Jesper, who was such an instrumental part of the BornHack spirit and community. We hope people will do what they do best and find creative ways of remembering Jesper.
Jesper was the light and life of any situation. His smile, kindness, positive spirit and constructive approach to everything meant he was universally loved. His legacy will live on forever.
The memorial service will be Friday, October 28th 13:00 at Nordre Kapel, Vestre Kirkegård, Copenhagen. Please also read Magnus' own words on magnusklink.com/jesper.
BornHack 2022 Retrospective
Tuesday, Sep 20th, 2022, 14:34 (CEST)
BornHack 2022 happened and it was amazing. A few hundred people coming together to develop, use, explore, criticize, and celebrate technology is quite a thing to be a part of! The talks were fantastic, the workshops were productive, the recreational events were fun. The bar was well-stocked and full of lovely people. The weather was mostly great. The Food Area had constant activity with people cooking, eating, or waiting in line for the food truck. The whole venue was beautifully lit in colourful and creative ways. Powerful lasers and flamethrowers provided impressive and popular evening shows.
There were a lot of villages and camps this year. They were big, and fun, and full of the kind of sights and sounds you only get at a hacker camp. Walking around the venue and taking it all in is incredible. It means so much to the event that camps and villages are so diverse and overflowing with weird and wonderful experiences. Please keep it up!
The best-kept secret about BornHack is that it is actually a two week event. One week is the actual event, the other is buildup and teardown. It is a lot of fun and it can be very rewarding to be a part of. The first buildup crew arrived at the venue almost a week before the opening day. The last teardown crew left the venue 4 days after the closing day. Teardown was delayed about 24 hours due to massive heat making the work slow and difficult. But all things considered buildup and teardown went really well. Thank you to everyone who helped out!
The bar during Bornhack and a few days before teardown ended. What a transformation :-D
We had a brand new video setup this year for streaming and recording talks. The video team did an amazing job of adapting to using the new hardware and software, and it worked really well! Remote viewers could stream talks as well as the very popular ant farm stream live, and of course everything was recorded. After the event we had to do manual post-processing and upload of videos to C3VOC. It took a while to get there (and we will have this automated for 2023) but it is with great pleasure we can finally announce that the BornHack 2022 videos are available kindly hosted by media.ccc.de.
We love all the positive feedback we've received, but we also want to know how we can improve. Please use the feedback form to provide feedback about the event (positive and negative). Orga has an evaluation meeting about a month from now where we will be going through all the feedback. Remember you can also provide feedback on individual speakers and talks by pressing the Feedback button on the detail page for the event in the program. The Content Team uses this information to help shape the program for the next BornHack event so please make your voice heard if you want to influence who goes on stage next time.
We really want to see all the cool pictures and video you have from the event. We also want an easy way to access, search and archive such content. To that end we are working on a public BornHack media archive where people can upload pictures and video from the events under a CC license. If you want to help build it you can contact the website team.
We will be announcing the dates for BornHack 2023 soon, we expect it will be the 2nd to 9th of August 2023, but it is not quite final yet. We will create the 2023 volunteer teams and add tickets to the webshop and all that within a few months.
Thank you to everyone who was a part of BornHack 2022. It was fantastic!
Streaming content from the speakers tent
Thursday, Aug 4th, 2022, 14:50 (CEST)
If you want to see the talks from the speakers tent while staying in your own village, please use these links:
Since the beginning of BornHack and until now we have been using YouTube for live streaming our content, but for several reasons this platform will not be used for this purpose any longer.
As an experiment, we are also streaming via a Tor Onion Service that can be found at xgsobitduxv7gcc5qlveigwiku7qcjn5exf4ayusw4mwq7kfrapmrjyd.onion using Tor Browser.
YouTube will, however, still host our historic content from 2016 and onwards.
Village Registration Open!
Sunday, Jul 17th, 2022, 11:40 (CEST)
It is now finally possible to register your BornHack 2022 village. Registering your village is a good way to make sure it is possible for people to find you, advertise your interests and maybe attract new people to the village.
Villages are clusters of tents typically built by a group of friends, a hackerspace, a group with a shared interest (like a programming language), and so on. It is in no way a requirement to stay in a village when you place your tent at BornHack, but it can be a good way to meet new people.
Remember that our Code of Conduct applies to village names and descriptions.
Now go register your BornHack 2022 village, we are looking forward to seeing everyone in a little over two weeks :)
MCH Village Location Final
Sunday, Jul 10th, 2022, 18:11 (CEST)
The BornHack village at May Contain Hackers has been placed on the map by the villages team. The village is part of the Cold North cluster and we have been placed in the Lamarr field next to our friends from PRKL and other Nordic villages. It looks like a great spot and we are very much looking forward to going there soon.
If you are joining the BornHack village at MCH please let us know by sending us an email to info@bornhack.dk or join the village on the MCH wiki.
We are so busy preparing BornHack 2022 that it is hard to believe we have a great event like MCH coming up even sooner. See you all there!
BornHack Village at MCH 2022
Sunday, Jun 5th, 2022, 22:23 (CEST)
BornHack is going to MCH!
The big european hackercamps is where it all began for the BornHack orga, so of course we are going to MCH! We are organising a village for BornHack volunteers, participants and hangarounds, and everyone is welcome to join :)
We have a 5mx10m tent rented from MCH including tables, chairs, and benches. We usually cook some food on the barbeque in the evenings. Payment for tent and food is donation based and the system usually works well if everyone chips in.
The first time we did a big open BornHack village was at CCC Camp in 2019 and it was amazing. We hope to recreate some of the mood and atmosphere from that event, and maybe convince some of the other MCH participants to join BornHack!
If you are planning to join the village please send us an email to info@bornhack.dk and tell us how many people and tents you are bringing, and if there is anything else we need to know.
Streaming for 2022 kickoff
Thursday, May 26th, 2022, 10:55 (CEST)
You can follow our kickoff event "online edition" on our jitsi:
Please disable your camera and microphone when you join.
Last-minute Extra Kickoff Details
Wednesday, May 25th, 2022, 06:53 (CEST)
The BornHack 2022 Kickoff is finally upon us! We have been looking forward to it and can't wait to see everyone :)
We wanted to share a quick update to remind everyone about a few practical things as well as the schedule. Hylkedam is open for business from 15:00 today (Wednesday) and until 12:00 on Sunday.
The cabins are available for sleeping, and there is plenty of beds for all of us. Some people choose to bring tents or caravans which is also fine. We will be setting up a small camp with tents and caravans in food area which is close to electricity and toilets. If you are sleeping in the cabins remember to bring a bed sheet, sleeping bag or duvet, and a pillow.
We will have three meals per day, breakfeast is from 9-10, lunch from 13-14 and dinner from 19-20. Please make sure you have signed up on the Doodle so we know how many people to cook for! Jonathan (our usual volunteer chef during events) is arriving Wednesday evening and will be cooking all the meals.
The plan for the coming days can be seen here and we might change it up a bit as we get together and maybe figure out some better ways to do things.
Details about online participation will be out this evening or early Thursday where the kickoff begins at 11:00.
BornHack 2022 Kickoff Details
Sunday, May 8th, 2022, 18:19 (CEST)
The BornHack 2022 Kickoff is approaching fast, and we want to share some more details about what we are planning for the 26th of May and the following days.
First of all, the 2022 kickoff is a physical event at Hylkedam. There will be streaming of the important parts for those unable to join us in person. We will be sleeping in the cabins or you can bring a tent or caravan if you wish.
Our volunteer chef Jonathan will be joining us to cook three nice meals for us per day, just like we are used to from buildup and teardown during the events. Expect to chip in around 100,- DKK per day for the food.
We created a Doodle to help keep track of how many people to cook for. Please sign up so we know you are coming :)
The plan for the extended weekend looks like this, will be updated as we get closer:
Wednesday, May 25th, 2022 (Kickoff day -1)
- Orga arrives during the day
- 19:00-20:00 Dinner
- 20:00-??:?? Hangout, bonfire, boardgames, hacking....
Thursday, May 26th, 2022 (Kickoff day 0 - MAIN KICKOFF DAY)
- 09:00-09:45 Breakfast
- 10:00-11:00 Arrivals...
- 11:00 Kickoff start
- General introduction (streamed)
- Team introductions (streamed)
- 13:00-13:45 Lunch
- 14:00-14:45 Walk the terrain
- 15:00-17:00 Team breakout sessions (about 20 min per session)
- 15:00 Session 1
- CERT Team
- Construction Team
- Food Area Team
- Logistics Team
- Power Team
- Shuttle Bus Team
- 15:30 Session 2
- Bar Team
- Game Team
- Merch Team
- Photo Team
- Sanitation Team
- Website Team
- 16:00 Session 3
- Badge Team
- Content Team
- Metrics Team
- NOC Team
- Wellness Team
- 16:30 Session 4
- Info Team
- Light Team
- POC Team
- ROC Team
- Video team
- 15:00 Session 1
- 17:00 Finish official program
- 19:00-20:00 Dinner
- 20:00-??:?? Hangout, bonfire, boardgames, hacking....
Friday, May 27th, 2022 (Kickoff day 1)
- 09:00-09:45 Breakfast
- 10:00-13:00 CERT workshop (including basic first aid course "BLS", about 60 mins including hands-on)
- 10:00-13:00 Web team session 1
- 10:00-13:00 Storage cleanup session 1
- 13:00-13:45 Lunch
- 14:00-19:00 Web team session 2
- 14:00-19:00 Storage cleanup session 2
- 14:00-16:00 Video team workshop
- 16:30-18:30 Redraw the venue map
- 19:00-20:00 Dinner
- 20:00-??:?? Hangout, bonfire, boardgames, hacking....
Saturday, May 28th, 2022 (Kickoff day 2)
- 09:00-09:45 Breakfast
- 10:00-13:00 Web team session 3
- 10:00-13:00 CERT first aid part 2 (if needed)
- 10:00-13:00 Storage cleanup session 3 (if needed)
- 13:00-13:45 Lunch
- 14:00-19:00 Web team session 4
- 14:00-19:00 Storage cleanup session 4 (if needed)
- 19:00-20:00 Dinner
- 20:00-??:?? Hangout, bonfire, boardgames, hacking....
Sunday, May 29th, 2022 (Kickoff day 3)
- 09:00-09:45 Breakfast
- Cleanup
- Leave (~12:00 latest)
The kickoff is only a couple of weeks away. We are looking forward to seeing everyone and to getting a lot of stuff done. See you there!
Sponsoring BornHack 2022
Friday, Apr 29th, 2022, 09:00 (CEST)
We are looking for sponsors that want to help make BornHack 2022 a great event!
We firmly believe that people's financial situation should not affect their ability to participate in hacker community events. Consequently, we keep BornHack ticket prices low so everyone can attend. But venues, tents, internet, and electricity cost money, so we rely on sponsors to make ends meet.
BornHack sponsors are loyal, they usually stay on as sponsors year after year. Typical cash sponsorships fall between 10-30k DKK, enough to make a big difference in our budget!
Some are sponsors simply because they recognise the value of having a great annual event to strengthen the community. Others sponsor so they can get a shot at recruiting among the talented BornHack participants. Whatever the reasons we are very grateful for the help we are getting. Knowing that so many fine organisations want to see BornHack succeed makes us all work extra hard!
Over the coming weeks, we will be contacting existing sponsors to work out the details for 2022. If you hear about an organisation in a position to financially support BornHack please get in touch. More information about sponsor packages can be found in our Call for Sponsors.
BornHack 2022 Call for Participation
Wednesday, Apr 27th, 2022, 21:16 (CEST)
The BornHack 2022 Call for Participation is open!
We are looking for talented, humorous, inspiring, and/or provocative speakers to host talks, workshops and other events to make the official program at BornHack 2022 live up to the high expectations set by previous years. If you have something interesting to say, we probably want to hear it! Read our Call for Participation to learn more and submit your content today.
We prefer submissions as early as possible so we have more time to plan the final program and coordinate with speakers. Please submit sooner rather than later.
BornHack 2022 Volunteering and Kickoff
Saturday, Apr 2nd, 2022, 00:00 (CEST)
BornHack is a volunteer driven event, a labour of love. Everything that gets done at BornHack is unpaid volunteer work, with a few exceptions handled by external people (like safety checking the power grid or operating the forklift when offloading trucks).
During buildup and teardown we provide three nice meals every day to keep our volunteers well fed. We do not expect any specific number of hours or shifts from volunteers. Everyone helps out as much or as little as they feel like. We never let volunteers handle dangerous work.
We can always use more volunteers! If you want to help out you can check the teams page and find a team or two which suits you. Please don't hold back - volunteering is easy, and it is a great way to combine helping out with meeting other friendly hackers. Many of our teams need no special skills, just bring good mood and energy :)
If you have questions about volunteering you can write us an email or join our active IRC community where someone is usually available to answer.
Kick-Off at Hylkedam
The BornHack 2022 volunteer kickoff will be from May 26th at 11:00 until 17:00, and this year we are having a physical kick-off at the venue! The activities on the kickoff will plan and prepare each teams activities over the coming months. Participating in the kickoff is relevant not only for volunteers who already know which team(s) they want to join, but also for new volunteers who have yet to decide where they can best help out.After the official kickoff is over we are staying for a few more days at Hylkedam for team workshops and fun. Volunteers are welcome to join only for the kickoff on Thursday the 26th of May, or you can stay for one or more nights (the cabins are available, or you can bring a tent). We are leaving Hylkedam Sunday the 29th of May in the afternoon.
Participating in the kickoff is free, but expect to chip in around 100,- DKK/HAX (around 14€) for food per day (excluding Thursday). It will also be possible to join the kickoff virtually if you are unable to participate in person. Stay tuned for more details about the 2022 kickoff.

