BornHack 2024 is Over! 2024-07-24

BornHack 2024 is over. It was a fantastic event full of all the wonderful, weird, talented, amazing and inspiring people and projects that we've gotten used to (but never tire of). 2024 was in many ways the best BornHack yet:

All in all it was a great event with very few mishaps and accidents. Buildup was a bit rough due to a double booking at the venue but we worked around it and the event turned out great. We are also expecting a smooth teardown.

While we are proud of our Code of Conduct and the photo policy in it, we still love to see photos from BornHack! Until the new BornHack Media Archive is ready please find other ways to share the pictures and send us a link to info at The Photo Team are working on getting their pictures online while recovering from BornHack.

2024 was the ninth BornHack, and we chose the tagline Feature Creep for this year. As usual we leave it up to the participants to interpret any deeper meaning (intentional or not) in the tagline. So many amazingly clever and creative features were added to everything as the event progressed.

Our popular food vendor Oriental Express was back again this year serving delicious Asian food. The Food Area worked well again this year. There was almost constant activity with people cooking and eating at weird hours. Like the previous years we sold out all the fridge shelves we had available for rent.

We have two ways you can submit feedback about BornHack. The general feedback form can be used for any feedback about BornHack, good or bad. We've already had some participants leave feedback, but we want more. If you can spare five minutes please go submit some feedback – we want both your positive and negative feedback, it all helps to make the next BornHack better.

Please also remember to submit program feedback by pressing the feedback button on each individual event page. It helps the Content Team make informed decisions about what content worked and what didn't.

The next BornHack will be from the 16th to the 23rd of July 2025. Tickets for BornHack 2025 will go on sale as soon as we get around to it.

Thank you to everyone who was a part of BornHack 2024, both participants and volunteers. A special thanks to the volunteers who stayed on site until we were completely done with teardown. You know who you are. <3

Until next year, take care and all the best from Orga!