Creative shader coding & Infiniband village

We will be hosting a week-long shader jam at Bornhack. Shaders are programs which run on the GPU calculate the colour of each pixel individually each frame. If you're new to this, make sure to see the introduction talk to learn some techniques. You'll be able to code on your own machine and upload through an online system. Uploaded shaders will be displayed at the bar (bar crew permitting). The software platform remains to be decided but it will be GLSL.

Unrelated, we should have a 40Gbps Infiniband network for network experimentation. It's quite unlike Ethernet, supporting remote DMA (with security), reliable packet delivery with 16 priority queues, and software-managed network topology. Bring a desktop with a free PCIe slot (x8 or longer or open-ended), or your own NIC. You'll have to bring your computer to the village tent unless you have your own fiber cable and QSFP+ adapters at both ends. The switches should also be compatible with single-lane 10Gbps but again, you'll need your own equipment (including a QSFP+ breakout adapter).

Contact: immibis