BornHack 2022 Tickets
Thursday, Mar 31st, 2022, 22:35 (CEST)
It is with great pride and joy that we are announcing the seventh annual BornHack! We are looking forward to organising yet another fantastic event where the hacker community can meet up to learn new things, rekindle relations, work together, watch talks, socialise, and have fun!
Webshop and Ticket Sales
First of all: The ticket sales for BornHack 2022 are open! Prices for tickets are unchanged since 2016 (although inflation is threatening to change that in the future).We have the usual selection of tickets: Adult (15+) tickets come in budget, student, standard, hacker, supporter and corporate versions. The only difference is the price. Please pay as much as you can afford! All the adult tickets give the same access to the event, the only difference is the price. Tickets for children 5-15 are also available, children under 5 participate for free. We also have 1-day tickets for adults or children who want less than the full week.
Members of Prosa should consider getting the new Prosa Hacker Ticket. This year we are trying out a new form of sponsorship from Prosa where the union pays half the ticket price for their members who wants to attend BornHack. We are hoping to make similar sponsor deals with other organisations in the future.
Tickets for village gear and cabin beds/full cabins are also available. Village gear prices have increased a bit, cabin prices are unchanged.
Regarding payments: If you have a Danish bank account we prefer a bank transfer, otherwise we prefer credit card or blockchain payment. You can even pay in cash if geography makes it convenient for you to meet with an organiser (like at a conference or someting). If you select cash payment and intend to pay at the event, and your order contains merchandise and/or village gear (where we have external costs), we will likely contact you by mail to make sure you intend to show up.
COVID-19 Restrictions
BornHack in 2021 and especially in 2020 were affected by the pandemic in various ways, from the physical distancing and restrictions at the venue to hard limits on the number of available tickets. We expect 2022 to be more normal with no government mandated restrictions and limited restrictions on the venue. We are of course watching the developments around COVID-19 as closely as we need to.BornHack 2021 Is Over!
Tuesday, Aug 31st, 2021, 20:13 (CEST)
BornHack 2021 is over. It was a fantastic event full of all the wonderful, weird, talented, amazing and inspiring people and projects that we've gotten used to (but never tire of). 2021 was in many ways the best BornHack yet:
- We had a record number of visitors – 2021 was the biggest BornHack yet by some margin. We checked in just under 250 full week tickets from the webshop, and on top of that maybe 70 more as a mix of sponsor tickets, one day tickets, child tickets and such. We handed out all the 300 wristbands we ordered, and then had to resort to using wristbands from the previous years!
- We saw more new faces than ever before. Especially big groups of dutch and german people continue to invade BornHack (in the nicest possible way).
- Gender distribution is steadily improving.
- The number of volunteers during buildup, event and teardown has never been higher. Consequently the workload on orga continued the downward trend this year.
- The economy is looking healthy, which is a first.
All in all it was a great event with very few mishaps and accidents. Buildup was smooth, the event was great, and teardown was quick.
While we are proud of our Code of Conduct and the photo policy in it, we still love to see photos from BornHack! Fortunately we already have some fantastic pictures by smtw online (one of them can be seen above), and also some great drone shots by Stitch. The rest of the Photo Team are working on getting theirs online while recovering from BornHack.
2021 was the sixth BornHack, and we chose the tagline Continuous Delivery this year. As usual we leave it up to the participants to interpret any deeper meaning (intentional or not) in the tagline. The tagline was flanked by other silly CI/CD puns, such as this year's akvavit and vodka respectively being named Continuous Inebriation and Continuous Distillery. We still have leftover stock of the booze by the way, so if you find the BornHack village/area at another event you can always ask us if we brought any inventory you can buy.
As mentioned in the previous news item we had a single COVID-19 positive participant (that we know of). We encourage everyone to get PCR tested now that a few days have gone by since the event, and please get in touch if you are infected.
We had a new food vendor this year, Oriental Express, which served asian food and other things. We really liked the food and our impression was that they were popular, so they might return next year. The Food Area worked well again this year. There was almost constant activity with people cooking and eating at weird hours. Like the previous years we sold out all the fridge shelves we had available for rent.
We have two ways you can submit feedback about BornHack. The general feedback form can be used for any feedback about BornHack, good or bad. We've already had some participants leave feedback, but we want more. If you can spare five minutes please go submit some feedback – we want both your positive and negative feedback, it all helps to make the next BornHack better.
Please also remember to submit program feedback by pressing the feedback button on each individual event page. It helps the Content Team make informed decisions about what content worked and what didn't.
The next BornHack will be from the 3rd to the 10th of August 2022. MCH in the Netherlands is in late July and should function as a nice warmup for BornHack. Tickets for BornHack 2022 will go on sale as soon as we get around to it.
Thank you to everyone who was a part of BornHack 2021, both participants and volunteers. A special thanks to the volunteers who stayed on site until we were completely done with teardown. You know who you are. <3
Until next year, take care and all the best from Orga!
COVID-19 Positive Participant Saturday
Monday, Aug 23rd, 2021, 12:36 (CEST)
Saturday the 21st of August 2021 we had a visitor here who learned today that they are COVID-19 positive. The person was only here Saturday and is no longer on the venue, and the people that have been in close contact with the person have been notified. The person stayed mostly in the KISS village.
Since we are basically running this entire event under the assumption that everyone could be infected we don't have to change anything, so this update is mostly a reminder to make sure everyone remembers the good habits:
- Wash your hands often and thoroughly
- Use hand sanitiser
- Maintain proper social distancing
Generally we encourage everyone to get PCR tested after BornHack, and please inform us if the test result is positive.
Take care of yourself and others!
Update on Code of Conduct Violation
Monday, Aug 23rd, 2021, 12:19 (CEST)
Last night the CERT and Orga teams received complaints from several villages about a participant who was not respecting their boundaries when asked to leave their respective villages. After the CERT team approached the person, the situation escalated, and we decided to ask the offending participant to leave the event. The participant has left the event and is no longer welcome on site.
The situation was a direct violation of the BornHack Code of Conduct. The case was unfortunate, and the first time for BornHack. We believe we tried to handle the issue as well as we could, but in the end, we saw no other option than to ask the offending participant to leave the venue. We want to make it clear that we will continue to enforce the Code of Conduct when a situation occurs.
Drone Photography of the Camp Monday and Tuesday
Sunday, Aug 22nd, 2021, 18:40 (CEST)
Again in 2021 we'll like to photograph the camp from a drone, and have chosen two time slots. The drone(s) will only take still pictures and will be in the air Monday the 23th from 22:00 to 23:00 and again Tuesday the 24th from 16:00 to 17:00.
If you want to participate please bring your drone and meet the photo team by the info container when the time slots begins.
Monday evening from 22:00 to 23:00 we'd like the camp to be enlightened by camp fires, flame throwers, lasers etc., so please help us let the camp shine on the pictures from above by turning on some lights.
Even though the drone(s) will be photographing from a high altitude, if you do not want to be photographed from above, please try to be either in one of the tents, under the shades or in the cabin.
Errors with Tokens at the Info-Desk and in streams/recordings
Friday, Aug 20th, 2021, 17:31 (CEST)
There has been an unfortunate turn of events with two of our tokens in the Secret Token Game.
The first token in question, the four colored one hanging in the Info-Desk, was missing the last few characters in the Token system.
The second token in question, the one in the streams/recordings of talks is missing the last 8 characters in the video, this is being looked at.
This has meant that when you, our good players have tried typing them in, they did not work.
For those of you who have found the token in streams/recordings here are the last 8 characters that you need "ZGluZ3MK"
We apologize for this mishap and are implementing procedures to try to mitigate such situations in the future.
BornHack 2021 has begun!
Thursday, Aug 19th, 2021, 13:42 (CEST)
Today, August 19th 2021 at noon Danish time (12:00 CEST) BornHack 2021 is finally underway!
Preceeding the opening we've done a week of build-up with between 20-50 volunteers to get everything ready for you. The volunteers have been nothing short of amazing during build-up, we are extremely grateful for all the help. We will pay back the kindness by continuing to organise the best event we can.
We are ready:
- We have running water. Toilets and showers are clean and working well, they will be cleaned twice daily.
- The Food Area is operational. It has gas powered barbeques as well as regular gas cookers (for pots and pans) available. We have fridge shelves available to keep the food cold, but there are only a few left in the webshop.
- The food vendor is open every day from 10:00 to 20:00. They are called Oriental Express and will be serving a combination of Asian and Danish foods. They accept HAX, cash (DKK) and MobilePay.
- The program starts tomorrow (apart from the Hello World talk this evening).
- The bar is open!
If you have questions the infodesk or the Info Page can probably answer them. If you are looking for something check out the facilities section of the website. The map shows where everything is.
When you check in, the infodesk will also check your Corona passport to make sure it is valid. Please make sure you maintain the good habits with good hand hygiene (we have plenty of hand sanitizer available), and try to maintain social distancing.
If you spot anything that seems wrong and you think we should know about it you can always inform the infodesk, or you can report it on the facility feedback page.
If you want to help out by doing a couple of shifts during the event it would be appreciated. The teams that still need members are:
- Bar
- Info
- Video
See the teams page for more info.
We have been looking forward to this moment for months. We can't wait to see everyone! Welcome!
The Game Team
Tuesday, Aug 17th, 2021, 19:13 (CEST)
BornHack is only a few days away, and starting this year we have a Game Team to take care of the Token Game, prepare Hacker Jeopardy and also look into new game related activities at BornHack for this year and years to come.
Hacker Jeopardy is a tradition and we need those hard, crazy and fun categories we know only you can come up with, so please contact the Game Team if you have a category for Hacker Jeopardy.
It wouldn't feel right if we didn't have a Token Game, and this year we trying hard to have it up and running when BornHack starts. The great thing about the Token Game is that we can keep adding tokens, so if you have an idea/concept for a new token, please let the Game Team know.
If you want to contribute a Hacker Jeopardy category, a token for the Token Game, or maybe an idea for some completely new gaming activity at BornHack then contact the Game Team.
The Game Team is looking for members, so join them if you want to make sure that there is time to implement your ideas!
Corona Passport Required for BornHack 2021
Wednesday, Aug 11th, 2021, 15:52 (CEST)
BornHack is approaching fast and everyone is planning their trips. We are looking forward to seeing everyone and to all the good times ahead, but at the same time we are acutely aware of the massive responsibility it is to organise an event during a pandemic. We wanted to take this opportunity to clearly explain the Corona/COVID-19 rules we've set for participation, and also share some useful links for people travelling from abroad.
We managed to do a successful event last year because everyone acted responsibly, kept their distance, used hand sanitizers and so on. While a large percentage of us are now vaccinated, we are also dealing with more infectious strains than in 2020, so we expect everyone to continue to act responsibly. We take this very seriously, and we have zero tolerance for anti-vaccine or corona conspiracy stuff.
First things first: You will need to present a valid Corona passport along with your ticket to attend BornHack. Ideally everyone will have a valid Corona passport for the entire event, so if you are not vaccinated or previously infected we encourage you to get re-tested once or twice during the event. You can use this website to find a testcenter. We will not be actively re-checking Corona passports during the week though – only on check-in.
When attending BornHack with a test-based Corona passport (as opposed to a vaccine-based or previous infection-based one) we strongly prefer a PCR test over an antigen/"quicktest". PCR testing is free in Denmark, also for foreigners, and it is a much more accurate test. You can use this website to find a testcenter. If you are really unable to get PCR tested for some reason then an antigen/quicktest is also acceptable, but please consider it a last resort.
If you are travelling from abroad you will also need a Corona passport to get across the border. If you are travelling through multiple countries to get to DK you have to carefully check what you need for each border crossing to make sure your travel will go smoothly. When crossing the border into Denmark you can use en.coronasmitte.dk for information. This page has info about the rules for entry into Denmark, depending on where you live. The same site also has a page about the Corona passport which explains how it works and how to get it. Basically you need either a recent negative test, to be vaccinated, or to previously have had Corona.
Edit 2021-08-14: There is a Danish Corona Passport App for iOS and Android, but it requires the Danish NemID, so this is just for residents in Denmark. If you are not living in Denmark, the type of Corona Passport should follow the EU Digital COVID Certificate standard, so that we can validate it during checkin.
Photo and Camera Policy at BornHack 2021
Sunday, Aug 1st, 2021, 14:49 (CEST)
BornHack has since the beginning enforced a Code of Conduct which includes among other things the following section on photography:
Some attendees may not want to be filmed or photographed. Respect their wishes.
This means that you have to check, before taking the picture, if everyone in the picture is OK with having their picture taken. There are no exceptions to this rule.
This means BornHack can be more difficult to document with pictures than you might be used to from other events. Our Photo Team knows these rules well and they will always make sure they have consent from everyone before taking pictures.
DECT Phone Network
Sunday, Aug 1st, 2021, 14:36 (CEST)
BornHack 2021 will have a DECT phone network, just like we did in 2018 and 2019.
In 2020 the POC team had trouble attending due to COVID-19. This year we expect to have them back and as a result we should have a fully functional DECT network for everyone to use.
Make sure you bring a DECT handset, and you can go pre-register your phone number in the phonebook.
Fridge Shelves for Sale
Sunday, Aug 1st, 2021, 14:12 (CEST)
Like the previous years we offer participants the option of renting one or more fridge shelves to keep groceries chilled until it is time to eat them.
A fridge shelf is 200,- DKK, and if you rent all 6 shelves in a fridge in one order, you can take it to your village and keep it there. If you do so please take good care of the fridge, and please return it clean and ready to go back to our supplier.
You can find the fridges in the webshop!

August is Upon Us
Sunday, Aug 1st, 2021, 13:20 (CEST)
Preparations for BornHack 2021 are going well! The event is less than three weeks away now.
We are still looking for content for the program, even though the CFP deadline is officially behind us. If you have something interesting to say then please read our Call For Participation and don't hesitate to submit a proposal!
If you want to help out make sure you check the teams page and volunteer on one or more teams. If you can't decide - or just want to help out - the Logistics and Food Area teams can always use help, no special skills required.
If you have any questions about attending BornHack you should read the info page, it is the primary source of information about the event.
BornHack 2021 Kickoff, June 19th, 2021
Monday, Jun 7th, 2021, 19:51 (CEST)
Similar to last year, we will hold this year's kickoff and reunion party virtually, and we hope a lot of you would like to participate.
This kickoff is for everyone interested in being a part of BornHack, both those of you that have already been volunteering at previous events, and those of you curious to join.
The primary participation will be online via video and audio, but if you can safely meet up with some of your friends, feel free to attend the kickoff as a group.

The past year has been very different and we really look forward to seeing you all at BornHack. This kickoff will be the start to that.
We will talk about the different teams and plans for creating the best possible BornHack in a year where a lot of us have been stuck indoors – but hopefully we will soon be able to hang out in the bar or in a hammock in the woods.
We will start out the kickoff at 13:00 (CEST) with a short introduction and then move on to team presentations. After a short break, we will split into more detailed sessions for each of the teams, getting everyone settled in and sorted for the next few months until BornHack 2021 happens at our venue on Funen, Denmark.
We will use BBB (BigBlueButton) for the kickoff part and you can join at:
To end the day, we invite you to join us for a cozy evening with your favorite food and drinks in the virtual bar on Jitsi.

If you want to read a bit more about the teams, head on over to the BornHack 2021 teams section, where you can also choose to join one or more of the teams.
We hope to see you all at the kickoff.
The deadline of the Call for Participation has been extended
Wednesday, Jun 2nd, 2021, 10:42 (CEST)
The BornHack 2021 Call for Participation is still open and the deadline has been extended to the 1st of July 2021!
We are, as we have been every year since 2016, looking for talented, humorous, inspiring, and/or provocative speakers to host talks, lightning talks, and workshops at BornHack. We welcome first time speakers.
We are open to different topics. We expect that the majority of the presentations at BornHack will be on security, networking, programming, distributed systems, privacy, and how these technologies relate to society.
BornHack also welcomes submissions for musical/visual performances.
Please see the full Call for Participation for details.
BornHack 2021 Going Ahead!
Tuesday, Jun 1st, 2021, 16:00 (CEST)
Good news! BornHack 2021 planning is going ahead, and we expect to be able to go through with the event in a format close to BornHack 2020, but without limitations on ticket sales.
Like last year, there has been significant interest in the status of the event planning. We appreciate it. The primary focus and responsibility of the BornHack organisers will again be to keep everyone safe. Again, we will implement and enforce the measures needed to ensure safety (think: spacing, masks, hand washing, hand sanitation, etc.)
The rules and government guidelines for events like BornHack might change before August. But for now it seems likely that:
There will be no significant limitations on the number of participants.
We will be required to check your Corona passport upon arrival/check-in, and it will have to stay valid for the entire duration of the event.
As we approach the event and definitive government guidelines are published, the requirements are subject to change. So keep an eye on the BornHack news page for the latest developments!
If you should wish to have your ticket refunded because of government (Danish or yours) restrictions that make your participation impossible, or for any other reason, we will do so – no questions asked. Of course, we would prefer that you instead ask for your ticket to be converted to a 2022 ticket. :-)
With all the serious stuff out of the way: We are very excited about BornHack 2021 and we are looking forward to seeing everyone again!
Last year we were extremely lucky we could have BornHack 2020 at all, and we were happy that we were able to offer some form of escape from a world adjusting to Corona. The year that has passed since BornHack 2020 has been rough for most people as much of the world went into lockdown again. Almost all events since then have been cancelled – no Congress, no MCH, no EMF, and so on. We are happy to be able to provide an alternative for those who need it, and we understand that this year it might be needed more than most years.
The program will consist of talks and workshops as usual. Please submit yours on the website under BornHack 2021 proposals. The CFP deadline will be postponed until July 1st, there will be a separate news post about it tomorrow.
To sum up: Get your tickets now (and please pay as much as you can afford!), submit your talks and workshops now, and sign up to volunteer in one of our teams.
If you wish to support BornHack financially but a regular sponsorship is too expensive, you can do so by using the new donation product in the webshop to donate in increments of 50,- DKK. Any amount is appreciated, all donations help ensure the future of BornHack.
Take care and all the best from the BornHack organisers!
BornHack 2021 and COVID-19
Sunday, May 2nd, 2021, 18:03 (CEST)
It has been too long since the last update from the BornHack team, and summer is approaching fast!
Due to the COVID19 situation in the world we are (again) considering all options for whether executing BornHack 2021 will be possible in a safe manner. The intention is to have BornHack as planned in August, but we will reevaluate the situation once we reach the Call for Participation deadline on the 1st of June.
At this point we don't know what kind of restrictions the Danish government will have in place in August concerning events like BornHack. We expect a statement on rules for small events like ours soon though.
When we reach the start of August all Danes will be vaccinated, assuming the current vaccination schedule holds. We assume that the government will require events like ours to check some sort of corona passport for all participants, documenting either vaccination, recent infection, or a negative test. But we don't know any details yet.
Last year COVID circumstances forced us to limit participants to 150. This year we hope to be able to welcome twice as many. If last-minute restrictions force us to refund some tickets we will be refunding the latest sold ticket first. So if you want to make sure you can be a part of BornHack 2021 it is a good idea to buy your ticket now.
Like last year our refund policy for ticket holders is that anyone can get a refund for their ticket and related purchaces on our online shop for any reason, not just COVID related stuff.
With all the formal stuff out of the way: We are very excited about BornHack 2021. We all need it. We hope to see you there!
/BH2021 orga team
Getting Cars In And Out Of The Venue Monday
Monday, Aug 17th, 2020, 11:52 (CEST)
A few of you early leavers have asked about getting cars in and out of the venue today.
We will open the gate and ensure a yellow vest to escort you at the following times:
Entry Only
13:00 - 13:15
19:00 - 19:15
Exit Only
15:00 - 15:15
21:00 - 21:15
The gate will be open from 12:00 tomorrow when the event is officially over.
Please remember to drive extremely slowly around the venue!
We Have Badges!
Monday, Aug 17th, 2020, 10:47 (CEST)
For those of you who missed out on the last batch of badges earlier in the week, there is now a fresh stash available at the Info Desk. Remember to bring your BornHack ticket (the one with the QR code).
The 2020 Token Hunt Ends At 15:00 Today
Monday, Aug 17th, 2020, 10:12 (CEST)
The 2020 edition of the BornHack Token Hunt ends at 15:00 today. At that time we'll pull the numbers from the system so hurry up and try to find the last of those elusive little buggers :-) You can continue the hunt after we pull the stats, your progress will just not count in the competition. We will present the outcome of the game at the Goodbye World talk this evening.
Merch And Souvenirs At The Info Desk
Monday, Aug 17th, 2020, 09:22 (CEST)
Your pre-ordered merchandise is available for pickup in the info desk and can be picked up during our opening hours.
We also have souvenirs in the form of our popular vodkas from previous years, Tsunami Essence and Yolo Solo, as well as a selection of previous years' badges for sale. Finally, we have a very limited supply of collectors-edition drinking bottles with our old logo on them.
Drone Photography of the Camp Monday
Sunday, Aug 16th, 2020, 20:14 (CEST)
We would like to photograph the camp from a drone, and have chosen two time slots Monday the 17th. The drone will only take still pictures and will be in the air from 13:00 to 13:15 and again from 23:00 to 23:15.
Even though the drone will be photographing from a high altitude, if you do not want to be photographed from above, please try to be either in one of the tents, under the shades or in the cabin.
The BornHack 2020 Token Hunt is ON!
Friday, Aug 14th, 2020, 18:42 (CEST)
We have hidden a number of tokens at BornHack. They may be on the website or on physical items. They may be in the clear or they can be obfuscated or encoded. The tokens are 32 bytes long and conform to this regular expression.
If you think you found a token you have to visit the BornHack website under /token/ to see if it is valid. For example, if you found the string pBE8AByKGR2WhWEQgXWp85QANHwrNcdF you would visit https://bornhack.dk/token/pBE8AByKGR2WhWEQgXWp85QANHwrNcdF/ while logged in to register your find. If the token is wrong you will receive a 404 page. You can go to https://bornhack.dk/token/ to see a list of the tokens you’ve already found. Please don’t brute-force the tokens, it would take forever, and creates an unhealthy load on our servers.
Anyone who finds all the tokens will win a prize. At the Goodbye World talk on Monday we will announce the winners.
Happy hunting!
COVID-19 Positive Participant
Thursday, Aug 13th, 2020, 14:09 (CEST)
Yesterday, Wednesday the 12th of August we had a visitor here who learned today that they are COVID-19 positive. The person was only here yesterday and is no longer on the venue, and the people that have been in close contact with the person have been notified and are isolating themselves.
Since we are basically running this entire event under the assumption that everyone could be infected we don't have to change anything, so this update is mostly a reminder to make sure everyone remembers the good habits:
- Wash your hands often and thorougly
- Use disinfecting alcohol
- Maintain 1 meter distance to others
- Wear a mask (for sale for 10 HAX/DKK in the infodesk)
Take care of yourself and others!
Food Truck barbecue offering on Thursday and Sunday
Wednesday, Aug 12th, 2020, 19:13 (CEST)
We are happy to announce that our food vendor, Curtis from S.C. Smørrebrød, is arranging two barbecues in the Food Area.
The first barbecue is on Thursday from 18:00. Curtis will be serving a menu consisting of barbecued ribs with fries, salad and homemade dressing. The price per person for Thursday is 100 kr.
The second barbecue is on Sunday, also from 18:00. Here, Curtis will be serving "all you can eat" roast suckling pig with creamed potatoes, salad and homemade dressing. The price per person for Sunday is 120 kr.
Please remember to pre-order at Curtis' food truck in the food area the day before so they know how much to cook!
Get a massage at BornHack
Sunday, Aug 9th, 2020, 21:57 (CEST)
Just like last year, the wellness team has organised for a local masseuse to come by and massage your aching muscles. He will be here on Friday and Sunday during the camp as well as Monday evening during buildup and Wednesday evening during teardown. You can book your 30-minute slot at the info desk, and you have to purchase a massage ticket for the appropriate day from the shop. Please ensure the ticket is paid for before you show up for your appointment. Enjoy!
-- The BornHack wellness team
BornHack 2020 and the New COVID-19 Restrictions
Friday, Aug 7th, 2020, 23:34 (CEST)
As promised an update on BornHack 2020 and the new COVID-19 restrictions announced in Denmark yesterday. Good news first: BornHack is going ahead as planned with 150 participants!
Like many of you we were very concerned about the announcement yesterday and how it might affect BornHack 2020. We've been in contact with the Danish authorities throughout the day, to clarify whether we are covered by "sektorpartnerskabsretningslinjerne", the documents which define the conditions of the gradual Danish reopening of society after COVID-19 lockdown.
The authorities has confirmed that BornHack IVS (the legal entity behind BornHack) is indeed covered as an IT conference, meaning the current limit to the number of participants is 150 as originally defined by our agreement with the Police in our public event permit.
We are thrilled that BornHack is going ahead as planned, and we want to take this time to remind all participants going here to continue to observe the usual guidelines from WHO and health authorities. We love all you anarchists, but in this case we ask that everyone follow the rules:
- Socialise at a distance
- Wash your hands
- Wear a mask when needed (disposable masks are available for 10HAX in the infodesk)
It goes without saying that if you have any flu-like symptoms please stay home and we will see you next year. If you are able to get a COVID-19 test before going here, great, but it is not a requirement.
See you all soon!
Update on COVID-19 Limitations
Friday, Aug 7th, 2020, 01:49 (CEST)
Earlier Thursday (August 6th 2020) the Danish authorities revised their recommendations for event hosts, such as BornHack, such that the maximum of 100 participants is kept for now instead of the increased 200 participant limit that was planned to take effect starting August 8.
Since we just arrived on the ground, we haven't had time to reach out to our contacts at the authorities yet, but tomorrow we will be in touch with them on how to handle this situation. We will make an update on this matter at some point during Friday (August 7th 2020) here on our website once we have a complete overview.
If we need to refund your ticket you will know by the end of Friday the 7th, but we expect to be able to manage this mostly through cancellations.
Stay tuned!
Merchandise available in the shop
Sunday, Aug 2nd, 2020, 18:17 (CEST)
The 2020 edition of the merchandise is available in the shop now. It is the same brand of clothing as the previous three years, so you can also compare sizes with previously bought merchandise, though the heavy hooded cardigan from previous years sadly isn't available anymore.
Please get your order in as quickly as possible, so that we will have a chance at getting the right sizes in time. All merchandise orders will be delivered at BornHack, but will NOT be produced until fully paid. If you decide to pay in cash, please do so as soon as possible after arriving.
We can't guarantee that orders containing merchandise not paid by Friday August 7th 2020 will be fulfilled, but we will of course do our best.
BornHack 2020 Buildup Information
Saturday, Aug 1st, 2020, 21:51 (CEST)
BornHack 2020 buildup begins on Friday, August 7th at noon (12:00 CEST). In the next 96 hours following that a lot has to get done, and we hope to see many people join us to help with the work.
This post contains some important information about buildup (and it also applies to teardown with very few modifications). Please read all of it! :)
First of all, please use the website to join the team(s) you plan to help out on - Logistics and Construction can always use more hands, regardless of your skill level. Joining a team helps the team responsible plan the work and it helps us plan how much food to prepare and such.Corona Test Required
Secondly, and this is more important, we ask that everyone who is joining buildup to bring and show a recent (max. 1 week old) negative Corona / COVID-19 test.If you live abroad you can check with your local authorities how to book a test. You will also be offered a free test when crossing the border into Denmark, we suggest you accept the offer.
If you live in Denmark you can book a time on https://www.coronaprover.dk/ - it is free. It takes a couple of days to get the answer, so if you are joining buildup on Friday the 7th you should book a test no later than Wednesday the 5th so you have the answer before joining us. If you are concerned about your DNA ending up in a database/register you can request a destruction of your biomatter after the test.
The logic of requiring a test for buildup but not for the actual event might seem weird, but we feel it makes sense since we will be working very close together during buildup. We appreciate your understanding as we continue to work out how to best organise an event in these unique conditions.
This year for buildup and teardown we are lucky to have Jonathan cooking all our meals, who besides being a sharp dresser is a skilled professional chef. Volunteers can expect three nice meals at regular times every day - 08, 13 and 19, and a goodnight snack/beer/status at 22. The food and beverages are free, although you are welcome to donate some money in the donation box present at all meals.The menu will include options for people following vegan and vegetarian diets. You are also always welcome talk to the chef if you have special requirements, and we will see what we can do.
Stay tuned for more news, and see you at the venue from the 7th!
BornHack 2020 Status
Friday, Jul 31st, 2020, 12:37 (CEST)
Today marks one week before the first organisers arrive at the venue to start buildup for BornHack 2020, and 11 days until the event officially begins. If you are joining us for buildup remember to join some teams, and please let us know you are arriving so we have an idea of how many to cook for and such.
At the moment of writing the COVID-19 situation in Denmark is pretty good and reasonably stable. The borders are open, but please double check for yourself before embarking on a long journey, see the links below. In case you need to prove the duration of your stay at the border the BornHack ticket PDF now shows the event dates, as well as buildup and teardown dates.
Denmark currently has no mask requirements, but it might be a good idea to use one anyway, especially in crowded places like public transport when travelling to/from BornHack. Danish pharmacies sell decent disposable masks, and reusable masks can be purchased in many places. There is also an official Danish contact tracing app which is based on Apple's and Google's stuff, but not open source :(
We've included a couple of links to official information from the Danish authorities below, specifically about visiting Denmark from abroad during the pandemic. We suggest you read them - they contain good advice, and some of it also applies if you are visiting us from inside Denmark :)
- Visit Denmark has general information about visiting DK: https://www.visitdenmark.com/denmark/travel-essentials/safe-travel-denmark
- The Police has the information about the border stuff: https://politi.dk/en/coronavirus-in-denmark/travelling-in-or-out-of-denmark
We have the permits we need, and at the moment it looks like we will be able to execute BornHack 2020 as planned, with max. 150 people. If something should change over the next 11 days, such as new restrictions because of a new outbreak, we will re-evaluate our options at that time.
We have a waiting list of around 5-10 people right now. If you are a ticket holder and you know you are not going, please contact us for a refund, others will be very happy to get your ticket.
If you are going then please consider submitting a talk or some such if you haven't already. We would love to have a bit more content for the program.
Until then, stay safe, make sure you pack clothes for all kinds of weather. We are all looking forward to seeing everyone on the 11th of August!
Fridges Added to the Webshop
Wednesday, Jul 29th, 2020, 08:20 (CEST)
Like the previous years we offer participants the option of renting one or more fridge shelves to keep groceries chilled until it is time to eat them.
This year we are using a different fridge supplier, so the fridges look different than the previous years:
A fridge shelf is 200,- DKK and if you rent all 6 shelves in a fridge you can take it to your village and keep it there. If you do so please take good care of the fridge, and please return it clean and ready to go back to our supplier.
You can find the fridges in the webshop!
Announcing the 2020 Tagline and Logo
Sunday, Jul 26th, 2020, 20:00 (CEST)
We are very happy to finally share this year's tagline and logo:

