Table of Contents
What is BornHack? When is BornHack 2024 happening? Where is BornHack going to take place? Participating Travel information Accommodation Venue Infodesk and CERT Logistics Bar Food and groceries Getting around Network Power Radio Operations Showers and toilets Telephone network Video Villages
What is BornHack? Info by the Orga team
BornHack is a 7 day outdoor tent camp where hackers, makers and people with an interest in technology or security come together to celebrate technology, socialise, learn and have fun. Participants hack on their own projects, learn from each other, discuss, use, dissect and modify technology and much more. BornHack provides power, internet, and other necessary infrastructure, the participants bring everything else.
When is BornHack 2024 happening? Info by the Orga team
BornHack 2024 starts Wednesday, July 17th, 2024 at noon (12:00). It will be possible to access the venue before noon if for example you arrive early in the morning or want to help with the build-up. But please don't expect everything to be ready before noon :)
BornHack 2024 ends Wednesday, July 24th, 2024 at noon (12:00). Rented village tents must be empty and cleaned at this time, ready to take down. Participants must leave the site no later than 17:00 on the closing day (or stay and help us clean up).
Where is BornHack going to take place? Info by the Orga team
Venue coordinates: 55.385601, 9.939074
Main entrance: Next to Hylkedamvej 52, 5591 Gelsted
Parking space: Between Hylkedamvej 52, 5591 Gelsted and main entrance
Participating Info by the Orga team
We are happy to announce that it is now possible to buy your ticket for BornHack 2024 in the shop!
A regular full week adult ticket is 1337,- DKK. Tickets for children aged 5–15 are available for 495,- DKK. Student tickets are 995,- DKK and we have the budget ticket for 666,- DKK for hackers with tight budgets. If you are able to pay a bit more please consider getting a supporter ticket for 1500,- DKK, 2048,- DKK, or the hacker ticket for 2600,- DKK. For those who can't attend the whole event we offer day tickets. Finally we have corporate tickets available for 2900,- or 5500,- DKK if your employer is paying the ticket.
We have the usual payment options available. We prefer bank transfer (but please remember to pay the fees in your end!) or blockchain payments. You can even pay in cash if you happen to find yourself near an organiser. Finally we do accept credit cards, but we ask that you consider using the other options first.
We are looking for talented, humorous, inspiring, and/or provocative people to host talks, lightning talks, workshops, and music acts at BornHack. We are very open to different topics and welcome first time speakers. Please have a look at the call for participation to find out more.
If you are interested in volunteering at BornHack 2024 please have a look at our teams. Every helping hand is welcome and there are many different tasks for every skill level. If you've never volunteered at an event like this before you should really consider it. It is a great way of meeting new people, and it feels good to be a part of creating a great event like BornHack.
The festival build-up period begins on the 12th of July at 12:00. We are looking for people to help out setting up and tearing down before and after the festival. We are looking into a free transport option from Copenhagen to the venue for people who are interested in arriving a couple of days early and staying two days longer. More information will be available once we get closer to the event. We can't offer discounts or free tickets to volunteers unfortunately.
Please sign up for a team if you plan on showing up on the festival grounds early. We need to have an overview of available hands during the build-up and teardown as early as possible. Your team lead will be able to let you know when your presence on the field is needed.
We are committed to making BornHack an inclusive and welcoming event for everyone. Please read our code of conduct. The most important rule is: Be excellent to each other.
There are a lot of really cool things and people to see at BornHack and we understand the wish to document them.
But many of our attendees do not want anyone to take their picture or record them in any way. That includes pictures with the face not being visible, their screens, and the inside of their tents. We expect you to respect their wishes and only take pictures, if you have gotten EXPLICIT consent from all people in it.
This sadly disallows crowd shots of any kind, including the audience in the speakers tent. Editing photos / videos / audio recordings afterwards does NOT make them compliant with this policy.
If you for example film a bonfire and there are people present, you must obtain all of their consent, even if they are not visible, since their conversation could be recorded. Removing the audio afterwards is irrelevant, if you do not obtain their consent.
Also be mindful not hold your phone in a way that might give someone the feeling you are recording. If you do not plan to take pictures with it, consider taping the camera visibly, to give the privacy conscious people around you peace of mind. Please do not record children without consent from their guardian either, even if the kid tells you it is fine.
