Alexander Færøy

Alex is a 27 year old hacker based in Copenhagen, Denmark. Alex has been involved with various free and open source software projects over the years, including Irssi, WebKit, Exherbo, Gentoo, and a lot of smaller projects.

Alex works as an Erlang programmer and software architect for a startup in Copenhagen called ShopGun. Alex is also a co-organiser of BornHack.

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Events for Alexander Færøy

Over the past year I've been hacking, on and off, on a third-party implementation of Tor in the Erlang programming language. While the implementation is far from prime time ready I believe it's time to be a bit more public about the project.

During the talk I will go over some of the design decisions, how things are implemented, and the overall architecture of Talla. I will walk over the first milestones that I hope the project will reach within the nearest future.

No prior kno… Read more


  • Friday, Sep 2nd, 2016, 18:00 (CEST) - Friday, Sep 2nd, 2016, 19:00 (CEST)