We look forward to seeing this on hoodies and t-shirts, and not least as stickers on your laptop.
BornHack 2020 Sold Out!
Tuesday, Jul 14th, 2020, 18:32 (CEST)
Today we sold the last ticket for BornHack 2020. As we've previously mentioned we are limiting the number of participants to 150 this year. If you are one of the lucky ones who got a ticket, great, we are looking forward to seeing you there! If not, we hope to see you next year, when we are hopefully able to operate at full capacity again.
The average price per ticket sold this year is around 1320,- DKK, considerably more than the 1200,- DKK price of a standard ticket. We would like to express our sincere gratitude to the participants who choose to pay more for their tickets, so we can offer lower prices for the student- and budget-ticket holders. Making it possible for everyone to participate within their own economic constraints has always been a priority for the organisers, it is encouraging to see our participants step up and help make this happen year after year. Thank you!
2020 Food Vendor
Sunday, Jul 12th, 2020, 22:21 (CEST)
Preparations for BornHack 2020 are ongoing and we are excited to announce that we've made an agreement with the food vendor who is going to serve food for the participants this year.
The food vendor will be S.C. Smørrebrød, they will be there all week, opening around 10-11 and closing around 21.
They will serve sausages, sandwiches and other traditional Danish "pølsevogns" food all day. Additionally, at lunch they will also serve "smørrebrød" - the traditional Danish "open sandwiches" on rye bread. In the evening they will serve some hot meal which will vary from day to day.
They will also offer vegetarian and vegan options, and of course there will also be a Food Area like there always is, with plenty of options for cooking your own food.
BornHack 2020 is less than 1 month away now. We are looking forward to seeing everyone. Stay tuned for more news about the upcoming event!
BornHack 2020 is going ahead!
Monday, Jun 1st, 2020, 12:40 (CEST)
We are aware that many people have been waiting for news about BornHack 2020, and we appreciate the patience. This is a new situation for everyone, and we are doing everything in our power to find solutions to all the new challenges.
First the good news: BornHack 2020 is going ahead, although with some modifications. We are limiting the number of participants to 150, and the event will be different in some ways due to social distancing requirements, and the smaller size. For reference, 150 people is the same number of participants that BornHack 2017 had.
The Corona situation is changing rapidly, so naturally we cannot predict what guidelines the WHO and Danish government will have in place in 2 months, but we hope the current positive trends and gradual reopening will continue.
With the tickets being limited we'll probably end up selling all of them. If we then have to scale the event back to fewer than 150 people (due to Corona, or killer wasps, or space zombies) we will refund the latest bought tickets until we reach the right number. So get your ticket while you can, and please, pay as much for it as you can afford!
If the government (yours or the Danish) has travel restrictions in place such that you cannot travel to BornHack 2020, or if you change your mind for other reasons, we can refund your ticket or exchange it for a BornHack 2021 ticket.
The main priority for the organisers is to keep everyone safe while they attend BornHack and we'll implement measures to that end. Think spacing between seating, masks, handwashing and cleaning alcohol, limits to number of people in locations, and so on. But it also means that we expect everyone to act responsibly.
The program will consist of talks and workshops as usual, but with a larger focus on "meta" events. To that end we strongly encourage submission of talks and workshops aimed at improving future BornHack events, in addition to the regular content. The CFP has been updated accordingly.
With all that out of the way: We are very much looking forward to BornHack 2020. We expect it to be a great event as always, and a fantastic starting point for an even better BornHack 2021. 2020 has been a year of mostly bad news, so we could probably all use a nice week of hacking around, learning and having fun with old and new friends!
We will have the same facilities as you are used to, but scaled to the number of participants. We will still have an info desk, a food area, a speakers tent, and a bar. It will still be possible to have a hot shower and use a flushing toilet. Once the details get sorted out everything will be added to the new facilities section of the website.
To sum up: Get your tickets now (and please pay as much as you can afford!), submit your talks and workshops now, volunteers join your teams now.
If a regular sponsorship is too expensive but you still wish to support BornHack financially, you can do so by using the new donation product in the webshop to donate in increments of 50,- DKK. Any amount is appreciated, all donations help ensure the future of BornHack.
COVID19 Update
Monday, Apr 6th, 2020, 09:00 (CEST)
Due to the COVID19 situation in the world the BornHack team is currently considering all options for whether executing BornHack 2020 will be possible in a safe manner. The current goal is to have BornHack as planned in August, but we will reevaluate the situation once we reach the Call for Participation deadline on the 1st of June.
We have updated our the BornHack 2020 Call for Participation with the same information.
Until then: Stay safe!
BornHack 2020 Kickoff URLs and Info
Saturday, Mar 28th, 2020, 12:21 (CET)
Today at 13:00 CET the much anticipated BornHack 2020 kickoff begins! We will be using our own Jitsi server for video meetings throughout the day.
The main stream will be at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H33QXzmnHcQ . Please join this one when we start.
The first part of the kickoff will be the Orga team presenting. This will be the biggest meeting of the day, so we will be streaming it to Youtube from 13:00 to ensure everyone gets a smooth experience. To ask questions you can join our IRC channel to ask or post the questions on this pad https://codimd.c3d2.de/BH2020-QA?both .
From around 14:00 we will break into team sessions in smaller Jitsi rooms. Many people help out on more than one team, we will try to accommodate this as much as possible. The team sessions take up the bulk of the day, and experience tells us each session can take anywhere from 30-60 minutes or longer, depending on the team.
Each team responsible will record the minutes of each team session, so if we do have overlapping meetings or you would like to know what happened in as session you missed you still can.
19:30 Party!
We'll meet in IRC on the main channel and at the jitsi server (if it can handle the inflow of people with camera streams).
Preparation for the 2020 Kickoff on Saturday
Thursday, Mar 26th, 2020, 21:26 (CET)
In an attempt to make our volunteer kickoff for this year's BornHack a little bit more present and personal, we have decided to share the recipe for the very easy to make overnight buns that we had for breakfast during last year's buildup and teardown. This way, we can all sit in our homes and share freshly baked bread with our favourite topping, when virtually networking online.
We share this now so that you have a little time to get ready and remember, you have to start on Friday night:
Ingredients (makes ~10 buns):
- 0,5 L water
- ~10 g yeast (if using active dry east instead of fresh yeast, you should only use ~2 g)
- ~1 table spoon sugar
- 100 g rolled oats
- 400 g flour
- ~1/2 - 1 tea spoon salt
The night before (5-10 minutes work time): In a medium bowl (~20 cm diameter) mix water, yeast and sugar, then add the rolled oats, followed by flour and salt. With a large spoon, combine it all into an even mixture, cover the bowl and put in refrigerator.
In the morning: (~5 minutes work time) Preheat oven to 200°C and prepare one or maybe two oven trays with non-stick paper. Using two forks, place little piles of dough on the baking sheets, roughly the size of the buns you want and bake them in the oven for 25-30 minutes until golden brown.
Let them cool for ~10 minutes on a cooling rack before eating.
Leftover buns should be kept in a sealed container or plastic bag, to prevent them from becoming very dry.

Kickoff and Reunion Party Going Virtual
Wednesday, Mar 18th, 2020, 11:53 (CET)
Due to recent developments we are converting our kickoff and party on March 28th to online events. We still aim to have a great kickoff followed by a great social event, we just want to keep everyone safely at home while doing it.
We still begin the kickoff at 13:00 on the 28th - check back here for details about platform and stuff. You can participate just by listening in, but if you make sure your camera and microphone work you can engage much better with the conversations.
We will start the day with a shared session with everyone where we go over teams, major tasks, venue news, and other things. After the big session we will split into smaller team groups (likely using Jitsi) and discuss team specific topics. Expect the kickoff work to continue until dinner time, maybe 18 or 19.
Later in the evening we will transition to a more social event where people can catch up, make idle chitchat, get increasingly inebriated, play games and have fun.
We hope that everyone wants to join us to make the best of some difficult circumstances!
BornHack 2020 Kickoff & Reunion Party
Saturday, Feb 15th, 2020, 21:51 (CET)
If you want to help make the next BornHack the best yet then you should join us for the BornHack 2020 kickoff in Copenhagen on Saturday, March 28th, 2020 from 13:00-20:00.
Are you considering volunteering for the first time? Are you a seasoned volunteer? Everyone is welcome to join us for what is usually a fun an productive day.
We will spend the day discussing how to improve and grow BornHack. The teams for BornHack 2020 have already been defined, so part of the job on 28th of March will be to better define and describe the tasks each team has to solve before and during the event.
Please fill in this Doodle if you intend to participate in the kickoff so we have some idea of how many people to expect.
This is a great chance to influence the team(s) you intend to help out on, so we hope to see a lot of people there!
The address for the kickoff is:
Dansk IT MedlemshusetVermundsgade 38
2100 København Ø
Please make sure you've eaten lunch when you arrive - as always we have a lot to get through. We will order some pizza for dinner around 18-19 when we get hungry - and fill up on snacks until then.
Later in the evening we would like to invite everyone to join the annual BornHack Reunion Party. The party will be from 21-late and the location will follow soon. The party is open for everyone in the community, even if you are not a volunteer or didn't participate in the 2020 kickoff.
We are looking forward to seeing everyone again!
New Logo
Friday, Jan 31st, 2020, 17:00 (CET)
Ever since we decided to move away from Bornholm we have been wanting a new permanent logo. The old logo (the outline of Bornholm) has served us well, but since we no longer have the event on Bornholm it doesn't make much sense as a logo anymore.
Black on white:
White on black:
With a Background:
We have been collecting inspiration for the new logo from the community for a while, and especially at 36c3 we got many awesome suggestions at the BornHack assembly. We are very, very grateful for all the fun and inspired suggestions.
At our assembly we had set up a place where creative minds could contribute their ideas, and among them we found the "laptop-tent" idea we decided to go with. Credit for the idea goes to Karen Melchior who drew the idea at our assembly during 36c3. Many thanks to Karen! <3
Refinement and finalisation of the logo was done by our own Thomas Flummer from BornHack orga team. We will be updating social media profiles, website, and publishing a design guide on Github later.
For now, have a few more examples of the new logo in action:


