BornHack 2021 Kickoff, June 19th, 2021 2021-06-07
Similar to last year, we will hold this year's kickoff and reunion party virtually, and we hope a lot of you would like to participate.
This kickoff is for everyone interested in being a part of BornHack, both those of you that have already been volunteering at previous events, and those of you curious to join.
The primary participation will be online via video and audio, but if you can safely meet up with some of your friends, feel free to attend the kickoff as a group.

The past year has been very different and we really look forward to seeing you all at BornHack. This kickoff will be the start to that.
We will talk about the different teams and plans for creating the best possible BornHack in a year where a lot of us have been stuck indoors – but hopefully we will soon be able to hang out in the bar or in a hammock in the woods.
We will start out the kickoff at 13:00 (CEST) with a short introduction and then move on to team presentations. After a short break, we will split into more detailed sessions for each of the teams, getting everyone settled in and sorted for the next few months until BornHack 2021 happens at our venue on Funen, Denmark.
We will use BBB (BigBlueButton) for the kickoff part and you can join at:
To end the day, we invite you to join us for a cozy evening with your favorite food and drinks in the virtual bar on Jitsi.

If you want to read a bit more about the teams, head on over to the BornHack 2021 teams section, where you can also choose to join one or more of the teams.
We hope to see you all at the kickoff.