We might schedule a drone flyover or similar after clear announcements on many different channels. Flying drones over BornHack without prior clearance from orga is not allowed.
There is a photo team at BornHack whose members are clearly marked with high visibility vests. We make sure all photo team members are familiar with the details of this policy.
Finally, please note that photography following this policy is very welcome. Do not harass photographers. If you see a situation that you think is violating this policy, please ask politely what kind of recording is being made, if any. Harassing people potentially creating compliant art is unacceptable.
Travel information Info by the Info team
The nearest train station is Gelsted Station. Use to plan your trip to Gelsted station. "Plustur (flextrafik)" is a cheap service for getting from the station to the venue or back, but it has to be booked at least 2 hours before. To book a Plustur you need NemID, and you have to let them know in advance in case you're bringing a lot of luggage.
You can also arrange a shuttle pickup (free of charge) by writing to the shuttle team, see the shuttle bus section for more information.
If you decide to walk, it's about 2.5 km to the camp site from the station in Gelsted.
Getting to BornHack by car should be quite straight forward. Just note that access to the venue is from the north (by Hylkedamsvej 52), and not through the south which most GPS's indicate. The last bit of the road is a narrow and bumpy dirt road.
Also note that when arriving by car we require you to buy a car park ticket for your car. The parking space is located between Hylkedamsvej 52 and the main entrance.
If you have a spare seat in your car, please consider putting it on the rideshare to help other hackers to get to BornHack! Don't forget to leave some contact details.
Accommodation Info by the Info team
BornHack is first and foremost a tent camp. You need to bring a tent to sleep in. Most people go with some friends and make a camp somewhere at the venue. See also the section on villages – you might be able to find some like-minded people to camp with.
Caravans, autocampers and other sleep-in cars are welcome on BornHack. The area north of the main camping area on the west side of the main road is a caravan area.
Please note the following rules regarding caravans:
- It will not be possible to arrive or depart with caravans during the event except special cases. It is too dangerous to have people driving about on the venue.
- We do not have facilities for emptying the chemical toilets used in caravans.
- It is possible to get a power hookup for the caravan, but see the power section of this page regarding plug types.
Please buy a caravan ticket so we know how many caravans or other sleep-in vehicles to expect.
Note that it is strictly forbidden to sleep at the parking lot due to fire safety rules.
We rent out a few cabin rooms at the venue with 10 or 13 beds each for people who don't want to sleep in tents for some reason. A tent is the cheapest sleeping option (you just need a ticket), but the cabin rooms are there if you want them. Go to the shop to book a bed or a whole cabin room.

Venue Info by the Orga team
The map is divided into a 10x10meter grid which has been given coordinates. We have outlined the important areas of BornHack on the map.
- General parking is just outside the entrance, on the way in. During camp there will only be very limited driving on site (official vehicles only). In case of a fire the meeting point is at the parking lot.
- The red areas in the edges of the map are off limits and not part of BornHack.
- The dark green area in the very top from U4 to X6 is the nature area. This area has NOT been cut down, so the grass and other plants grow a little high here.
- The green area from I31 to L33 is cozy camping. This area is pretty much enclosed with trees on all sides, only with a small path out to the main road down the terrain. As there are neighbours relatively close by, no loud music here please.
- The teal area next to the nature area from Y10 to AG9 is the quiet area. Read more about the quiet area in the quiet area section.
- The light blue area in the middle between N18, AB15 and U23 is the general camping area.
The darker blue area on the north-west side of the main road from Y16 to AC14 is the designated area for caravans.
There is also an area designated for caravans next to the silent area from T8 to Y8. This area should follow the same guidance as the quiet area in regards to noise. - The purple area in the middle of the map around AB26 is the bar.
- The yellow area south of the bar from Y31 to AD35 is the party area. Read more about the party area in the party area section. Please direct the noise east!
- Around N47 either in or close to the house is where the workshop rooms can be found.
- Toilets and showers are located at M46 close to the building, R31 between the cozy camping and the food area and lastly around X25 close to the bar and general camping area.
- The orange area in the middle around V33 is the food area, where you can prepare meals or buy something from our food vendor.
- The white area at S21 is the speakers tent.