Call for Participation Open for BornHack 2020
Sunday, Jan 26th, 2020, 15:25 (CET)
The BornHack 2020 Call for Participation is now open!
We are looking for talented, humorous, inspiring, and/or provocative speakers to host talks, lightning talks, and workshops at BornHack. We welcome first time speakers.
We are open to different topics. We expect that the majority of the presentations at BornHack will be on security, networking, programming, distributed systems, privacy, and how these technologies relate to society.
Please see the full Call for Participation here.
BornHack at 36c3
Friday, Dec 27th, 2019, 17:00 (CET)
BornHack is at the 36th annual Chaos Communication Congress in Leipzig, Germany - 36c3!
This year we have an assembly in Hall 2 where you can visit us and meet the organisers, hear about BornHack, see our cool badges, try to beat the highscore in mini Galaga, and much more. Our assembly is easily recognisable, just across the road from C-Base:
We brought a bunch of 2018 and 2019 badges and some leftover BornHack Vodka and Sevablödda which you can have for a modest donation. All donations go towards making BornHack 2020 even better!
Our assembly is reachable on DECT phone 2642 (BOHA).
BornHack Party Saturday at 23:00
We are having a BornHack reunion and meetup party at our assembly tomorrow Saturday the 28th of December 2019 from 23:00 CET. We wish to invite all former and potential BornHack participants to join us and have fun, chat about BornHack and catch up.
BornHack 2020 Tickets for Sale!
Wednesday, Dec 18th, 2019, 00:59 (CET)
We are happy to announce that it is now possible to buy your ticket for BornHack 2020 in the webshop! This will be the fifth BornHack, for the second time at our new venue Hylkedam on Funen.
We have kept the prices at the same level as the previous years (divide prices by 7.5 to get an estimate in EUR)
- Regular full week Adult Ticket is 1200,- DKK.
- Child Tickets are available for 450,- DKK.
- Student Tickets are 900,- DKK
- Budget Ticket for 600,- DKK for hackers with tight budgets.
We also have more expensive tickets available (and remember Bitcoin payment is possible! :)) for hackers who are able to pay a bit more.
- The Hacker Ticket is 1337,- DKK
- Supporter Ticket is 1800,- DKK.
Finally we have Corporate Tickets available for 2500,- or 5000,- DKK if you have an employer paying the ticket.
We have the usual payment options available. We prefer Bank Transfer (but please remember to pay the fees in your end!) or Blockchain payments. You can even pay in cash if you happen to find yourself near an organiser. Finally we do accept Credit Cards, but we ask that you consider using the other options first.
Go get your tickets in the webshop now!
BornHack is at Driving IT '19
Friday, Nov 1st, 2019, 10:14 (CET)
A handful of BornHack organisers found their way to Driving IT 2019. Come find us at the BornHack stand and check out our cool badges and talk about the event with some of the people who make it.
You can also join our Driving IT mini Secret Token Game and win a ticket, badge or bottle of booze.
Party friday at 22:00
Thursday, Aug 22nd, 2019, 18:54 (CEST)
We are having a party tomorrow from 22:00 in the BornHack village in the Cold North area at CCCamp to celebrate that BornHack went well. Come by and help us drink all the leftover booze. Bring mixers!
Sponsor announcement: Zibra Group
Thursday, Aug 15th, 2019, 09:28 (CEST)
We are happy to announce Zibra Group as Gold Sponsor for BornHack 2019. They are sponsoring equipment and worktime for the wifi and more. Visit them at https://zibra.dk/

Sponsor announcement: Dansk Magisterforening
Wednesday, Aug 14th, 2019, 23:48 (CEST)
We are thrilled to announce Dansk Magisterforening as new Silver sponsor. They stepped in with very short notice to co-sponsor our 2019 badge. Visit their website at https://dm.dk/

Sponsor announcement: Dansk IT
Wednesday, Aug 14th, 2019, 22:10 (CEST)
We are happy to announce Dansk IT as sponsor again this year. Dansk IT is an association for Danish IT professionals. They have been sponsors since 2017. Learn more at https://dit.dk/

Sponsor announcement: Epson
Wednesday, Aug 14th, 2019, 16:47 (CEST)
Epson is a Silver Sponsor for the second year in a row.They are sponsoring the video projector and canvas we use in the speakers tent. Visit their site at https://www.epson.dk/

Sponsor announcement: HK Samdata
Wednesday, Aug 14th, 2019, 12:40 (CEST)
We are happy to announce the return of HK Samdata as sponsor this year. They were also sponsors in 2016. You can visit their site at https://www.hk.dk/omhk/tvaergaaende-landsforening-og-branchesektion/samdata

Sponsor announcement: Umbraco
Wednesday, Aug 14th, 2019, 08:35 (CEST)
We are happy to announce Umbraco as new sponsors for #BornHack 2019. Umbraco is the Danish company behind the open source .NET CMS Umbraco. Visit their site at https://umbraco.com/

Sponsor announcement: Spiir
Wednesday, Aug 14th, 2019, 00:11 (CEST)
We are happy to announce Spiir as new sponsors for 2019. They're hiring an Android reverse engineer: https://jobs.spiir.dk/jobs/258519-reverse-android-engineer

BornHack 2019 merchandise ready!
Monday, Aug 12th, 2019, 17:43 (CEST)
We have now completed the production of all pre-ordered and paid merchandise. Come get it at the infodesk! Be sure to have your merchandise ticket on hand.
If you have ordered but not yet paid for your merchandise you can pay at the infodesk and we will have it ready soon. We have bought some extra clothing, so it is possible to order merchandise in the shop again while stocks last. These orders will also be printed on-site and ready for pickup soon.

The BornHack 2019 Secret Token Game has begun!
Monday, Aug 12th, 2019, 17:21 (CEST)
We have hidden a number of tokens at BornHack. They may be on the website or on physical items. They may be in the clear or they can be obfuscated or encoded.
The tokens are 32 bytes long and conform to this regular expression (https://github.com/bornhack/bornhack-website/blob/master/src/tokens/urls.py#L8).
If you think you found a token you have to visit the BornHack website under /token/ to see if it is valid. For example, if you found the string dEq4Q9wUGqkGvzdTDUA39gRDkVSRHmqS you would visit https://bornhack.dk/token/dEq4Q9wUGqkGvzdTDUA39gRDkVSRHmqS/ while logged in to register your find. If the token is wrong you will receive a 404 page.
You can go to https://bornhack.dk/token/ to see a list of the tokens you’ve already found.
Please don’t brute-force the tokens, it would take forever, and creates an unhealthy load on our servers.
Anyone who finds all the tokens will win a prize. At the Goodbye World talk on Wednesday we will announce the winners.
Happy hunting!
Lightning talks at BornHack
Saturday, Aug 10th, 2019, 21:40 (CEST)
On Sunday, 11th of August, and Wednesday, 14th of August you have the opportunity to give a 5 minute lightning talk. A lightning talk is an excellent opportunity for inexperienced speakers to share an interesting idea, presentation, or maybe just a small story. Please create one or more slides and submit your talk on the website. We still have many open slots!
Hello World moved to 21:00
Thursday, Aug 8th, 2019, 17:11 (CEST)
We've moved the "Hello World" welcome talk from 19:00 to 21:00 this evening, giving the #BornHack participants two extra hours to build their tents and villages.
Happy building!
Sponsor announcement: Django Denmark
Thursday, Aug 1st, 2019, 15:00 (CEST)
We are happy to have Django Denmark as new Silver Sponsor this year. Django Denmark is an association which hosts and supports education and networking activities related to Django. Read more about its upcoming event Djangoday 2020 at https://www.django-denmark.org/

Sponsor announcement: Silicon Labs
Thursday, Aug 1st, 2019, 12:00 (CEST)
It is great to have Silicon Labs as sponsor for the Happy Gecko ultra low power micro controllers on our badge this year. More about Silicon Labs at https://www.silabs.com/

Sponsor announcement: Den Bornholmske Spritfabrik
Wednesday, Jul 31st, 2019, 15:00 (CEST)
We are happy to announce that Silver Sponsor Den Bornholmske Spritfabrik is supplying bar inventory again this year. Den Bornholmske Spritfabrik is among the small group of sponsors that have been with us since the beginning! Visit their site at http://www.bornholmersnaps.dk/

Sponsor announcement: Dansk Metal
Wednesday, Jul 31st, 2019, 12:00 (CEST)
The Danish Union of Metal Workers (Dansk Metal) is returning as bicycle sponsor this year, making it possible for participants to borrow bicycles for free at the infodesk. Visit them at https://www.danskmetal.dk/

Sponsor announcement: LetsGo Fleet Systems
Tuesday, Jul 30th, 2019, 15:00 (CEST)
We are happy to announce LetsGo Fleet Systems as Silver Sponsor again this year. LetsGo is sponsoring the shuttle bus which will transport participants during the week. They're hiring - https://www.jobfinder.dk/job/full-stack-udvikler-57675

Sponsor announcement: Prosa Ung
Tuesday, Jul 30th, 2019, 12:00 (CEST)
Our loyal Platinum Sponsor Prosa Ung is sponsoring the Food Area instead of the Prosa Bus this year. Read more at https://bornhack.dk/news/2019-07-28-prosa-ung-as-food-area-sponsor-no-prosa-bus-this-year/ and visit their website at https://ung.prosa.dk/

Sponsor announcement: DKUUG
Monday, Jul 29th, 2019, 15:00 (CEST)
It is great to have DKUUG back as Platinum Sponsor again this year. DKUUG is the Danish Unix User Group and has been Platinum Sponsor since we started. Like in the previous years it is paying for our speakers tent including transportation. Visit them at http://www.dkuug.dk/

Sponsor announcement: CSIS
Monday, Jul 29th, 2019, 12:00 (CEST)
The Danish infosec company CSIS has loyally sponsored every BornHack since the beginning, and it is returning as sponsor again this year! Visit their site at https://csis.dk

