Village registration now open 2016-07-11

Everything is better with a proper homebase!

Camps on BornHack can register as villages. A village can have a common theme like a project, people from the same country or city, a hackerspace, a programming language, and so on - or it can just be a bunch of friends camping together.

If you feel like opening your village up to others you can add a nice description to reach out to likeminded and interested people. It is also perfectly fine to keep your village "invite only" if you want to. Just check the "private" checkbox when registering the village to do so.

Register your village now, or join an existing village. You can also rent a big tent for your village, or you can bring your own.

We encourage all camps and villages to bring all the lights! Decorate your home base with as much pretty lighting as possible. It makes for a beautiful sight at nighttime when walking around.

We also very much welcome you to do any kind of installations on the campground, and to run events or projects that do not fit the workshop/talk format. Contact us if you want to do anything outside of your village area, or if you want your activities announced. If you have any other questions, don't hesitate to contact us.