BornHack 2025: Call for Participation

BornHack is a 7 day outdoor camping festival for hackers, makers, and anyone interested in technology and society, and their interaction. BornHack 2025 will take place from the 16th to the 23rd of July 2025 on the island of Funen in Denmark. This will be the tenth anniversary of BornHack and the seventh time the event takes place on Funen.

We are looking for talented, humorous, inspiring, and/or provocative contributors to host talks, lightning talks, and workshops at BornHack. We welcome first time speakers.

We are open to different topics. We expect that the majority of the presentations at BornHack will be on security, networking, programming, distributed systems, privacy, community building, IT-politics, hardware, and how technologies and politics relate to society. If you are unsure whether your topic is of relevance to the event please get in contact with the content team at You can also have a look at the previous talks from 2024.

Apart from talks and workshops you can also contribute to BornHack with a music act, performance, installation or by volunteering at the event. We will have a Call for Volunteers before the event where each team will describe their tasks before, during, and after the event.

Please note that all submissions for BornHack 2025 must be submitted via our content system on the website no later than the 1st of June, 2025. We do however encourage you to submit as soon as your abstract is final for early feedback. By default all BornHack talks, debates and lightning talks are recorded. If you do not want to be recorded please uncheck the video recording checkbox in the submission form.

Saturday the 19th of July, 2025, is reserved for debates and other events. It will not be possible to request a presentation slot on this date.

The ticket sales for BornHack 2025 is officially open and tickets are available in our online shop today. BornHack is an inclusive event so please ensure you have read and understood our Code of Conduct.

Regular Talk

Regular talks are 45 minutes of presentation followed by 10 minutes of questions from the audience.

Please bring your own laptop with your presentation on; it should have an ordinary HDMI output and we will provide the cable to the projector. We do not guarantee that audio will work, even if your laptop supports it -- please reach out to us early if this is a requirement.

We will provide you with a one-day entrance ticket free of charge, but due to our limited funds, you will have to pay for transportation to and from the event yourself. We encourage you to participate at BornHack for the entire week.

Submit your regular talk.

Lightning Talk

Lightning talks are 5 minutes of presentation. A lightning talk is an excellent opportunity for inexperienced speakers to share an interesting idea, presentation, or maybe just a small adventure.

A laptop will be provided by us. Please make sure your slides are in PDF or HTML format (a URL is fine).

If required you can bring your own laptop; it should have an ordinary HDMI output and we will provide the cable to the projector. We do not guarantee that audio will work, even if your laptop supports it -- please reach out to us early if this is a requirement. Using your own laptop for lightning talks means you will be scheduled at the end of the lightning talk session.

You MUST buy yourself an entrance ticket to host a lightning talk; we are unable to offer free entrance tickets for everyone giving a lightning talk.

Lightning Talks will take place on Friday the 18th of July, 2025.

Submit your lightning talk.

Demo Day

Our Demo Day session is an opportunity for everybody at BornHack to come and show off something exciting they built during their time at BornHack. It will take place at the end of the weekend, and everybody gets 5 minutes to show their project. It's entirely okay to submit content for this session during BornHack.

A laptop will be provided by us. Please make sure your slides are in PDF or HTML format (a URL is fine) if you have any.

If required you can bring your own laptop; it should have an ordinary HDMI output and we will provide the cable to the projector. We do not guarantee that audio will work, even if your laptop supports it -- please reach out to us early if this is a requirement. Using your own laptop for lightning talks means you will be scheduled at the end of the lightning talk session.

You MUST buy yourself an entrance ticket to host a demo; we are unable to offer free entrance tickets for everyone hosting demo presentations.

Demo Day will take place on Sunday the 20th of July, 2025.

Submit your demo.


We have a workshop room to host workshops for approximately 20 people. Workshops can be up to 3 hours per slot and can be extended to full day workshops.

We will provide you with a one-day entrance ticket free of charge, but due to our limited funds, you will have to pay for transportation to and from the event yourself. We also encourage you to participate at BornHack for the entire week.

Submit your workshop.

Music Act

Music acts and other performances can be from one hour up to three hours.

Please reach out to us if you have special requirements, such as specific expectation of audio equipment. Music acts take place in the bar area where a standard mixer with jack, mini-jack, and XLR inputs are available for connecting to the sound system used by the bar.

You MUST buy yourself an entrance ticket to host a music act; we are unable to offer free entrance tickets for everyone hosting music acts.

Submit your music act / performance.


Meetups are small social gatherings that can be up to one hour and occur in our meetup area near the bar.

You MUST buy yourself an entrance ticket to host a meetup; we are unable to offer free entrance tickets for everyone hosting a meetup.

Submit your meetup.


If you are interested in helping BornHack 2025 either financially or by other means, please reach out to our sponsor team at

Have a look at our wonderful sponsors from BornHack 2024 or see a list of all previous sponsors.

Contact Information

The BornHack content team can be reached at For general questions regarding the event please reach out to the info team at

We are reachable via IRC in #BornHack on (65idh3eawaqm33egquecykgavpgijar3v3mlptqpi6aykd2icuqf57qd.onion) on port 6697 with TLS.

For more information, news, and other event updates, please have a look at our website or follow us on Mastodon or LinkedIn.