Prosa Ung as Food Area Sponsor - No Prosa Bus This Year
Sunday, Jul 28th, 2019, 12:59 (CEST)
One of our biggest and most loyal sponsors Prosa Ung has generously sponsored the extremely popular "Prosa Bus" from 2016-2018. The Prosa Bus offered participants cheap and easy transportation to/from Bornholm. This made a lot of sense because Bornholm is a bit far away from everything. But the new venue Hylkedam is only ~3km from a train station, which means it is much easier to get to and from.
With that in mind we have asked Prosa Ung to sponsor our new Food Area instead of the Prosa Bus this year, and they have agreed. Prosa Ung will continue as Platinum Sponsors like the previous years.
Participants looking for cheap transportation instead of the Prosa Bus can check out the DSB Orange tickets.
Merchandise available in the shop
Friday, Jul 26th, 2019, 17:19 (CEST)
The 2019 edition of the merchandise is available in the shop now. It is the same brand of clothing as the previous two years, so you can also compare sizes with previously bought merchandise.
Please get your order in no later than July 31st, so that we will have a chance at getting the right sizes in time. All merchandise orders will be delivered at BornHack.
The Agency for Governmental IT Services – Statens It at BornHack
Friday, Jul 26th, 2019, 15:55 (CEST)
The Agency for Governmental IT Services – Statens It is exploring the feasibility of building an open-source PC workplace platform together with other government bodies. The platform will be called SIA 1 Open and is intended for non-office workers in government institutions such as museums or environmental agencies. SIA 1 Open targets users whose primary work does not include using IT systems. In many cases, the cost of commercial software prohibits distribution of the agency's basic IT services to this type of employee.
The platform should provide the user with a browser, mail client, calendar, word processor, spreadsheet program, vpn client, and a file sync client. A back-end environment which manages software updates and users should manage the endpoints. The back-end should host mail and file services as well. The back-end will utilize the agency's OpenStack cloud service.
At BornHack, Statens It will host four workshops where all interested people are invited to participate in a discussion on how to design the SIA 1 Open platform. Which software products shall be used? How to implement it? How should administration and automation of the platform be handled? What are the issues to consider? These and more questions will be raised in the following four workshops:
- Workshop 1: Client OS, Friday from 16:00 to 18:00
- Workshop 2: Backend and network, Saturday from 15:00 to 17:00
- Workshop 3: User and access administration, Sunday from 14:00 to 16:00
- Workshop 4: Application portfolio, Monday from 15:00 to 17:00
Rented Village Gear Deadline Extended
Wednesday, Jul 24th, 2019, 12:15 (CEST)
Last chance to get your rented village gear (tents, tables, chairs, fire extinguishers) has been moved to July 30th at 23:59 CEST.
Go to the shop to place your order!
Cooking at BornHack - Fridges Available!
Wednesday, Jul 17th, 2019, 22:13 (CEST)
At BornHack we want to make it easy for people to cook their own food. We have two very nice food vendors this year, but we know from experience that many participants like to cook alone or in various social food clubs that pop up during the week.
You can rent one or more fridge shelves to keep your groceries cool. It has taken a while to sort the new fridge supplier, but finally the fridges are now available in the shop!
The prices are the same as last year: 200,- DKK for a fridge shelf, and 100,- DKK for a drawer.
Car Park Tickets and Caravan Tickets
Monday, Jul 8th, 2019, 13:44 (CEST)
This year we've introduced two new ticket types to be aware of.
One is the Car Park Ticket which you need if you want to use the car park for your car. The Car Park Ticket is 100,- DKK for the full week, and you will be able to drive the car during the week if you need to. The parking area is conveniently close to the main entrance. Please not that for fire safety reasons it is not permitted to sleep in the cars in the car park.
The other new ticket type is the Caravan Ticket which you need if you want to sleep in a caravan, autocamper or other sleeping vehicle inside the camping area. These vehicles will not be able to arrive or leave during the event, except in special cases. The Caravan Ticket is also 100,- DKK.
You can buy both of these new tickets in the Transportation category in the webshop with whichever payment method you prefer. You can even pay them in cash on arrival if you wish.
BornHack Info Meeting in Odense
Tuesday, Jun 18th, 2019, 12:53 (CEST)
We are doing an info-meeting in Odense about BornHack on Wednesday, June 26th from 17:00 to 18:00 CEST, as part of EAL Tech Events.
The address is:
Seebladsgade 15000 Odense C
- What IS Bornhack?
- How do I get there? 🚂
- Why should I go? 💡
- How do I convince my boss to pay? 🤑
We'll try to answer these and any other questions you might have at this info meeting.
Be sure to sign up for the Facebook event if you use Facebook.
BornHack 2019 and CCCamp
Sunday, Jun 16th, 2019, 18:49 (CEST)
First things first: There is no conflict in dates between BornHack 2019 and CCCamp 2019! It is possible to attend both events and experience two great hacker camps this summer.
- BornHack 2019 takes place from August 8th to August 15th 2019.
- CCCamp 2019 takes place from August 21st to August 25th 2019.
The BornHack organisers are looking forward to both events, and we are planning to pack up and move much of BornHack to Germany and set it up again as a BornHack village in the "Nordic Cluster" called The Cold North.
We are going to leave the BornHack venue on August 18th around noon. The plan is to drive to the CCCamp in a convoy and arrive for setup in the evening of the 18th. We encourage all BornHack participants who are also going to CCCamp to join our convoy and travel with us. You can either stick around and help with the teardown (we can always use the extra hands), or you can leave on the 15th when BornHack 2019 is over, and come back on the 18th when we drive to Germany.
We are bringing a big truck which has room available for some tents and luggage. We have no room to carry people, so you will need your own car to join the convoy. You are welcome to travel with the convoy even if you don't have any plans to stay in the BornHack village at CCCamp.
Bonus link: Convoy 1978 movie Theme Song [Youtube]
New Bank Account
Monday, May 13th, 2019, 09:56 (CEST)
We have switched bank from Arbejdernes Landsbank to Folke Sparekassen which is a non-profit bank and better aligned with our values.
This means that we have a new bank account for bank orders. The next time you place a bank order please do not use the old account number, or we wont get the money.
The new bank account details are:
Bank Name: Folke Sparekassen
DK Reg No: 9860
DK Account No: 747866
IBAN: DK0398600000747866
Announcing 2019 Logo and Tagline
Sunday, May 12th, 2019, 19:07 (CEST)
We are very happy to finally announce the 2019 tagline and logo.
If you went to our 2019 kickoff at the new venue Hylkedam then you've already heard the tagline. You might even have seen the logo if you follow @BornHackBadge on Twitter.
The tagline for 2019 will be:
A new /home
since we are moving to a new venue this year.We are very happy with how this years logo turned out. It was designed by Martin Nagel Larsen. Remember to let him know if you like the logo, you might be able to find him on this years camp.
Without further ado, here is this years logo:
And in this years colour #FFED00 and with a nice star background it makes for a great desktop wallpaper (4K resolution):
20 Foot Container Needed
Sunday, Apr 7th, 2019, 17:25 (CEST)
We are looking for a 20 foot standard shipping container to store BornHacks things in. If you know of one we can have cheap (or free!) then please get in touch ASAP. We can take care of transportation to Funen.
The container needs to be in decent shape, completely waterproof and not about to rust away.
Please help spread the word!
Information About Kickoff/Fieldday
Sunday, Mar 3rd, 2019, 19:18 (CET)
The 2019 Kickoff is very soon now. We've gathered some information you might need:
Hylkedamvej 545591 Gelsted
Saturday, March 9th, 2019. We've included an approximate timetable below, but expect unexpected delays and plan accordingly :)
- 14:00 Arrival. Say hello, get assigned a room if you need it.
- 14:30 We begin with a grand tour of the venue.
- 15:30 We sit down and talk about the teams for 2019, and the plans for 2019.
- 16:30 We split up in teams and work on 2019 tasks.
- 19:00 the formal part of the program is over, but you are welcome to stay longer.
- 20:00 Treat yourself to a lovely dinner prepared by the organisers.
What To Bring
- If you have a nice camera please bring it - we want to document the new venue with plenty of nice pictures.
- If you are spending the night you at least need to bring a sheet and sleeping bag, along with any other overnight neccesities you might have, like:
- Toothbrush and other toiletries
- Any medication
- Clean clothes
- Good ideas for BornHack 2019
Saturday evening at 20:00 we will eat a well-deserved dinner and celebrate a successful kickoff. The organisers will prepare pita breads with various stuffing, suitable for both omnivores, vegans and vegetarians.
Sunday morning from 10:00 we will have a lovely breakfeast and get ready to leave. The menu is freshbaked buns with bacon and eggs as well as various cereals with milk.
The venue has 50+ bunk beds as well as extra loose mattresses. We expect it to be more than enough for everyone. The beds are distributed in 5-6 rooms so expect to share a room with some fellow hackers. Remember to bring a sheet and sleeping bag!
Participation in the kickoff is free, including food and accomodation. We appreciate a small donation for the food if you can afford it, but mostly we are just thrilled that you are willing to spend your weekend planning BornHack.
Bar Leftovers
We are bringing some leftover stuff from the bar, some which expires before BornHack 2019, so we need to get rid of it. Mostly mate, cocio, vodka, akvavit, sevablødda, and other liquid goodies. Card payment or bank transfer is possible. The vodka and akvavit are with the BornHack custom labels from 2018. Prices will be low!
Final Words
We are very excited about the kickoff and we hope to see many people there. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask us through the usual methods :)
See you!
BornHack 2019 Tickets for Sale
Tuesday, Feb 12th, 2019, 16:38 (CET)
We are happy to announce that it is now possible to buy your ticket for BornHack 2019 in the shop! This will be the fourth BornHack, for the first time at our new venue Hylkedam on Funen.
We have kept the prices at the same level as the previous years. Divide by 7.5 to get an approximate price in EUR.
- A regular full week Adult Ticket is 1200,- DKK.
- Child Tickets are available for 450,- DKK.
- Student Tickets are 900,- DKK
- Budget Ticket for 600,- DKK for hackers with tight budgets.
We also have more expensive tickets available (and remember Bitcoin payment is possible! :)) for hackers who are able to pay a bit more.
- The Hacker Ticket is 1337,- DKK
- Supporter Ticket is 1800,- DKK.
Finally we have Corporate Tickets available for 2500,- or 5000,- DKK if you have an employer paying the ticket.
We have the usual payment options available. We prefer Bank Transfer (but please remember to pay the fees in your end!) or Blockchain payments. You can even pay cash if you happen to find yourself near an organiser. Finally we do accept Credit Cards, but we ask that you consider using the other options first.
Go get your tickets in the webshop now!
BornHack 2019: Call for Participation is open
Tuesday, Jan 22nd, 2019, 14:39 (CET)
The BornHack 2019 Call for Participation is open now!
We are looking for talented, humorous, inspiring, and/or provocative speakers to host talks, lightning talks, and workshops at BornHack. We welcome first time speakers!
We are very open to different topics. We expect that the majority of the presentations at BornHack will be on security, networking, programming, distributed systems, privacy, community, and how technologies relate to society.
Read the BornHack 2019 CfP and submit a proposal! The deadline for submission is the 1st of June, 2019.
Please note that BornHack 2019 is taking place on the island of Funen instead of Bornholm.
BornHack 2019 Kickoff March 9th
Tuesday, Jan 15th, 2019, 07:18 (CET)
The BornHack organisers would like to invite all volunteers to join us at the BornHack 2019 kickoff Saturday, March 9th, at the new venue Hylkedam.
The address is Hylkedamvej 54, 5591 Gelsted. Let us know if you need a pickup at Gelsted train station.
- At 14:00 we begin with a grand tour of the venue, followed by a few hours of talking about the teams and plans for 2019.
- At 18:00 the formal part of the program is over, but you are welcome to stay longer.
- At 19:00 you can treat yourself to a dinner (prepared by the organisers!).
The rest of the evening can be spent talking more about BornHack while enjoying a popup instance of #wip_bar. If you wish to spend the night you just need to bring a sleeping bag. The place has plenty of beds to choose from. After breakfeast sunday we pack up and leave the venue.
We hope that many of our great volunteers want to join us to make 2019 the greatest BornHack yet!
New Venue for BornHack 2019
Sunday, Jan 13th, 2019, 17:12 (CET)
BornHack is moving to a new venue!
We are moving BornHack to a more central location in Denmark, on the west side of Funen. The new venue is called Hylkedam. The address is Hylkedamvej 54, 5591 Gelsted – which is on Funen.
Why Move
We love Bornholm, but transporting people and stuff to and from the island is expensive. Ferry tickets can be hard to get, especially with trailers or large vehicles. These concerns obviously apply to participants too – availability and convenience means a lot when people are planning participation in events.
The secluded location also means that some things are much more expensive than in the rest of the country – such as tent rental. We had to rent tents elsewhere and transport them to Bornholm, because it was cheaper, even with the transport.
Jarlsgård is not ideally suited for camping – the open areas are not very flat, and the flat areas are covered by forest. This makes it difficult to find a suitable site for a large village.
Neighbours are very close to Jarlsgård on both sides. Noise complaints are hard to avoid. The Jarlsgård venue is small enough that we found it difficult to place the Bar and Noisy Areas far enough from the Quiet Area to avoid conflicts.
The New Venue
Hylkedam is similar to Jarlsgård (the previous venue) in a number of ways. Hylkedam is owned by The Danish Scouts and is primarily used by scouts – just like Jarlsgård.
Hylkedam has a bunch of other advantages over Jarlsgård though, apart from just the location on the map.
Hylkedam is almost four times larger than Jarlsgård – 189.000m² vs 50.000m². Part of the venue is forest and all of it is lovely and protected nature – just like on Jarlsgård.
Hylkedam is more suitable for camping: It is made up of large, flat grass areas naturally separated by bits of forest. This layout is ideal for separating the various areas of BornHack, such as the Family Area, Caravan Area, Quiet Area, Noisy Area and so on. The venue is mostly surrounded by forest – the neighbours are far away (except for one area). The ground is sandy like on Bornholm, thus water will sink fast in case of heavy rain.
Hylkedam is much more conveniently situated in relation to public transportation. Only 3.5km to walk from the train station in Gelsted means our Shuttle Bus Team will have much shorter trips to make. Grocery shopping is available in the same town, and it has a hardware store and other neccesities as well.
Ticks on Funen have a significantly lower chance of carrying Lyme disease. The first three years of BornHack at Bornholm all had cases of Lyme disease – some more serious than others.
Hylkedam is further from the ocean than Jarlsgård was – but the nearest water is still pretty close.
What About the Name?
BornHack will keep the name. Bornholm will always be part of our history. The friendships and relationships we've built with people, suppliers, and sponsors there will last forever. But realistically many of the local suppliers of food, drinks and services we've been using will have to be replaced with new suppliers, which are local to the new venue.
BornHack Meetup at 35c3
Wednesday, Dec 26th, 2018, 13:11 (CET)
A bunch of BornHack organisers are present at 35c3.
We don't have a BornHack assembly, but we are organising a meetup on Friday the 28th at 22:00 CET. The location is the Discodrama near the rocket.
We know that many BornHack participants are present at Congress, and we look forward to seeing everyone again :)
If you've never been to BornHack the meetup is an excellent opportunity to ask questions and have a drink with us.
We have a free BornHack 2018 Badge for the first 20 people who shows up. We might also have some Gammel Dansk and Snaps.
See you there! :)
Merchandise Batch 2 For Sale
Sunday, Dec 16th, 2018, 19:45 (CET)
As promised we are selling a second batch of the BornHack 2018 merchandise. This is the same gear we sold during BornHack 2018. We have tshirts (slim and regular) as well as hoodies and hooded cardigans. The merchandise is available in the shop until January 13th 2019 and will be shipped in February. Note that shipping is not included in the prices. Please remember to add shipping to your order – alternatively you can arrange pickup in person with one of our organisers.
Secret Token Game Over
Wednesday, Aug 22nd, 2018, 18:59 (CEST)
The BornHack 2018 Secret Token Game is over.
15 secret tokens were hidden either on the BornHack website, or physically at the venue, and other places. 13 participants managed to find all 15. A big congratulations to the clever winners, you know who you are, and you can pick up your prices at the InfoDesk.
The Secret Token Game will be back next year!
Secret Token Game Almost Over
Wednesday, Aug 22nd, 2018, 13:44 (CEST)
Today at the Goodbye World talk we will announce the winners of the Secret Token Game. We will count the winners at 16:30 so now is the last chance to find any tokens you are missing!
Happy hunting!
Fire Ban Lifted
Monday, Aug 20th, 2018, 16:43 (CEST)
We are happy to report that the fire ban has been lifted for Bornholm. For BornHack this means the following, effective immediately:
- Smoking is permitted outside the smoking areas (but please do not throw cigarette buds in nature!)
- The gas and coal barbequeus can be used without restrictions, and without supervision. We will remove the gas bottles between midnight and 12:00 though. We have some coal for sale in the infodesk, or it can be bought at the supermarket.
- The bonfire location in the north end of the family area can be used.
Lifting the fire ban does not mean that there is suddently no risk associated with these activities. Please use common sense, do not create dangerous situations for yourself or others.
Give us your feedback!
Monday, Aug 20th, 2018, 15:37 (CEST)
It is now possible to submit feedback via the BornHack website! All feedback is highly appreciated, and no thing is too small. We want to make BornHack the best it can be, and we can only do that with your help!
Token hunters might be specially interested in submitting feedback.
Go write your feedback now: https://bornhack.dk/bornhack-2018/feedback/
Update on the Secret Token Game
Sunday, Aug 19th, 2018, 16:00 (CEST)
Some say a token for the Secret Token Game can be found somewhere inside this image
We've also hidden two tokens somewhere on the website.
The DECT Network at BornHack
Saturday, Aug 18th, 2018, 20:18 (CEST)
We are happy to announce that this years BornHack features an experimental DECT network, courtesy of Klondike. If you have a DECT phone you can pick a 4 digit extension and asking klondike in the big blue tent near the speaker's tent to register it for you.
Phone numbers of interest include:
- Dial 4636 (INFO) to reach the Infodesk
- Dial 227 (BAR) to reach the Bar
- Dial 112 to reach CERT (not yet operational)
Numbers starting with 1 and 0 are reserved.
A big thank you to klondike for working on the DECT network. We absolutely love to see participants creating new things at BornHack. If you have something you would like to build or create to make BornHack better don't hesitate to contact an organiser!
The BornHack Secret Token Game is Live!
Saturday, Aug 18th, 2018, 17:02 (CEST)
The BornHack 2018 Secret Token Game has begun!
We have hidden a number of tokens at BornHack. They may be on the website or on physical items. They may be in the clear or they can be obfuscated or encoded.
The tokens are 31 or 32 bytes long and conform to this regular expression
If you think you found a token you have to visit the BornHack website under /token/ to see if it is valid. For example, if you found the string o7cqfeB4Zr2Kyvup087JcgVsFZrWK3Nz you would visit https://bornhack.dk/token/o7cqfeB4Zr2Kyvup087JcgVsFZrWK3Nz/ while logged in to register your find. If the token is wrong you will receive a 404 page.
You can go to https://bornhack.dk/token/ to see a list of the tokens you've already found.
Please don't bruteforce the tokens, it would take forever, and creates an unhealthy load on our servers.
Anyone who finds all the tokens will win a price. At the Goodbye World talk wednesday we will announce the winners.
Happy hunting!
Share your ride to or from BornHack
Friday, Aug 10th, 2018, 21:20 (CEST)
We have recently just deployed new functionality to the BornHack website where participants attending BornHack in a car can share a seat with other participants.
So if you have a spare seat go ahead and share it with other BornHack participants on https://bornhack.dk/bornhack-2018/rideshare/ (login required).
Hacker Jeopardy Questions Needed
Thursday, Aug 9th, 2018, 22:06 (CEST)
The popular Hacker Jeopardy will return at BornHack 2018. We need help with the questions though, so if you have an idea for one or more categories please send it to info@bornhack.org with subject "hacker jeopardy". A category should consist of exactly 5 answers and questions. See this round from 2016 for examples of what we are looking for.
If you submit questions you will not be able to take part in the Hacker Jeopardy on the day or days where your categories are used.
Last Chance for Prosa Bus Tickets Today
Thursday, Aug 9th, 2018, 12:05 (CEST)
The sale of tickets for the Prosa bus from Aalborg, Århus and Odense ends tonight.
The ticket sale with pickup in Copenhagen will continue right until departure.
Pickup Times and Locations for the Prosa Bus
Friday, Aug 3rd, 2018, 21:21 (CEST)
The following lists show the pickup and dropoff times for the Prosa bus. All times are CEST (UTC+02).
The outward journey is on the 15th of August, the day before BornHack begins. The bus has the following departure times:
- 14:00 - Aalborg: Busterminalen, Area B, John F. Kennedy Plads, 9000 Aalborg
- 16:00 - Århus: PROSAs kontor, Søren Frichs Vej 38K, 8230 Åbyhøj
- 17.45 - Odense: buslommen, Sivmosevænget 2, 5260 Odense
- 20:00 - København: PROSAs kontor, Vester Farimagsgade 37A, 1606 København V.
- 00:30 - Arrival at BornHack \o/
The return journey is on the 23rd of August, a couple of hours after BornHack is over. It has the following arrival times:
- 15:00 - Departure from BornHack
- 19:30 - København: PROSAs kontor, Vester Farimagsgade 37A, 1606 København V.
- 21:45 - Odense: buslommen, Sivmosevænget 2, 5260 Odense
- 23:30 - Århus: PROSAs kontor, Søren Frichs Vej 38K, 8230 Åbyhøj
- 01:00 - Aalborg: Busterminalen, Area B, John F. Kennedy Plads, 9000 Aalborg
Please bring your order number so we can verify your Prosa bus ticket.
Enjoy your trip!
Merchandise deadline moved
Thursday, Aug 2nd, 2018, 11:16 (CEST)
We've gotten a few "I missed the deadline for buying merchandise, can we do something?"-requests, so we decided to move the deadline to tomorrow
The exact deadline is now: 2018-08-03T23:30:00+02:00
Last call for buying 2018 merchandise
Monday, Jul 30th, 2018, 10:45 (CEST)
Due to production time last chance to order merchandise is tomorrow the 31st of July at 23:00:00 UTC+2.
Therefore if you want to be sporting some cool BornHack 2018 swag, be it t-shirt, hoodie or the more survivalist hooded cardigan, go place an order as soon as possible!
Ferry Tickets Close to Sold Out
Monday, Jul 30th, 2018, 09:21 (CEST)
BornHack takes place on an island, and this years BornHack coincides with a music festival called Wonderfestiwall and a few other minor events which take place on the same dates.
This means that the ferries are very popular around the dates when we expect people to travel to and from Bornholm for BornHack 2018.
The ferry tickets are not sold out yet, but they will be soon. If you are traveling with a car by ferry from either Køge or Ystad and you still haven't bought your ferry ticket, now is the time.
Sponsors Needed
Friday, Jul 20th, 2018, 08:40 (CEST)
We are still looking for sponsors for BornHack 2018. Our call for sponsors can be found on the sponsors page along with the existing sponsors. If you know of an organisation which might be interested please point them to that page.
Firefighting Equipment Added to the Shop
Thursday, Jul 12th, 2018, 22:26 (CEST)
Tents larger than 50m2 and tents with elevated fire risk like soldering irons or cooking equipment are required by fire regulations to have firefighing equipment. Specifically:
- A water extinguisher (for most fires apart from electical)
- A co2 extinguisher (for fire in electrical equipment)
- A sign to mark the location
You can bring your own set or rent one from the shop.
Fridges Added to the Shop
Tuesday, Jul 10th, 2018, 08:45 (CEST)
To help participants keep groceries chilled until they are needed we have fridges available. You can rent a shelf for 200,- DKK for the entire week, or a smaller drawer for 100,- DKK for the week. The prices are higher than last year because we unfortunately have no fridge sponsor this year.
The fridges look like this and can be ordered in the shop.
Renting all the space in a fridge (6 shelves + 1 drawer) enables you to move the fridge to your camp instead of keeping it in the food area. Remember the fridges are rented so we have to cover any damages.
Note: Does not come with bowls of toast bread or glasses of juice like in the picture.
You are also welcome to bring your own fridges or coolers!
BornHack First Aid Course
Wednesday, Jun 20th, 2018, 20:13 (CEST)
During BornHack we want to have as many trained First Aid givers present as possible. To that end we are happy to announce a free First Aid course for up to 16 BornHack volunteers and participants.
The course takes place on the 14th of July. We begin at noon (12:00 CEST) so please arrive a bit before that time. The course takes 6-8 hours including breaks, four hours for the basic First Aid course, and some additional time for learning about treatment of festival related injuries (like intoxication).
The address is:
inQvation ApS, Erik Husfeldts Vej 7, 2630 Taastrup, Denmark
After completing the course all participants will receive an official Danish First Aid certificate, paid for by BornHack.
Drinks and light snacks will be served during the day, but we expect people to have eaten lunch when they arrive. Expect some activites on the floor, so dress accordingly.
To participate please signup on this Doodle. Maximum 16 participants.
Return of the Simon
Thursday, Jun 7th, 2018, 22:16 (CEST)
In food related news we are very excited to report that our popular food vendor Simon (who you might know from 2016 & 2017) will return to BornHack this year. His menu card will be updated with new items again this year, stay tuned for details as we get closer to the event.
PROSA Bus Trip
Tuesday, Jun 5th, 2018, 09:24 (CEST)
We are very pleased confirm PROSA, the Danish Association of IT Professionals as Platinum sponsors again this year!
Like the previous years PROSA is funding a cheap (and usually very popular) hackers bus trip.
Apart from being cheap and convenient, the PROSA bus trip is a great way to spend some time with fellow BornHack participants.
See the shop for more info.
Call For Participation Open
Monday, Jun 4th, 2018, 08:24 (CEST)
The BornHack 2018 Call for Participation is now open!
We are looking for talented, humorous, inspiring, and/or provocative speakers to host talks, lightning talks, and workshops at BornHack.
We are very open to different topics. We expect that the majority of the presentations at BornHack will be on security, networking, programming, distributed systems, privacy, and how these technologies relate to society.
Cabins now available from the shop
Sunday, Jun 3rd, 2018, 15:50 (CEST)
We've added cabins in the webshop.
Same prices as last year: 150,- DKK per bed per night, 1000,- DKK for the full week.
More info at the shop