- The light green areas in the bottom around M49 (part of the house) are the cabin rooms.
- The pink area in the bottom around J52 is the wellness area.
- The special interest sign around R52 indicates a special protected area, with an old farming technique called Ridge and furrow. You are allowed to walk around and hang out here, but no camping outside of the designated camping areas
We want BornHack to be an event for hackers of all ages! The cozy area has ample camping space and lots of grass to play around in and is located relatively close to the rest rooms at R31. If you intend to camp here please bring (and share) any outdoor games you might have.
There shouldn't be any loud music in this area, especially not at night, though it might be possible to hear a little from party camping.
Got ideas for the cozy area? Join us on IRC on #bornhack-family @!
Close to the bar area is the party area. This is where you should place your tent / camp / village if you expect to make a lot of noise. Please direct the noise east!
Noise will not be tolerated here. If getting an uninterrupted night's sleep is important to you, you should consider pitching your tent here.
Infodesk and CERT Info by the Info team
The infodesk is where you go to find an organiser when you have questions of any kind. The infodesk is also where you go
CERT is short for Community Emergency Response Team. In case of a dangerous situation (accidents, fire and so on) these are the people to contact.
While the infodesk is open (from 12:00 to 20:00 every day) the CERT people can be reached here. Outside infodesk opening hours CERT can be reached at the official BornHack phone number which is +4531550497. This number is open 24 hours.
In case of a fire
- alert the organisers and everyone else,
- evacuate to the meeting point at the parking lot, helping disabled or sensory-impared people,
- inform the fire department under 112, and
- try to extinguish the fire, if possible and safe.
Detailed fire and evacuation instructions are available at the infodesk and online in English and Danish. Please also take notice of our rules regarding barbecues.
Although a very small creature, a tick can do a lot of damage. So make sure to check yourself for any ticks that might have latched on to your body (a good time is when taking a shower). There is a lower risk to catch Lyme disease from ticks on Funen than there was on Bornholm but please still be aware and consider vaccinating yourself before the event.
If you discover any and don't have the tools to get rid of it properly, go to the infodesk and borrow a tick remover.
Logistics Info by the Logistics team
It is in theory possible to send stuff to BornHack, eg. if you forgot something, your tent broke or similar, but the delivery companies often arrive very early, and since the gate will be locked during camp, the possibility of them doing a failed delivery is fairly high. Our experience is also that some delivery companies need a few tries to get out here.
Another, and in most cases better solution, is to use the parcel shop service at Coop 365 up in Gelsted. The store has long opening hours and you avoid the failed delivery and can pick up the parcel when it fits your schedule. The pickup is inside the store (back warehouse part) and you just need to ask the store personel. Most web shops in Denmark ship to this kind of parcel shops, and it's often also a little bit cheaper.
There is a similar parcel shop at XL Byg, also in Gelsted, but their opening hours are a bit more limited.
Bar Info by the Bar team
The bar area is the place to go when you are all hacked out and want to socialize with the other participants. Enjoy a cold beer or drink and some music, and discuss your projects with the people around you.
Opening hours will be compatible with the average hackers drink/sleep cycle. Remember to drink water!
The local currency at BornHack is called Hax. 1,- Hax is worth 1,- DKK. Only participants with a wristband can buy Hax. They are available at the infodesk or next to the bar when the infodesk is closed. Hax can be used to make purchases at the bar, the food stands, and the infodesk. The bar doesn't accept other currencies. Please note that we do not buy back unused Hax, so you can spend them all at the bar or bring them back next year.
Food and groceries Info by the Info team
Part of the food area is a large kitchen tent where participants are invited to cook their meals. You must bring your own dishes and other cooking/eating equipment.
The kitchen for BornHack 2024 will feature
- lots of seating, both covered by roof and in the open,
- running hot and cold water and tables for food preparation,
- ample barbecue capacity, including a barbecue exclusive to vegans/vegetarians,
- a bunch of pots and pans for your boiling and frying needs (picture below),
- hot plates for heating said pots and pans,
- a set of toastie/panini/whatever makers (picture below), and
- a couple of microwave ovens.
Villages without a kitchen of their own are invited to utilize this area for cooking. Please clean up after yourselves! :)
It is possible to rent a shelf in the fridges provided in the food area. If you rent all 6 shelves of a fridge you can take the fridge to your village. If you do so please be careful with them, and please return them cleaned and ready to go back to the supplier.
