Rasmus Malver

DA: Talsperson fra Foreningen imod Ulovlig Logning, husjurist på 24syv-programmet Aflyttet og jurist med speciale i menneske- og forfatningsret.

EN: Spokesperson for the lawsuit against the Danish government, LL. M. specialised in human rights and constitutional law.

URLs for Rasmus Malver

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Events for Rasmus Malver

DA: Nyt år, ny minister, nye indrømmelser. Talsperson fra Foreningen imod Ulovlig Logning, Rasmus Malver, fortæller om året der gik og året der kommer.

EN: Many things have happened. New minister and police admittance of wrongdoing. Spokesperson for the lawsuit against the Danish government, Rasmus Malver, gives a status and details what will happen next.

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  • Monday, Aug 12th, 2019, 15:00 (CEST) - Monday, Aug 12th, 2019, 16:00 (CEST)

DA: Revolutionen kræver mere end et like og et retweet. Workshoppen starter med en introduktion til menneskeret, digitale rettigheder og kampagneteknikker fra Rasmus Malver. Derefter er der brainstorm, sparring og udvikling af kampagner.

EN: The revolution isn't brought on by a like and a retweet. Rasmus Malver gives an introduction to human rights, digital rights and examples of digital campaigning that bridges the gap from nerd to the rest of the world. Afterwards we brainstorm and … Read more


  • Saturday, Aug 10th, 2019, 14:00 (CEST) - Saturday, Aug 10th, 2019, 15:00 (CEST)