BornHack 2018 Design Contest
Sunday, Mar 4th, 2018, 17:19 (CET)
The creative elements of BornHack 2016 and 2017 such as taglines, color profiles, logos, and merchandise design came from the organiser group. For BornHack 2018 we would like to host a Design Contest for the BornHack community.
We are looking for participant submissions for the following design categories:
- Tagline for BornHack 2018. In 2016 the tagline was "Initial commit" and for 2017 it was "Make tradition". It should be short, catchy, and ideally reflect on some of the values that you identify with BornHack.
- Logo designs for BornHack 2018 (flavours, variations or remixes of the existing logos)
- Merchandise designs for t-shirts and hoodies for BornHack 2018.
You can see older designs and assets https://github.com/bornhack/assets.
The designs should work in a monotone color setting where only two colors are available. We have picked green #008026 (CMYK: 1.00, 0.00, 0.70, 0.50) as the color of choice for BornHack 2018. This color will be used for various components on the website as well as the festival wristbands, and could be used in design submissions.
Submission Information
The submissions must be licensed under a Creative Commons license and cannot be a non-commercial license, as the merchandise shop should be able to sell products with the designs on. We might reach out to ask permission to remix your submission in ways that we find appealing.The submissions should be send to info@bornhack.dk with the subject "Design Contest 2018" no later than the 20th of April, 2018. The winners will be announced no later than the 1st of May.
The winner(s) will have their name on the BornHack website for eternal glory and bragging rights.
BornHack 2018 Tickets for Sale
Sunday, Jan 7th, 2018, 19:06 (CET)
We are happy to announce that it is now possible to buy your ticket for this years BornHack in the shop!
We have kept the prices at the same level as the previous two years. A regular full week adult ticket is 1200,- DKK. Childrens tickets are available for 450,- DKK. Student tickets are 900,- DKK and we have introduced a new Budget Ticket for 600,- DKK for hackers with tight budgets.
We also have more expensive tickets available (and remember Bitcoin payment is possible! :)) for hackers who are able to pay a bit more. The Hacker Ticket is 1337,- DKK and the Supporter Ticket is 1800,- DKK.
Finally we have Corporate Tickets available for 2500,- or 5000,- DKK if you have an employer paying the ticket.
We have the usual payment options available. We prefer Bank Transfer (but please remember to pay the fees in your end!) or Blockchain payments. You can even pay cash if you happen to find yourself near an organiser. Finally we do accept Credit Cards, but we ask that you consider using the other options first. Credit Cards are expensive and difficult for us to handle. Please only use them as a last resort.
Go get your tickets in the webshop now!
Merchandise Batch 2 and Badges For Sale
Tuesday, Nov 21st, 2017, 19:50 (CET)
As promised we are selling a second batch of the BornHack 2017 merchandise. This is the same gear we sold during BornHack 2017. We have tshirts (slim and regular) as well as thick, high-quality hoodies. We also have water drinking bottles. The merchandise is available in the shop now!
We are also selling the leftover BornHack 2017 badges - around 70 of them. This is your chance to own a badge if you didn't participate in BornHack 2017. If you did, this is your chance to get another badge!
The badges have already been paid and produced. They are just waiting to be used, they are also available in the shop now.
Please remember to add shipping to your order - alternatively you can arrange pickup in person with one of our organisers. We will be at 34c3.
BornHack 2018 Kickoff & Reunion Party
Monday, Oct 2nd, 2017, 19:32 (CEST)
If you want to help make the next BornHack the best yet then you should join the organisers for the BornHack 2018 kickoff in Copenhagen on November 25th 2017 from 12:00 to 17:00. Please make sure you've eaten lunch when you arrive, we have a lot to get through.
We will spend the day discussing how to improve and grow BornHack. The teams for BornHack 2018 have already been defined, and part of the job on 25th will be to define and describe the tasks each team has to solve before and during the event.
Please fill in this Doodle if you intend to participate in the kickoff so we have some idea of how many people to expect.
This is a great chance to influence the team(s) you intend to help out on, so we hope to see a lot of people there!
The address for the kickoff is:
ProsaVester Farimagsgade 37A
1606 København V
Later in the evening we would like to invite everyone to join the annual BornHack Reunion Party. The party is at Farfars Bodega from 19:00 on Saturday, November 25th, 2017. We have reserved a floor for BornHack with a bar and both non-smoking and smoking areas. The party is open for everyone in the community, not just people who took part in the 2018 kickoff.
The address for the Reunion Party is:
Farfars BodegaSkindergade 20
1159 København K
We are looking forward to seeing everyone again!
The BornHack 2017 Badge
Monday, Aug 14th, 2017, 11:28 (CEST)
All participants at BornHack 2017 will receive an electronic name badge. Our Badge Team has been working hard on the badge for this years BornHack. To help everyone prepare for software and hardware hacking of the badge we are releasing a few details.
The hardware is based on a 32 bit ARM Cortex M0+ from SiLabs, specifically the Happy Gecko with built in USB, and a 128x64 pixel OLED display, in addition to a bunch of extra GPIOs for expansions.
To build software for the badge you can use the arm-none-eabi-gcc toolchain, on pretty much all operating systems - see the badge2017 repository on github for more details.
Stay tuned for more updates, board layout and example code.
Unable to afford a ticket?
Wednesday, Aug 2nd, 2017, 00:32 (CEST)
If you want to go to BornHack, but you are unable to go because you can't afford a ticket, please contact us. We will work something out.
We would hate to see anyone miss this event because they can't afford a ticket. BornHack is about hackers getting together to share knowledge, grow friendships, and build things. We want to do ours to make sure money doesn't get in the way of that.
Please get in touch! Write to info@bornhack.org.
One Day Children Tickets for Sale
Tuesday, Jul 18th, 2017, 13:19 (CEST)
By popular demand we have added one day tickets for children aged 5-15 years old to the shop. Up-and-coming hackers are very welcome at BornHack, as long as they are accompanied by a parent or guardian aged 18 or over.
Size Guide for T-shirts and Hoodies
Tuesday, Jul 18th, 2017, 09:38 (CEST)
If you need help finding the right size when ordering clothes for BornHack 2017 this guide from the company that makes the clothes might be helpful:
Merchandise must be ordered no later than August 11th 2017. We will not be doing a second batch of merchandise this year, so make sure to place your order in time!
BornHack 2017: Call for Speakers
Wednesday, May 3rd, 2017, 06:00 (CEST)
BornHack 2017 is a 7 day outdoor tent camping festival for hackers, makers, and anyone interested in technology and society, and how the two interact. BornHack 2017 will take place from the 22nd to the 29th of August 2017 on the island of Bornholm in Denmark. This will be the second time BornHack takes place and it is time to make tradition.
We are looking for talented, humorous, inspiring, and/or provocative speakers to host talks, lightning talks, and workshops at BornHack.
We are very open to different topics. We expect that the majority of the presentations at BornHack will be on security, networking, programming, distributed systems, privacy, and how these technologies relate to society.
BornHack is trying to be an inclusive event so please make sure you have read and understood our Code of Conduct.
Regular Talk
Regular talks are 45 minutes of presentation, 10 minutes of questions from the audience followed by 5 minutes of preparation for setting up the next speaker.
Please bring your own laptop with your presentation on; it should have an ordinary HDMI output and we will provide the cable to the projector. We do not guarantee that audio will work, even if your laptop supports it - please reach out to us early if this is a requirement.
We will provide you with a one-day entrance ticket free of charge, but due to our limited funds, you'll have to pay for transportation to and from the event yourself. We also encourage you to participate for the entire week, but then you need to buy a full event ticket.
Lightning Talk
Lightning talks are 10 minutes of presentation. A provided laptop will be connected to the projector at the location of the presentations. Please make sure you have your slides submitted to the content team no later than 24 hours before the lightning talk session begins.
A lightning talk is an excellent opportunity for inexperienced speakers to share an interesting idea, presentation, or maybe just a small story.
You MUST buy yourself an entrance ticket to host a lightning talk; we are unable to offer free tickets for everyone giving a lightning talk.
We have two workshop areas that will be able to host workshops for approximately 20 people per room. Workshops can be up to 3 hours per slot and can be extended for daily workshops.
If you are camping with a village, or there is a village related to your workshop, you are of course also welcome to host sessions there.
You MUST buy yourself an entrance ticket to host a workshop; we are unable to offer free tickets for everyone hosting a workshop.
Submitting Content
Please submit talks, lightning talks, and workshops for BornHack 2017 as early as possible. You can submit content via our website:
- Create an account on our website.
- Visit our proposal site.
- Propose a new speaker.
- Propose a new event.
We will review incoming proposals and notify you as early as possible on whether the proposal was accepted. Proposals submitted before 1st of July will be notified by us no later than the 16th of July. Late submissions are welcome, but we might be running low on available slots at that time.
If you want to hold any kind of session or event within BornHack, that does not seem to fit into above formats, please contact us via content@bornhack.dk We are very happy to give a platform to a wide variety of events.
Contact Information
The BornHack content team can be reached at content@bornhack.dk - for general questions regarding the event please reach out to the info team at info@bornhack.dk
We are reachable via IRC in #BornHack
on irc.baconsvin.org
(6nbtgccn5nbcodn3.onion) on port 6697 with TLS.
For more information, news, and other event updates, please have a look at our website or follow us on Twitter at @BornHax
BornHack 2017 Tickets For Sale
Sunday, Apr 9th, 2017, 19:17 (CEST)
The tickets for BornHack 2017 are now available in the shop!
The ticket options and prices are the same as last year. A standard ticket is 1200,- DKK and a student ticket is 900,- DKK. Kids between 5 and 15 are 450,- DKK for the week, kids younger than 5 do not need a ticket.
We have a hacker ticket for 1337,- DKK and a supporter ticket for 1800,- DKK. If your employer is paying you might also consider going for one of the corporate tickets for 2500,- DKK or 5000,- DKK.
If you are unable to attend the whole week we have one day tickets available for 300,- DKK.
You can pay using a bank transfer or credit card or a selection of crypto currencies:
If you find yourself near an organiser you can even pay in cash.
Please note: Credit cards are expensive for us to handle. Please only use credit card as a last resort. Thank you!
Team Signups Open
Saturday, Apr 8th, 2017, 12:27 (CEST)
If you want to help make the next BornHack great then you should consider joining a volunteer team to help out.
We need help with more or less everything at this point. If you just want to help with practical jobs (carrying stuff around and things like that), then great.
If you have a drivers license, or a first aid/truck/whatever certificate, or if you're a qualified electrician, carpenter or plumber, we would love to hear about that too :)
Each team has one or two responsible people to take care of coordination and reporting to the organisers. They are the people to contact with any questions you may have before joining a team.
At BornHack 2017 all organisers and volunteers buy full tickets like everyone else. In the future our budget may allow for discounts or free tickets for volunteers, but not this year.
Finally: If you've never volunteered at an event like this before you should really consider it. It is a great way of meeting new people, and it feels good to be a part of creating a great event like BornHack.
What are you waiting for? Go join a team!
New Website Online
Sunday, Feb 19th, 2017, 22:49 (CET)
We have been working on a big update of our website for a while, and it is finally ready to see the light of day!
The primary change is a new URL structure to allow us to keep permanent URLs for everything going forward. This does mean we've had to change the URLs for the BornHack 2016 content, sorry about that.
All the old BornHack 2016 content is available at https://bornhack.dk/bornhack-2016/ and BornHack 2017 stuff is starting to show up at /bornhack-2017/.
If you spot any issues with the website please let us know - ideally by opening a Github issue, but a heads up on IRC is fine too.
T-shirts and hoodies for sale!
Thursday, Nov 10th, 2016, 00:05 (CET)
We finally have t-shirts and hoodies available the shop again. The t-shirts are identical to the ones you could buy just before the event. The hoodies are identical to the ones worn by the organisers (except without the text "Organizer" on the back).
The prices of this new batch of merchandise include shipping (domestic or foreign). A whole bunch of legal stuff prevents us from accepting credit card payments for items being shipped, so please pay with bank transfer, bitcoin, or in cash to an organiser (if you happen to find yourself near one).
Note: This batch of merchandise will only be for sale the rest of November so get your orders in before December begins. Orders will be produced and shipped out during December.
Remember to put your shipping address in the comments field in the order!
BornHack 2017 Organiser and Volunteer Kickoff
Tuesday, Oct 18th, 2016, 20:47 (CEST)
BornHack 2016 (The Initial Commit) was a success thanks to volunteers helping out to make everything work. We want to build on this and encourage even more volunteers to help out with BornHack 2017.
This is an official invitation to anyone interested in becoming volunteers for BornHack 2017 to join the BornHack 2017 Organiser and Volunteer Kickoff on Saturday, November 12th at Prosa.
The agenda for the day:
- We begin at 13:00 by presenting the teams and structure proposed by the organisers.
- At around 14:00 the volunteers will sign up for the team(s) they wish to join. Some teams only exist before, during, or after the event, so it can make sense to be on more than one team.
- The rest of the day will be spent discussing the tasks that need to be done in each team.
- We expect to order a bunch of pizzas at 18:00.
- After eating we hope everyone will join us for the BornHack 2016 reunion party
We hope to see many people interested in influencing the next BornHack and we can't wait to work with all of you. Please sign up using this Doodle if you are coming.
The kickoff happens at Prosa, Vester Farimagsgade 37A, 1606 København V. Call the BornHack phone +4531550497 if the door is closed.
BornHack 2016 Reunion Party
Tuesday, Oct 18th, 2016, 20:43 (CEST)
We would like to invite friends, volunteers, sponsors, speakers, keynotes, and their friends to join us for the first BornHack reunion party.
The event will take place at Farfar Bodega in the inner city of Copenhagen on the 12'th of November 2016 from 20 o'clock until the last hacker leaves the venue in the early morning. We hope to make the reunion a yearly recurring event - just like BornHack itself.
Please sign up to the reunion party using our Doodle.
You do not have to participate in the BornHack 2017 kick-off session to participate in the reunion - everyone is welcome :-)
Beverages is on your own - the bar accepts Dankort, VISA, and mastercard as well as cash.
The BornHack 2016 reunion will take place at:
Farfar Bodega & Dans
Skindergade 20,
1159 København K
The 12th of November, 2016 from 20 o'clock to the venue closes.
Badge Contest Winner Found
Friday, Sep 23rd, 2016, 07:55 (CEST)
We found a winner of the BornHack 2016 badge hacking contest! Even though we only had one entry we still think it is an awesome badge well worthy of winning the price.
The badge hacking contest was an attempt to entice participants to document and share their badge modifications. The only way to participate was by submitting a pull request to the Github badge contest page. This means that you can now go see pictures and all the components used to make the winning badge there.
Congratulations to the winner! He won tickets to Copenhagen Maker this weekend, an exciting new maker festival.
Even though the contest is over we would still really appreciate pull requests if you've done something cool with your badge. Just add them at the bottom of the page!
Shuttle bus Rønne/Airport transportation
Thursday, Sep 1st, 2016, 14:00 (CEST)
If you need to arrange shuttlebus transportation to/from Rønne Harbour or the airport you need to speak with Jesper (Kaptajn) on kaptajn@isp4u.dk in order to coordinate with similar arrivals/depature.
Transportation needs to be arranged before 20:00 the day before.
Order bakery for each morning
Monday, Aug 29th, 2016, 16:49 (CEST)
Check the selection of products at http://kringlexpressen.dk/bager/asa-bageren. Orders can be placed at the infodesk before 19:30 and arrive the next morning at around 8:00.
Payment is up front, see the website for prices.
Morning bread delivery
Sunday, Aug 28th, 2016, 15:01 (CEST)
We are currently sorting out the details regarding bread delivery throughout the week. Until we get everything settled Ronni rel@bornhack.org will drive into the baker at approximately 7:30. If you need cheese, bread etc. please grab a hold of him and order in advance.
Coffee Hubs and payment
Sunday, Aug 28th, 2016, 14:53 (CEST)
We've finally had enough coffee ourselves to sort out the coffee situation. There will be coffee hubs at the bar and at the infodesk. We will try to fill them up whenever they're empty. If you find one empty of coffee please contact an organiser and we'll arrange a fill-up ASAP.
Prices are 5 DKK per cup, please pay at the infodesk or bar. Please remember to pay as it goes directly to our expenses. We are working on getting plastic mugs, please re-use and recycle them when they get there. In the meantime please use thermo cups or use the ones that are let out at the stations.
Happy coffee drinking!
Kiosk Information/Location Update
Sunday, Aug 28th, 2016, 14:26 (CEST)
Items announced to be sold in the kiosk will from now on be sold from the bar whenever the bar is open. If you wish for specific kiosk items please contact Ronni rel@bornhack.org and we will see what we can do.
Shuttle bus
Sunday, Aug 28th, 2016, 14:17 (CEST)
To ease coordination and transportation the shuttle bus will from Monday leave at regular hours. For now there will two trips daily to Åkirkeby at 10:00 and 16:00.
If you want to organise trips at other times please arrange with one of the shuttle bus drivers
- Peter
- Kaptajnen
- Jette
- Tobias
We will evaluate if more regular trips are needed as fast as possible.
Happy f00d hacking!
Last call for tickets for the PROSA bus
Wednesday, Aug 24th, 2016, 10:55 (CEST)
Today is the last day to get a seat on the PROSA bus. Only 125kr from Copenhagen to BornHack and back again.
Buy your ticket BEFORE 18:00 UTC +2 today. After that purchase will not be possible.
You can buy a ticket from the shop here!
The bus has the following schedule:
- Departure from PROSA, Vester Farimagsgade 37A, 1606 KBH V.: 27th of August at 10 o'clock local time
- Arrival at BornHack: around 15 o'clock
- Departure from BornHack: 3rd of September at 17 o'clock local time
- Arrival at PROSA: around 22 o'clock
Everyone who has bought a ticket for the bus will recieve a mail with more info later to night.
Fridge Rental and Placement
Thursday, Aug 18th, 2016, 08:06 (CEST)
As a service to camps/villages that have rented an entire fridge (6 shelves plus a drawer; 650,- DKK), we can place the fridge locally in your camp/village instead of with the rest of the fridges in the food area.
Note well: The fridges are rented (and brand new!), so you need to take good care of them. If we place the fridge in your camp/village the responsibility falls on you to keep the fridges undamaged (or pay for any damages).
T-shirts are now available from the shop
Wednesday, Aug 17th, 2016, 20:49 (CEST)
You can now buy BornHack t-shirts from the shop on the website. Please note that you have to order them no later than Sunday the 21st of August. We are sorry for the short notice about this.
The t-shirts are available in size S to 6XL.
The t-shirts will be handed out from the infodesk. There will not be any t-shirt sales at the event itself.
Size Table:
Size | S | M | L | XL | XXL | 3XL | 4XL | 5XL | 6XL |
Chest width (cm) | 50 | 53 | 56 | 59 | 63 | 67 | 71 | 75 | 79 |
Pro-tip: Measurements are chest widths. To get the right measurement, take the chest circumference and divide it by two.
Lightning Talks at BornHack
Tuesday, Aug 16th, 2016, 20:41 (CEST)
Today we are happy to announce that lightning talks at BornHack will take place on Friday the 2nd of September from 12:00 to 14:00. You can see the schedule entry here.
We currently only have two lightning talks online, but be sure to keep yourself updated on the schedule.
If you are interested in giving a lightning talk, please send an email to speakers@bornhack.dk with a title, a short description of the lightning talk, and a short biography of you.
You are welcome to reach out to us during BornHack if you want to give a lightning talk on one of your BornHack projects. You can submit talks up until Friday the 2nd of September at 11:00.
Borrowing Bicycles
Tuesday, Aug 16th, 2016, 12:17 (CEST)
BornHack takes place on a uniquely beautiful island. It would be a shame to spend a week there and only see the BornHack venue!
We have ten bicycles (including lights, a lock and a helmet) available that are free to borrow for BornHack participants. The bicycles are equipped with large baskets, so they can be used for both sightseeing and shopping.
They can be booked free of charge at the infodesk.
Ticket Contest
Monday, Aug 15th, 2016, 20:40 (CEST)
We are hereby announcing a ticket contest in which we are giving away three (3) standard tickets (normal price: 1200,- per ticket) for BornHack 2016.
To take part in the contest all you have to do is send us an email describing your interests/projects, and why you want to go to BornHack. The lucky winners will be notified directly on friday the 19th of august.
Please send your replies to info@bornhack.org to take part in the contest!
Announcing the BornHack 2016 Badge
Sunday, Aug 14th, 2016, 21:29 (CEST)
We are excited to announce that all participants at BornHack 2016 will receive an electronic name badge. From the get-go the badge is a Joule Thief circuit powering an LED to light up the name of the owner.
