We will go through the greatest hits from https://github.com/kramse/security-courses/tree/master/presentations/pentest
So expect to learn
- What is penetration testing
- Nmap how to get started, and a small test plan, how to scan a network using Nmap
- Get started blasting packets, from single packets with Nping and Scapy
- Trying wi-fi scan, I have some loaner USB cards
- Doing SNMP scanning, trying small brute-force using THC Hydra
- Get started with VXLAN hacking, THC IPv6 attacks etc.
- Get started with Metasploit using Metasploit Unleashed
Goal is to point you towards resources, so you can get started with the fun of scanning networks, finding vulnerabilities - so you can remove them, reconfigure networks etc.
You should install a Kali Linux as virtual machine, perhaps use this as inspiration: https://github.com/kramse/kramse-labs - the part about installing a Kali Linux
You can leave early, but it will be hard to join late, so be there from the start and leave when you like, please :-D
We will also use materials from https://zencurity.gitbook.io/kea-it-sikkerhed/netvaerkspenetrationstest/lektionsplan which is a 10ECTS course, about 300 hours of work, so only a few things.
Hosts for Pentest introduction - greatest hits:
Metadata for Pentest introduction - greatest hits
To be recorded: NoURLs for Pentest introduction - greatest hits
No URLs found.
Schedule for Pentest introduction - greatest hits
- Sunday, Aug 16th, 2020, 11:00 (CEST) - Sunday, Aug 16th, 2020, 14:00 (CEST) at Workshop Room