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DNS Provider Decentralisation and DNS Privacy Update Feedback

Thoughts on recursive DNS service provider decentralisation, and an update on the status of current DNS privacy initiatives.

We are currently seeing an unfortunate trend of centralisation on a few DNS service providers (like Google, Cloudflare and such). People are moving away from ISP DNS resolvers for good reasons, including censorship, missing privacy features and more - but they are moving to a few very large providers. The downsides of centralising are obvious, but the path towards decentralisation is never easy. I will discuss using my UncensoredDNS project as a blueprint for starting smaller, community driven DNS providers.

DNS-over-TLS and DNS-over-HTTPS (DoH) can be used to secure the integrity and confidentiality of DNS traffic between client and recursive resolver. Both can be used either directly from the actual client (like a laptop or a phone) or through a stub resolver on a home internet router. I will cover the current state of client- and server-side software support for these protocols, explaining how they work and how to use them.

Speakers for DNS Provider Decentralisation and DNS Privacy Update:

Metadata for DNS Provider Decentralisation and DNS Privacy Update

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