You are also welcome to bring your own fridge or cooling box as you see fit.
We know that hackers like to cook for themselves for many reasons, not limited to vegetarian/vegan diets. Everyone is encouraged to cook their own food, either in their own village kitchen or in the kitchen tent.
Please note that for fire safety reasons it is strictly forbidden to set up coal powered barbecues on the camp grounds. If you want to cook with coal use the big barbecues in the food area or the designated fireplaces!
Gas and electrical barbecues are allowed in villages, as are gas burners and cooking plates/hotplates. However, fire safety is very important at a tent camp. Thus, if you have an open flame in your village, you have to make sure that the area under the flame cannot catch fire. Place your gear on bricks/blocks, and avoid having a really bad day.
We have a food vendor at BornHack, selling Asian food with both meat and some vegan food. The food vendor is open 12:00–20:00 every day.
Vegans and vegetarians are welcome at BornHack. You can cook your own food in the food area, where we have a large barbecue reserved for vegan and vegetarian food. The food vendors also sell some vegan food.
Before you can cook anything you need to get some groceries. The closest place to buy groceries is Coop365 (08:00–21:00) approximately 3km away at Gelsted. About 13km from the venue there is a larger selection in Aarup. There you can find
- REMA 1000 ($, 07:00–21:00),
- Netto ($$, 07:00–22:00),
- Coop365 ($$, 08:00–21:00) and
- MENY ($$$, 07:00–21:00).
For going grocery shopping you can borrow a bicycle or book a ride on the shuttle bus, both free of charge. See the section on getting around for more info.
Getting around Info by the Shuttle Bus team
At BornHack we have bicycles available to borrow. They come with helmets, locks and lights. No one should spend a week on Funen without seeing a bit more of the island. If you want to go sightseeing, grocery shopping, or just feel like riding a bicycle, you should take advantage of this offer.
To book one or more of the bicycles go to the infodesk and make a reservation. It is free, but we welcome donations to cover the cost.
The BornHack shuttle will be available for transporting participants to and from the local train station in Gelsted. It's the regional train between Odense and Fredericia (route 62).
If you are arriving from Odense, you will need to cross the tracks (towards the front of the train), the shuttle will wait behind the red station building.
The shuttle holds about 3 passengers with very little luggage or 2 with normal luggage (it's a smaller car this year). If you have large stuff, please let us know so that we can coordinate with a larger car for those things.
To let us know you need transportation, please e-mail with identifying information (eg. your name or handle), information about what train you are arriving or leaving on and lastly, how many you are and roughly how much stuff you are bringing. You can also call the BornHack phone at +4531550497 if e-mail is not a possibility, but e-mail is preferred.
Please e-mail or call us at least 24 hours in advance, so that we can coordinate and make sure there is someone to pick you up.
For other options for travel between the local train station and the venue, see also the section on travel information.
The shuttle will also be available for grocery shopping.
Network Info by the NOC team
BornHack has a fiber uplink to the outside world. We will have both wired and wireless networks provided by BornHack. The default networks will run with public internet addresses IPv4 and IPv6, so we recommend protecting yourself with a firewall at all times. There is a network available with private addresses on wireless intended for tablets and other devices not designed for direct internet access.
To get connected
Choose between wireless or Ethernet cabled:
- Bring a long network cable. 30-50m is recommended standard Ethernet copper RJ45
- Find the nearest PoP – it is a box on a pallet wrapped in plastic.
- Put your cable out and leave the end near the PoP.
- Tell NOC team on IRC or via internal phone.
- Wait for the NOC to connect it, do NOT connect it yourself.
When you want to be disconnected, leave the cable rolled up near the PoP, notify NOC and the NOC team will disconnect it.
You may connect a switch, but it is your responsibility to disable DHCP, routing, spanning tree or similar that may disrupt the network! You can also share network to other villages, neighbors etc. We encourage bandwidth usage, so use it!
Fiber to the tent (FTTT) is also an option, see below.
Network addresses
The network will use the following public addresses:
- IPv6 2001:678:9ec::/48
- IPv4
If you want to add to your firewalls at home or such, so you can connect from the camp network.