You can see a picture of the kit here and an assembled badge here. We also caught a picture of an assembled badge by night, and we have a rendering of the lanyards that come with the name badges.
The badge is designed with a large prototyping area (both hole-through and surface-mount) which you can use to modify the badge. At the end of the week the three best badge hacks will win prices and fame. Read more about the badge at our info page and on Github.
We owe a big thank you to Thomas Flummer from Danish makerspace Labitat for helping out with the design and production of the badges. You can meet Thomas at the Badge Workshop monday evening.
We also want to thank the sponsor of the badges, TykTech.
Rent a Fridge Shelf
Saturday, Aug 13th, 2016, 22:43 (CEST)
To help participants keep groceries chilled until they are needed we have fridges available. You can rent a shelf for 100,- for the entire week, or a smaller drawer for 50,- for the week. The fridges look like this and can be ordered in the shop. Note: Does not come with bowls of toast bread or glasses of juice like in the picture.
You are also welcome to bring your own fridges or coolers!
Talk: How present day banking malware works? From Spam emails to money transfer
Friday, Aug 12th, 2016, 13:01 (CEST)
Present day malware is very sophisticated and much different than a decade ago. Malware is no longer a single executable file which executes on the victim's computer and runs as a process. There are multiple stages involved from a typical malware infection to completion of its objectives. Typically, infection starts with a victim clicking on a link in a spam email. It then leads to a binary executable downloaded and executed on the victim's computer. This is however, just the tip of the iceberg, the executed binary usually downloads further binaries from internet and creates several processes, registry keys and injects into legitimate process’s memory. After a series of steps, the money is transferred from victim's bank account to a bank account controlled by criminals.
This talk will explain the events from spam email to money transfer step by step to help the audience understand malware and protect themselves better.
Saad Khan
Saad Khan holds a Joint master’s degree in Security and Mobile Computing from Norwegian University of Science and Technology (Norway) and University of Tartu (Estonia). He has been working as a Malware Analyst in eCrime department of CSIS in Denmark for past 2 years. He primarily reverse engineers banking malware and researches various aspects of cyber security. In his free time, he enjoys playing Clash of Clans, swimming and playing Tennis.
The Practice Lock Exchange
Friday, Aug 12th, 2016, 08:37 (CEST)
Many hackers enjoy lock picking on a hobby level, to the extent where hacker festivals often have villages dedicated to lockpicking. At the moment it doesn't look like BornHack will have a dedicated lockpick village, but we do have another initiative which can be beneficial to lock pickers.
Lock pickers often have a bunch of practice locks. Often a hacker will have picked those same practice locks many, many times. The BornHack shop will have a "practice lock exchange" where you can hand in one of your practice locks that you are tired of, and take another from the pile.
We will "bootstrap" the practice lock exchange with a few locks to get things going. Hackers should bring all the locks they have, along with their lockpicking tools of course.
Happy picking!
Village table and chair prices lowered
Thursday, Aug 11th, 2016, 17:14 (CEST)
When we lowered the prices of village tents a week ago we forgot to update the prices of tables and chairs. The shop now has chairs for 20,- or 25,- DKK instead of 75,- DKK, and tables for 60,- DKK instead of 215,- DKK. This is about the same level of price reduction we saw with the tents.
Happy village shopping!
Talk: American Fuzzy Lop and Address Sanitizer
Thursday, Aug 11th, 2016, 15:10 (CEST)
We have powerful and easy to use tools that can vastly improve the quality and security of the code we use everyday.
Code written in C and C++ is often riddled with bugs in the memory management. Out of bounds accesses, use after free errors and other issues can hamper the security and stability of applications. Unfortunately many free software developers don't use freely available tools that easily allow finding and eliminating many of these bugs. The talk will encourage developers to change that and integrate these tools into their development process.
Hanno Böck
Hanno Böck started the Fuzzing Project in 2014 as an effort to improve the security of free software code. In May the Linux Foundation's Core Infrastructure Initiative decided to fund this work. He is also working as a freelance journalist and regularly writes about IT security issues for various publications. He is the author of the monthly Bulletproof TLS Newsletter.
Talk: Running "server-less" applications in the cloud using AWS Lambda
Thursday, Aug 11th, 2016, 11:15 (CEST)
When moving workloads to the "cloud", why settle for simply running virtual machines, that might as well be running in the datacenter. Why spend time maintaining the operating system layer at all? Using AWS Lambda it is now possible to run code without caring about the underlying operating system. AWS Lambda will scale the code to run on as many machines is necessary to answer the requests. But how does it work? What tools can be used to use it effeciently? How can we build a simple web service using a bit of Python code, and some AWS magic.
Loke Dupont
Loke Dupont is currently Head of Services with Xstream and has worked with streaming video technology since 2008 for Xstream and TDC. He has worked with plenty of different video encoders, streaming servers and DRM technology.
Lately he has been focused on AWS, and how to move web applications to the "cloud" as well as building AWS native applications.
Talk: European politics: What you can do for me^H^H all of us.
Wednesday, Aug 10th, 2016, 14:52 (CEST)
There is an abundance of proposed laws, regulations, initatiatives, trade agreements, etc., that we all can see will do nothing good for our security and privacy. A lot of the technology most people use every day seems to be designed to undermine our right to privacy.
Some of this is caused by a fundamental lack of understanding of technology, some on greed, some is just evil.
We can fight this on a political level, as e.g., European Digital Rights and IT-Pol do.
But we can also oppose it from our home ground. Using techology. We already have, of course. Imagine where we would be without Free Software, PGP, TOR, Blockchains, etc.
But where do we stand today? And how do we take advantage of our hacker skills. I will give a brief overviews based mostly on current European politics. Then we will have an open discussion about the way forward.
Niels Elgaard Larsen
Niels have been teaching Computer Science at University of Copenhagen, later worked on optimization, databases, and administrative system. He now do IT consulting and training courses based on Free Software.
Niels is vice-chairman of IT-Political Association of Denmark and has been fighting for digital rights in Denmark and Europe for two decades.
Unable to afford a ticket?
Tuesday, Aug 9th, 2016, 19:17 (CEST)
If you want to go to BornHack, but you are unable to go because you can't afford a ticket, please contact us. We will work something out.
We would hate to see anyone miss this event because they can't afford a ticket. BornHack is about hackers getting together to share knowledge, grow friendships, and build things. We want to do ours to make sure money doesn't get in the way of that.
Please get in touch! Write to info@bornhack.org.
Schedule Published
Tuesday, Aug 9th, 2016, 17:17 (CEST)
We have been working hard on our schedule system and it is finally finished. Not all talks, keynotes and workshops have been scheduled yet though, so stay tuned.
You can see a list of all speakers and a list of all talks, keynotes and workshops, or go straight to the schedule.
Venue Map Published
Tuesday, Aug 9th, 2016, 00:21 (CEST)
After much drone flying and graphics work the map of the BornHack venue is finally ready for public viewing. The map can be found in the map part of the info section.
The rest of the info section has been updated with much new information about all things BornHack. Be sure to read through it so you don't miss anything important!
Talk: Designing Composable Security
Monday, Aug 8th, 2016, 11:07 (CEST)
"Lots of things are wrong with the internet, everything sucks" is a recurring theme at many tech events like this. But there is not enough focus on concrete long-term fixes. Discussions of security topics are not systematic enough, and people and companies pushing selfish agendas makes these problems worse.
In this talk we suggest better "ground-up" approaches to secure system design. Composability is the key idea here; we'll discuss both abstract principles for achieving this, as well as concrete components that "someone should make" that would compose with other future components. Thus, different teams can work together towards a common goal instead of competing for each others' users and volunteers. Any backwards-compatibility hacks may be decomposed away when no longer needed, instead of permanently polluting other parts of the ecosystem.
Ximin Luo
I'm Ximin Luo, a Debian Developer and security research engineer. I work on secure protocols and decentralized systems. I prefer to use high-level checked languages such as Rust, OCaml, or Haskell. I work for the Reproducible Builds project and have previously worked for MEGA, Tor, Google and Freenet.
I also like music, cooking, sci-fi and cats, in an order indistinguishable from a truly random sequence by a polynomial-time-bounded computational adversary.
Workshop: Hushfile.it v2
Sunday, Aug 7th, 2016, 17:57 (CEST)
Talk: Introduction to Modern Video Streaming Technology
Sunday, Aug 7th, 2016, 13:15 (CEST)
How can you stream to users on a wealth of devices using a few simple formats? How can you make sure that all users can watch your video with changing network conditions and over unstable network links? We will go through some fo the technology behind video streaming technology as used by almost all larger video streaming services today. We will also walk through how to use open source tools to achieve comparable quality to the big guys, and how to setup players across a bunch of platforms. Tools used will be ffmpeg, Bento4, Shaka Player etc.
Loke Dupont
Loke Dupont is currently Head of Services with Xstream and has worked with streaming video technology since 2008 for Xstream and TDC. He has worked with plenty of different video encoders, streaming servers and DRM technology.
Lately he has been focused on AWS, and how to move web applications to the "cloud" as well as building AWS native applications.
Shuttle Bus Service
Friday, Aug 5th, 2016, 09:59 (CEST)
We are happy to announce that BornHack will have a shuttle bus to help participants get around.
- Saturday the 27th of August: On the opening day the shuttle bus will be transporting participants from Rønne (harbor and airport and so on) to the venue.
- During the festival the shuttle bus will be transporting participants to and from grocery stores. The shuttlebus is flexible, so if you prefer a specific grocery store, just talk to the driver.
- Saturday the 3rd of September: On the last day the shuttle bus will be transporting participants from the venue and back to Rønne (harbor, airport and so on).
The shuttle bus seats 8 passengers and a driver, and has room for groceries.
On the arrival day you will be able to call the BornHack phone number (which will be published later) to arrange pickup. During the festival and on the departure day you will use a reservation system to let us know when you need transportation. We wont have time for something fancy, so the reservation system might just be a whiteboard at the infodesk where you write yourself in :)
If you want to help BornHack by taking a shift or two driving the shuttle bus please let us know as soon as possible! We need the drivers license info for the car rental place.
Village tent prices considerably reduced
Thursday, Aug 4th, 2016, 20:17 (CEST)
We are very pleased to announce that we closed a deal with a new village tent supplier today, resulting in considerably lower prices. The savings range from 25% on the smaller and up to 60% on the biggest tents! Note that BornHack does not make a profit on village tents - neither with the old nor with the new supplier. The prices have already been updated in the shop.
We put a lot of effort into picking the right suppliers for the different parts of BornHack. Since Bornholm is an island we prefer local suppliers whenever possible. Saving transportation costs (both financial and environmental) is a big factor when choosing suppliers. But in this case the difference in price between the local and a mainland vendor was simply too big to ignore.
We understand that these new prices will allow more camps and villages to rent a tent for BornHack and we are obviously thrilled about that.
Please note that village tents must be ordered no later than August 21st!
Talk: Technical and Political Aspects of Running Uncensored DNS servers
Thursday, Aug 4th, 2016, 12:06 (CEST)
The UncensoredDNS project was started almost 7 years ago, back in November 2009. People were asking for recommendations for alternatives to their ISP's censored DNS servers.
Back then OpenDNS did NXDOMAIN redirection, an advertising trick where misspelled nonexistant domains are redirected to a search page with ads instead of returning an NXDOMAIN error. They also didn't have ipv6 or DNSSEC, both of which are mandatory on a modern DNS server, even back in 2009.
Even if Google DNS had existed back then I wouldn't have felt comfortable recommending them either. While they do run a stable, fast and largely uncensored service, I am not convinced that it is a good idea to hand over all your DNS lookups to Google.
All this prompted me to do something about the situation so I started UncensoredDNS with help from friends. I also give talks to explain why I am doing this, since people naturally have an easier time trusting a service if they know who is behind it.
The talk be a state-of-the-dns type thing, with some political but mostly technical content. The technical content will include statistics, background and status on the anycast project, dnscrypt, the openvpn project, the move to ansible, the new dns-over-http proposal, and more.
Thomas Steen Rasmussen
Thomas Steen Rasmussen (born 1979) is a system architect and Unix administrator with a preference for FreeBSD and a healthy interest in network and system security. Developer with experience in various languages, currently with a preference for Python, specifically Django. When I work with databases I prefer PostgreSQL. I care a lot about online freedom, IT politics and Internet legislation, which has inspired me to run uncensoreddns.org and hushfile.it in my sparetime, among other projects. Co-organizer of BornHack.
Talk: GraphQL - A Data Language
Wednesday, Jul 20th, 2016, 21:41 (CEST)
GraphQL is a query-language for data, intended for the modern internet clients on the web and inside mobile phones, invented inside Facebook around 2012, it is currently in a draft specification phase with several open source implementations of the underlying ideas.
The main feature of GraphQL is a shift away from RESTful services where all of the query declaration is on the server side, to one where the client is in control of declaring what it wants. The result is a system which is easy to work with for the front-end developer. GraphQL also supports backward compatibility to earlier client versions. All while being able to maintain a security level at least as good as REST. On the server side, GraphQL provides much the same benefits, acting as a protocol and contract between the server and client.
This talk presents GraphQL itself, and also presents how one goes about building an implementation of the language. The running example is a GraphQL compiler written for Erlang.
Jesper Louis Andersen
Jesper Louis Andersen bridges the gap between theory and practice. He has a curiosity for programming language theory, math, and logic, but dabbles in many other fields of computer science as well. His main interest is to move state-of-the-art computer science research into real world use whenever possible. His dayjob involves functional programming for a danish startup.
Cheap transport from Copenhagen to BornHack
Saturday, Jul 16th, 2016, 12:00 (CEST)
PROSA, the union of IT-professionals in Denmark has set up a great deal for BornHack attendees traveling from Copenhagen to BornHack. For only 125kr, about 17 euros, you can be transported to the camp, and back to Copenhagen at the end of the camp!
We encourage our attendees to make use of this offer!
The bus has the following schedule:
- Departure from PROSA, Vester Farimagsgade 37A, 1606 KBH V.: 27th of August at 10 o'clock local time
- Arrival at BornHack: around 15 o'clock
- Departure from BornHack: 3rd of September at 17 o'clock local time
- Arrival at PROSA: around 22 o'clock
PROSA might contact you with details regarding the bus, but nothing more!
Talk: OE-lite - Hack on Your Own Devices
Friday, Jul 15th, 2016, 10:23 (CEST)
Have you ever wanted to do something cool with one of your electronic devices, but been stopped from doing it because the vendor did not think of that use-case? Have you ever found a problem with the code on one of your devices but being unable to fix it because the vendor no longer cared about the software or did not allow modifications?
Have you ever had to throw out perfectly good hardware since the software was no longer updated/working?
I have :) And it makes me annoyed every time!
Instead of being in the hands of the vendor of your NAS, router, media-center etc. how about actually controlling it yourself?
In this talk I will present a framework (OE-lite) to build custom embedded Linux from scratch. I will talk about why it is simply not good enough to “just install Ubuntu on the damn thing!” and walk through my own use-case of building a router from a BananaPI-R1 board.
OE-lite is a mature framework for creating robust, maintainable custom Linux platforms. Originally forked from OpenEmbedded to showcase how to improve on major technical defects, today OE-lite is a serious alternative to frameworks like Yocto, buildroot or OpenWRT. With a strong focus on avoiding surprises when developing custom Linux systems, working with very different hardware platforms from the same codebase and maintaining the systems for 10 - 15 years OE-lite offers another perspective on embedded Linux systems. The project have not been very public, but we have been working hard to change that and we are now inviting embedded Linux developers to come join us!
Link: oe-lite.org
Kim Højgaard-Hansen
Kim Højgaard-Hansen has worked with building Linux from source since 2004 through various Linux Distributions. Since 2013 he has been working for Prevas A/S developing custom embedded Linux platforms for anything from multimedia to medical devices on many different hardware architectures and with lots of custom hardware and software integrations. Kim has a background in academia doing a PhD in wireless communication performance optimizations.
Keynote: Security for non-hackers beyond »Use Tor. Use Signal.«
Wednesday, Jul 13th, 2016, 15:39 (CEST)
Individual and organizational security needs are seldom simply a technical challenge but rather an operational one. »How do we get things done with minimal interference from those who would rather not see us getting it done?« That is the question facing journalists, activists and human rights defenders of all stripes around the world.
In order to provide a practical answer we need to go further than tool guides and how-tos. We need to establish baselines of digital literacy and security thinking, and build up the collective habits commonly known as 'security culture'.
This talk lays some conceptual groundwork for integrating security into the modes of operation of newsrooms, the offices of NGOs and law firms, activist affinity groups and other forms of organization with unmet security needs. It is directed for non-hackers and hackers alike.
Henrik Chulu
Henrik Chulu is a co-founder of the Danish internet policy think tank Bitbureauet. He likes to think and write about digital security and other forms of information asymmetry.
Talk: TLS attacks and the burden of faulty TLS implementations
Monday, Jul 11th, 2016, 18:47 (CEST)
TLS is by far the most important cryptographic protocol in use today. In recent years TLS received much more attention from security researchers. Implementation errors like Heartbleed and protocol bugs like BEAST, Lucky Thirteen, DROWN and many more have made headlines.
Faulty implementations can enable attacks. In some cases they can even be a security risk for uninvolved third parties and endanger the whole TLS ecosystem. Especially so-called Enterprise devices that have their own TLS stack are often a reason for concern.
The speaker will give an overview of implementation errors that happened in various TLS stacks and will shed light on this underappreciated problem.
Hanno Böck
Hanno Böck started the Fuzzing Project in 2014 as an effort to improve the security of free software code. In May the Linux Foundation's Core Infrastructure Initiative decided to fund this work. He is also working as a freelance journalist and regularly writes about IT security issues for various publications. He is the author of the monthly Bulletproof TLS Newsletter.
Village registration now open
Monday, Jul 11th, 2016, 13:39 (CEST)
Everything is better with a proper homebase!
Camps on BornHack can register as villages. A village can have a common theme like a project, people from the same country or city, a hackerspace, a programming language, and so on - or it can just be a bunch of friends camping together.
If you feel like opening your village up to others you can add a nice description to reach out to likeminded and interested people. It is also perfectly fine to keep your village "invite only" if you want to. Just check the "private" checkbox when registering the village to do so.
Register your village now, or join an existing village. You can also rent a big tent for your village, or you can bring your own.
We encourage all camps and villages to bring all the lights! Decorate your home base with as much pretty lighting as possible. It makes for a beautiful sight at nighttime when walking around.
We also very much welcome you to do any kind of installations on the campground, and to run events or projects that do not fit the workshop/talk format. Contact us if you want to do anything outside of your village area, or if you want your activities announced. If you have any other questions, don't hesitate to contact us.
Cabin price halving
Sunday, Jul 10th, 2016, 20:30 (CEST)
To celebrate the Bitcoin block reward halving we're doing our own BornHack cabin price halving!
You can now rent a bed in one of our three cabins for 150 DKK for a single night, and 1000 DKK for the whole camp.
It is also possible to rent a whole cabin if you are a group of up to 8 people, this now costs 7500 DKK
See and rent the cabins on: https://bornhack.dk/shop/?category=cabins






