BornHack 2022 Volunteering and Kickoff 2022-04-02
BornHack is a volunteer driven event, a labour of love. Everything that gets done at BornHack is unpaid volunteer work, with a few exceptions handled by external people (like safety checking the power grid or operating the forklift when offloading trucks).
During buildup and teardown we provide three nice meals every day to keep our volunteers well fed. We do not expect any specific number of hours or shifts from volunteers. Everyone helps out as much or as little as they feel like. We never let volunteers handle dangerous work.
We can always use more volunteers! If you want to help out you can check the teams page and find a team or two which suits you. Please don't hold back - volunteering is easy, and it is a great way to combine helping out with meeting other friendly hackers. Many of our teams need no special skills, just bring good mood and energy :)
If you have questions about volunteering you can write us an email or join our active IRC community where someone is usually available to answer.
Kick-Off at Hylkedam
The BornHack 2022 volunteer kickoff will be from May 26th at 11:00 until 17:00, and this year we are having a physical kick-off at the venue! The activities on the kickoff will plan and prepare each teams activities over the coming months. Participating in the kickoff is relevant not only for volunteers who already know which team(s) they want to join, but also for new volunteers who have yet to decide where they can best help out.After the official kickoff is over we are staying for a few more days at Hylkedam for team workshops and fun. Volunteers are welcome to join only for the kickoff on Thursday the 26th of May, or you can stay for one or more nights (the cabins are available, or you can bring a tent). We are leaving Hylkedam Sunday the 29th of May in the afternoon.
Participating in the kickoff is free, but expect to chip in around 100,- DKK/HAX (around 14€) for food per day (excluding Thursday). It will also be possible to join the kickoff virtually if you are unable to participate in person. Stay tuned for more details about the 2022 kickoff.