
The POC team builds and runs the DECT and SIP networks at BornHack.

Want to integrate your cool project/infrastructure/hardware/wetware/malware with the DECT/SIP network? Indulge us!

If you would like to loan a DECT handset ("phone"), please drop us a message on IRC or stop by the POC at the venue.

A list of compatible handsets can be found at Eventphone wiki:

We cannot however guarantee 100% support of every model suggested in that article since there are differences in equipment on site, but generally the success rate has been good with Gigaset models (Siemens). This year, we will do some documentation on phones compatible with the actual Bornhack network.

Communication Channels

BornHack 2021 teams primarily use mailing lists and IRC to communicate. The POC team can be contacted in the following ways:

Mailing List

The POC Team does not have a public mailing list, but it can be contacted through our main email

IRC Channel

The POC Team does not have a public IRC channel, but it can be reached through our main IRC channel #bornhack on