Networks use DHCP and IPv6 router advertisements, and you can get a RFC2322 PEG DHCP static IP. They are in the NWWC Village in Party – with Kramse. We have them for both wireless and wired connections.
Wireless Networks
We have the following wireless networks:
: Uses WPA2 enterprise. Requires username and password – but accepts any combination :-).nat
: Give the same asbornhack-nat
except this provides encryption on wireless.ipv6
: Direct internet access using ipv6 only.- some extra (non-disclosed) magic usernames for e.g. debugging and NOC team
- any other username + password will be accepted, and you have your own session keys. We consider this the "default" – it is the same as connecting through cable.
We use TTLS and no certificate validation. When using a known user,
inner authentication
and for self-chosen usernames,inner authentication
. There is no need for account creation, we just use EAP-TLS to get the encryption it provides for individual users. -
: Open Wi-Fi. Unfiltered direct access to internet with public IPv4 and IPv6. -
: Open Wi-Fi. NAT'ed internet connection with private IPv4 address and similar on IPv6. Recommended for devices like tablets.
The general rule is not to bring radio equipment without talking to the NOC team. There might be mesh network experiments, DECT, orga radio, etc. So please keep off the frequencies, or stay within the ones you agreed upon with the organizers. Thank you.
That said, wireless hotspots are in widespread use and we acknowledge that some have a genuine need for bringing a hotspot. This could be for small micro python experiments and built-in wireless in autocampers.
The rule for using wireless is a follows
- 2.4GHz channel 1 is open for general use. Please be considerate of your fellow bornhackers and set the transmit power to lowest setting.
- other 2.4GHz channels and all 5GHz channels are reserved for NOC use.
Wired network
We also have wired connections available.
The wired network will provide DHCP but also allow manually configured IP addresses, using peg DHCP (RFC 2322). If you want to set up servers we recommend to do so with static IPs. You can also use static configuration on clients to avoid attacks involving rogue DHCP servers and similar.
PEGs with IP addresses are available at village NWWC in Party area, hanging outside coleman with MCH2022 flags.
Why If you want a static IP, don't want to use DHCP or just for fun. Run a web server, a honeypot, ... How to use the peg Each peg has a unique identifier which is used for IPv6 and IPv4 addresses - reserved during camp Example your peg says: Your IP address is 2001:678:9ec:34::50/64 Your legacy IPv4 address is then
Wired NORTH The area including General camping, Caravan, Bar, ... Use the pegs with BLUE writing Your IPv4 address is on the PEG Your IPv6 address is 2001:678:9ec:32::$LAST_OCTET Default gateways are & 2001:678:9ec:32:1
Wired SOUTH The area including Food, Party, Workshop rooms Use the pegs with RED writing Your IPv4 address is on the PEG Your IPv6 address is 2001:678:9ec:34::$LAST_OCTET Default gateways are & 2001:678:9ec:34::1
If you want to have fiber in the tent, you can.
You will need to talk to NOC about it. You must bring your own fiber equipment, and in most cases both optics and fibers as well.
1Gbps would be default, 10Gbps is possible at specific locations.
This is, of course, subject to availability.
Power Info by the Power team
Sockets will be standard European 230V supply with Danish type K socket.
If you make sure to bring ~50m power cord, you should have no problem finding a camp site. Also, remember that you can ask the camp next door if you can connect to their power.
European type F plugs (both CEE7/4 and CEE7/7) are compatible with type K sockets, but ground is not connected. We have a limited number of type K to type E adapters with ground for sale at the infodesk. The type E socket is compatible with the CEE7/7 plug.
For people staying in caravans, we will have blue 230V CEE plugs in the powergrid for your area. But the number may be limited, so be prepared to share power with a neighbor - or bring/build a "Blue to TypeK" converter.
The incoming power feed from the grid is 100 Amps. And it terminates in a non-optimal place. Effectively it limits the available power to 80 Amps. As we want to avoid having noisy generators making noise pollution, the power budget is limited. Thus we have to expect people to limit their power usage, primarily do the cooking in the food area (which is cooking on gas).
Experience shows us that you can expect the grid to be lower than the nominal 230V. But since laptops and other IT gear use switch-mode power supplies, this is rarely an issue.