Talk: MirageOS - robust operating system design from the grounds up
Friday, Jul 8th, 2016, 07:53 (CEST)
Contemporary operating systems suffer from being enormous code bases, riddled with bugs, still supporting legacy hardware (like floppy drives). A common attack vector is based on unsafe memory operations - lack of bounds checks (buffer overflows) and temporal memory safety violations (double free, use after free).
But the environment changed: for security reasons, each service is usually isolated in its own virtual machine, and the virtual machines are scheduled by the hypervisor onto the physical hardware. The requirements for operating systems changed, but most operating systems are only extended to support more complex environments.
In this talk I will present a radical approach to operating systems design: back to ring 0, starting from scratch. Programming language technology has progressed since UNIX was written in C, automated memory management is widely used, strong and static types are usable, and we learned how to build reusable libraries and package those.
MirageOS is a library operating system written mostly in OCaml, a functional and modular programming language. It targets hypervisors, thus does not contain hardware-specific drivers, but generic drivers (e.g. a VirtIO network driver). Each MirageOS application consists of only those OCaml libraries required - why should my name server have user management and a file system? The lines of code, and thus the attack vectors, are drastically reduced. We already implemented various common network protocols, such as HTTP, TCP/IP, TLS, DHCP.
I will explain the design and implementation of our TLS stack in more detail, which separates the effectful bits from the protocol logic very clearly, while preserving reasonable performance.
Hannes Mehnert
Hannes Mehnert is currently a PostDoc at the University of Cambridge. In his spare time, he is not only a hacker, coauthor of a book on indian cuisine and functional programming in JavaScript, but also a barista and likes to travel with and repair his recumbent bicycle.
He researches in several engineering areas: from programming languages (such as compiler optimisation visualisation and type systems) over full functional correctness proofs of object-oriented code, development environments for dependently typed languages, to re-engineering network protocols (TCP/IP) and security protocols (TLS, OTR). He feels safe in a garbage collected environment, and appreciates the expressive power of declarative purely functional code.
Keynote: Words and Power - are we making the most of online activism?
Wednesday, Jul 6th, 2016, 12:11 (CEST)
For years, big names like Ed Snowden and Chelsea Manning have given up their lives in order to protect regular people like you and me from breaches of our privacy. But we are still struggling with getting people interested in internet privacy. Why is this, and what can we do? Using experience from communicating privacy issues on multiple levels for a couple of years, I have encountered some deep seated issues in the way we talk about what privacy means. Are we good enough at letting people know what's going on?
Emma Holten
Emma Holten is a feminist and human rights activist. She is co-founder and editor of the standard critical magazine Friktion and also a student at the University of Copenhagen. She speaks in both national and global contexts of feminism, digital activism and why privacy on the internet is crucial to a democracy, where everyone is equal.
Talk: Checking a Distributed Hash Table for Correctness
Monday, Jul 4th, 2016, 21:31 (CEST)
Distributed Hash Tables are used as name-lookups in large decentralized distributed systems such as peer-to-peer networks and loosely connected machine clusters. Correctness is complicated by their distributed nature. This talk presents an implementation of one such DHT, written in Erlang, based on the Kademlia data structure. Its unique feature is that it comes equipped with a full QuickCheck specification, which semi-formally verifies its correct behaviour through random test generation.
The talk focuses on the test aspect of the system, and how one builds fairly large QuickCheck specifications for real-world systems, in particular by slicing a large specification into isolated parts and then reassembling those parts into a full model. It is intended to give people an overview of how to attack larger code bases with (semi-) formal methods.
Jesper Louis Andersen
Jesper Louis Andersen bridges the gap between theory and practice. He has a curiosity for programming language theory, math, and logic, but dabbles in many other fields of computer science as well. His main interest is to move state-of-the-art computer science research into real world use whenever possible. His dayjob involves functional programming for a danish startup.
Talk: Privacy, Data Protection, Security and Law: Practical Steps Forward (a Swedish Perspective)
Wednesday, Jun 29th, 2016, 12:20 (CEST)
A new data protection regulation, increasing pressure on legislatures to circumvent or side-step human rights and a faltering technical infrastructure that isn't up to the task of protecting the individual are some of the challenges for humanity at this ever crucial point in time. Dataskydd.net is a Swedish NGO which has been working since spring 2015 raising these issues in the Swedish executive. Through advocacy work, we raise important individual and consumer security concerns, but we have also developed a simple web-tool which allows web masters - or their visitors - to request simple, cheap and fast implementation of technical measures to improve data protection qualities of a website. We will present our work in spring 2016 developing the tool, the criteria with which we measure a data protecting web, and some of our additional advocacy work in the field of data protection in Sweden.
Amelia Andersdotter and Anders Jensen-Urstad have worked in the European Parliament for several years. Since 2014 they run dataskydd.net, and since spring 2015 dataskydd.net is a Swedish NGO. Anders brings technical expertise to the core of the organisation, while Amelia is the policy-ninja.
Talk: Code is Politics
Monday, Jun 27th, 2016, 10:55 (CEST)
“Code is law” wrote Lawrence Lessig back in 1999. This has evolved and been demonstrated again and again since then. Code defines an ever increasing part of our personal and social lives. How businesses and friends interact with us, but also how authorities and intelligence services see us. It is already the case for many but soon the lives and rights as citizens of all of us will be defined by code. Code is political. Politics depend on code. If we want a world that is open and diverse we must code for it. How do we achieve better code, better politics and a better world together?
Karen Melchior
Karen Melchior is a Danish diplomat turned politician and digital activist. After six years in the diplomatic service she decided to get involved in politics when she returned to Copenhagen in 2012. The Danish cartoon crisis in 2006 and the “Arab spring” 2011 sparked her interest in digital diplomacy and the power of online networks. The fight for an open and free internet has been at the centre of her political work as she sees this as the only way to ensure freedom of speech and democracy around the world. The Snowden revelations underlined for her how our civil rights are being undermined even by our own governments. Part of Karen’s political work looks to improve our political culture in a time where “filter bubbles” and polarisation seem more common than real dialogue. Karen stood for election for the European Parliament in 2014 and for the Danish Folketing in 2015. She was not elected and still works for the Danish Foreign Service.
Talk: How to (not) Store Your Password
Friday, Jun 24th, 2016, 09:44 (CEST)
There is much dispute on how to securely store passwords. Traditionally there are two schools: Online and Offline password management. Both have strengths and weaknesses when it comes to security as well as accessibility and portability. Both methods have one weakness in common though: they store your password. In this talk I will discuss the various strengths and weaknesses of traditional password managers and present a method that has the main strengths of both online and offline password managers, but allows you to generate secure passwords on-the-fly, never to store them again.
Ronni Elken Lindsgaard
Ronni Elken Lindsgaard is maintainer and primary developer of RndPhrase. He works as Software Engineer for a Danish security company and is active in various open source projects and local groups in Copenhagen related to personal security and privacy awareness.
Keynote: Infocalypse Now - and how to Survive It?
Wednesday, Jun 22nd, 2016, 12:29 (CEST)
Digitalization is on everybodys mind - and so is control and registration of citizens. States and businesses all choose sadly unsecure data-silo-systems and piles up sensitive data without securing anything. Critical Infrastructure is privatized and sold off and secure, analog systems are being torn down in the name of progress. Its an evolving Infocalypse, where all info can be manipulated, stolen and used, our money system, personal data and administrations are doomed in a world of greedy blackhats, cyberwarfare-troops, autonomous drones, herfbombs, solarstorms and intelligence agencies on steroids The Beast is unleashed, can it be stopped, or is it anyone for him self?
Anders Kjærulff
Anders Kjærulff is a jounalist, poet, technology-critic and radiohost with a weekly, one hour radioshow on privacy and data protection. He is currently working on a dystopic book about the end of all privacy and the dim future, that lies ahead.
Website: aflyttet.dk
Workshop: Django Crash Course and hands-on Workshop
Monday, Jun 20th, 2016, 11:56 (CEST)
Duration: 3 hours
Seats: 20
Need to know: Programming experience (preferably Python [0]),
Nice to know: HTTP knowledge [1], Git [2]
Django [3] is "the web framework for perfectionists with deadlines". The framework has existed for over 10 years and is thus full of highly refined design principles, yet it continues to innovate and streamline its practices. The developer scene of Django is continuing to grow, and people use for anything from prototyping to production sites with millions on users. Django is written in the Python programming language.
As open source developers and community people, we think Django is the most awesome framework for building web applications and you should learn it. Bring your laptop and we'll install and introduce Django and its concept. After that, we'll create a Django project together and dive into it head-first.
First half
During the first part of the workshop, we'll install Django and a virtual python environment.
Then we'll introduce Django's layers and components such as the request-response loop, how URLs are handled, static files etc.
Second half
Once we're done with the basics, we'll try to introduce some hands-on higher level work and let you hack on your own project.
If you don't have your own project, don't worry! We'll bring our favourite ecological food coop project Eggplant [4], which we regard as not just another open source project, but a best practice arena for the Danish Django community. We'll have beginner-friendly issues ready on Github, and if you do a PR, we'll make sure to review it in the strictest manner possible!
Benjamin Bach and Víðir Valberg Guðmundsson have both been developing
Django for 8+ years, working professionally with Django websites on a
daily basis and putting efforts into reusable open source django
applications. Both are active in the Copenhagen Django Meetup Group, and
invite you to join them on IRC at #djangocph
@ irc.freenode.net
[0] https://python.org
[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_server
[2] https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2
[3] https://djangoproject.com/
[4] http://eggplant.dk/
Talk: Bluetooth Low Energy
Friday, Jun 17th, 2016, 11:32 (CEST)
BLE provides versatile wireless communication at a very low power consumption, especially compared to classic Bluetooth and WiFi.
It has a wide range of uses where proximity detection is used for a lot of applications such as alerting when a keychain goes out of range or requesting alerts from lost objects. Among consumer products, Apple iBeacons is a notable application of the technology. However, it is also used for human input devices such as mice and keyboards as well as various forms of sensors, e.g. temperature, heart rate, etc.
BLE enables devices to run off coincell batteries for years while retaining connections or doing periodic broadcasting. This makes the technology appealing for the maker community for applications that are power-constrained, e.g. due to having a limited power-budget (say, running off a small PV-cell) or running off a battery.
This talk explains how the low power consumption is achieved, what the possible topologies are, and how this affects the types of applications you can build on top. Finally, a low-level demonstration of interfacing with a BLE controller is performed.
Michael Knudsen
Michael has been involved in various open source-related projects. His dayjob involves writing firmware for a BT/wifi controller for a semiconductor company.
Talk: Running Exit Nodes in the North
Wednesday, Jun 15th, 2016, 09:34 (CEST)
Tor is free software and an open network that helps you defend against traffic analysis, a form of network surveillance that threatens personal freedom and privacy, confidential business activities and relationships, and state security.
People can donate their bandwidth to the Tor network and support human rights. Many people in Finland have done this.
Especially Tor network needs fast exit nodes which are final nodes before traffic reaches its destination. Because Tor traffic exits through these relays, the IP address of the exit relay is interpreted as the source of the traffic.
If a malicious user employs the Tor network to do something that might be objectionable or illegal, the exit relay may take the blame. People who run exit relays should be prepared to deal with complaints, copyright takedown notices, and the possibility that their servers may attract the attention of law enforcement agencies.
In Finland, Juha Nurmi has been establishing good relationships with ISPs and law enforcement agencies to keep Finnish exit nodes online.
Juha Nurmi
Juha Nurmi (age 28) is the founder and project leader of the Ahmia search engine project. He is a security researcher and has been involved in numerous projects funded by both the commercial and government spheres, including DARPA Memex project in the Silicon Valley. Juha is also a noted lecturer and public speaker. Juha's work on Ahmia has been in part sponsored by the Google Summer of Code.
Credit card payments enabled
Tuesday, Jun 14th, 2016, 10:06 (CEST)
A unexpected anonymous benefactor stepped forward and put up security we can accept credit card payments after all. We are very grateful for this since many of our guests prefer credit cards.
If at all possible we still encourage people to use bank transfers or blockchain payments though, since they are easier and considerably less expensive for us to handle on the backend.
But credit card payments are open and working now, so if you've been waiting for them, go buy your tickets!
On behalf of the BornHack team,
Talk: Simulated DDoS Attacks, Breaking the Firewall Infrastructure
Monday, Jun 13th, 2016, 11:10 (CEST)
DDoS Attacks have become a daily annoyance for many, and we need to create robust infrastructure. This tutorial will go through a proposed method for testing your own infrastructure using off-the-shelf tools like packet generators hping3 and t50 on Kali Linux.
The goal for the tutorial is to explain:
- How to create DDoS attack simulations
- My actual experience with doing this - testing banks, etc.
- Evaluate how good is this, value proposition for you
The content will include:
- Running packet generators with example commands hping3 and t50
- Monitoring availability while doing DDoS attacks
- Comparing this with real life attacks
- Results from doing attacks on real life customer networks, mostly banks in or around Denmark
- My recommendations for a holistic approach to DDoS protection in your networks
There won’t be any exercises, but I recommend trying to install Kali Linux on a Virtual Machine to get familiar with this Linux distribution.
I will be doing demos showing how I run commands and monitor a DDoS simulation.
Henrik Lund Kramshøj
Henrik is an internet samurai working in internet and security around the world.
Professional security consultant with an understanding of business and economics with regards to securing enterprises.
I primarily work with internet infrastructure and security, creating a safe place to conduct internet business by providing security services, consulting and management for infrastructure services related to networking, RIPE requests, BGP routing and multi-homing, firewalls, switches, netflow, log servers, intrusion detection, VPN services, patch and configuration management.
Talk: Keyless Entry Exploration and Exploitation
Friday, Jun 10th, 2016, 08:34 (CEST)
This presentation will provide a walkthrough of the audit process of an IP-enabled physical access control device.
Knud aims to cover some information about the methodology used during the process, but will mostly be discussing the (interesting or sad, depending on the view) results of said audit. The presentation builds on work done on and off over a few iterations of the product.
Knud Højgaard
Knud lives in Denmark where he works in the exciting field of information security. He enjoys security, from virtual to reality.
Talk: Incompleteness Phenomena in Mathematics: From Kurt Gödel to Harvey Friedman
Thursday, Jun 9th, 2016, 11:12 (CEST)
In the first half of the 20th century the dreams of a complete and consistent formalization of mathematics was destroyed, when Kurt Gödel proved the existence of true but unprovable sentences in every reasonable formalization of mathematics.
However, the explicit sentence constructed in the proof was tailored to cause trouble and therefore was not of much interest to mathematicians in general. Since then various incompleteness phenomena have been discovered and many of these (relative) unprovable sentences are of genuine mathematical interest. In recent years Harvey Friedman have taken this enterprise to a new level by constructing sentences about "low level" mathematics and showed that these sentences are provably equivalent to the consistency of axiomatic systems far stronger than classical set theory (ZFC). In this talk I will try to introduce concepts of mathematical logic together with some highlights in the history of incompleteness phenomena and discuss the philosophical implications of these.
Note that these (early 20th century) developments also play an important role in developing the theoretical computer.
Lasse Andersen
My educational background is a masters degree in philosophy & mathematics and a PhD in applied mathematics and road engineering. My personal interests cover philosophy of IT, philosophy of math, programming, machine learning, road engineering.
Also, I enjoy nature quite a bit. Presently, I work at the Danish Road Directorate with rolling resistance modelling and pavement management as the main focus. Besides doing a lot of programming at work (primarily Python) I also experiment with Erlang in my spare time trying to build peer2peer software.
No credit card payments after all
Wednesday, Jun 8th, 2016, 18:09 (CEST)
Unfortunately we will not be able to accept credit card payments in the webshop as expected.
The traditional payment providers make accepting credit cards difficult for new events like ours. We tried different approaches but we have been unable to make it work.
We encourage everyone to use blockchain payment or bank transfers instead. We realize that this is an inconvenience for some, but we hope that this will not discourage you from attending. The ticket shop is open, go get your tickets! :)
On behalf of the BornHack organizers,
Payment options
Thursday, Jun 2nd, 2016, 11:47 (CEST)
At the moment the shop has two payment options:
- Bank transfer
- Blockchain
A bank transfer doesn't need much explanation except to say that they can be rather slow, especially if you are outside the SEPA region. You need to allow for up to a week before we register your transfer and mark your order as paid. Not the fastest, but widely supported.
You also have the option of using one of a bunch of different blockchain payments methods. Supported currencies include Bitcoin of course, but also Ether, Litecoin, Dogecoin and a bunch of other options. You can see the full list here. Apart from being cool, paying your ticket in cryptocurrency is also fast - you will be able to download your ticket in minutes, if not seconds.
Finally we will also be accepting credit cards from Visa, Mastercard and the Danish Dankort soon. We still need to check a couple of boxes before it can happen, but it should be available in days, not weeks.
On behalf of the BornHack team,
The ticket shop is now officially open
Wednesday, Jun 1st, 2016, 22:55 (CEST)
TL;DR: Tickets are out, if you buy a cabin spot please remember to buy an ordinary ticket as well. Call for speakers will be out shortly. A call for sponsors will also be available shortly. Thank you.
We are very happy to officially open the BornHack shop for ticket sales. It is possible to buy a variety of tickets. Hopefully this post will make it easier for you to decide what ticket is right for you.
One day tickets are available for each of the days where the camp is open - you can also extend your one day ticket by buying a cabin ticket, which gives you a place to sleep in a shared cabin with 7 other people. This ticket is ideal for people who only want to be there for a day, but is not interested in bringing a tent.
Student tickets are for people with a valid student ID card and will give you access to BornHack for the entire event. It's possible to buy additional access to cabin beds if you are not interested in bringing a tent.
Standard, Hacker and Supporter tickets have no day restrictions, they are full week tickets. The only difference between these tickets is the price - we will appreciate it if you can afford a little bit more for your ticket - if you can't then that is fine as well. These tickets can be combined with a cabin bed as well - remember to pick the option that says "Cabin bed full week".
It is also possible to buy a ticket for a bus transportation sponsored by PROSA. This ticket will only be available for PROSA members for the first 14 days - after that it will be available for non-members as well for the same price. More information about the transport will be available at a later point in time.
T-shirts and other merchandise will be available for sale later.
Speaking at BornHack
A call for speakers will be announced soon. Please start preparing your titles, abstracts and biographies for us.
The model we are going to run with is that we hope that most of the speakers will participate in BornHack for the entire week and will buy their own ticket. If you cannot stay for the entire week we will provide you with a one day ticket to the event and you will have to pay for transportation to and from the island yourself. For keynotes we pay transport and tickets - we reach out to keynotes ourselves, but if you have a presentation that you believe would be keynote material you are very welcome to reach out to us yourself once the call for speakers is announced.
Sponsoring BornHack
A call for sponsors will be announced very soon.
On behalf of the BornHack team,
hlkv6 and ahf.