Hannes Mehnert

Hannes Mehnert is currently a PostDoc at the University of Cambridge. In his spare time, he is not only a hacker, coauthor of a book on indian cuisine and functional programming in JavaScript, but also a barista and likes to travel with and repair his recumbent bicycle.

He researches in several engineering areas: from programming languages (such as compiler optimisation visualisation and type systems) over full functional correctness proofs of object-oriented code, development environments for dependently typed languages, to re-engineering network protocols (TCP/IP) and security protocols (TLS, OTR). He feels safe in a garbage collected environment, and appreciates the expressive power of declarative purely functional code.


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Events for Hannes Mehnert

Contemporary operating systems suffer from being enormous code bases, riddled with bugs, still supporting legacy hardware (like floppy drives). A common attack vector is based on unsafe memory operations - lack of bounds checks (buffer overflows) and temporal memory safety violations (double free, use after free).

But the environment changed: for security reasons, each service is usually isolated in its own virtual machine, and the virtual machines are scheduled by the hypervisor ont… Read more


  • Tuesday, Aug 30th, 2016, 18:00 (CEST) - Tuesday, Aug 30th, 2016, 19:00 (CEST)