Radio Operations Info by the ROC team
Radios (aka walkie-talkies) are useful during events like BornHack in that they allow quick and easy communications over relatively large areas. Especially during buildup and teardown, we make heavy use of radios for coordinating efforts and to quickly get in touch with one another.

We have a number of hand-held radios available for loan for volunteers. During buildup and teardown the radios will usually be placed in their chargers in the main building (where we eat). Feel free to borrow a radio if you need one, but please make sure to return it for recharging when you're done. During camp, you can come by the info desk to borrow a radio.
We have three channels programmed on the BornHack radios, named P1, P2 and P3.
- P1: Backed by our on-site repeater to ensure coverage and is the primary traffic channel
- P2: For ad-hoc use by smaller groups typically during buildup and teardown
- P3: Reserved for the CERT
In addition to the official ones, some teams and villages use their own radios, typically of the PMR type that do not require any form of licensing to own or operate in the EU. So far we have not experienced congestion on the PMR channels but if that starts to happen, the ROC team will have the responsibility of allocating channels and subcodes as needed to try to avoid interference.
The frequencies in use for the BornHack radios are commercial UHF frequencies allocated by the Danish authorities. These frequency allocations have some limitations on their allowed usage, so if you have your own radio and wish to program the BornHack frequencies in it, please ask the ROC team for the details.
Showers and toilets Info by the Info team
BornHack has nice shower facilities. The showers will be cleaned twice daily and should be more than sufficient for our needs. The showers are not divided into genders (unisex) since they are individually lockable. There are 6 showers inside the main and toilet buildings and more in the toilet container.
The toilets are unisex like the showers. The toilets will also be cleaned twice per day, so they should be nice. There are toilets in the buildings and we'll put up a container with more toilets.
Telephone network Info by the POC team
There will be a telephone network operated at BornHack, with public endpoints for DECT and SIP calls.
To register your own number(s) and view the public directory, please see the following links:
Publishing your number in the phone book is opt-in and has to be done manually for each extension. While the POC team encourages crazy hijinks and games involving the phone network, we want to underline the importance of respecting each individual's right to privacy.
Please avoid calling (war-dialing) private (non-published) extensions unless the subscriber has told you it is OK.
Special phone numbers
- 112/911/999 Will forward your call to CERT
- 777 Tells the time
- 880-889 Conference/Chat rooms
Most GAP and CAT-iq phones should work (which usually is any wireless landline phone made from 1997 onwards and a few from before then as the GAP standard was published on December 1995). You can find a somewhat updated list here:
Eventphone - Supported DECT phones.
Register your phone
- Register your phone to the network if a PIN/Code is needed it is 0000
- The registration will fail the first time this is normal it should work the second time!
- Dial the activation number from the Register extension page
- If the activation was successful you hear this at the end of the message
- If activation fails please try again, if this still does not work please contact POC
- Enjoy the phone network
Bring your softphone, table top or any other SIP capable device.
To connect your SIP client it can be connected to using your nr as a username and the activation code for the password, SIP and DECT can be combined on the same nr! If you want to add your own (on-site) trunk to the network, please contact the POC team!
- uri: sip://
- domain:
- username: your phone nr
- password: your activation code
LDAP phonebook
- Uri: ldap://
- Anonymous bind
- Base: dn=phonebook,dc=camp
- Filter: (objectClass=inetOrgPerson)
- Attributes: cn,homePhone
- Name Attribute: cn
- Number attribute: homePhone
Video Info by the Video team
The stream from the speaker's tent can be found at or alternatively at
Villages Info by the Info team
If this is your first hacker camp the term 'village' might be confusing but it is fairly simple: A village is just a spot on the campsite where you and a bunch of your friends/like minded people camp together. Apart from people's individual tents which they sleep in, many villages bring a large common tent where they can hack and hang out during the day.
You don't have to stay in a village if you don't want to, putting up a tent somewhere by yourself is perfectly fine. Having a camp with friends without calling it a village is also fine.
You can register your village here! If you don't want to make your own village you might be able to find and join one that suits your interests. Get in touch with the orga team if you have any questions!
Villages can also rent village tents via us. The tents will be ready when you arrive and will be taken down again after you leave. The tents have optional floors and you can rent folding tables and chairs as needed. You do not have to register a village or have a concept to rent a big tent.