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Lightning Talks Feedback

Quality Assurance gone wrong

Thinkpads have been the choice of the community. Techinc once bought a bunch of x201 and we looked into the bios and found out, that the quality assurance engineer had a pretty funky computer setup.

This talks goes into what we found out and why Lenovo rolled out a new x201 bios release.

Jurre van Bergen

Jurre is all over the place, by day he works at Greenhost, a sustainable webhosting company and in addition contributes to some open source projects like Tails. Previously, he started, Technologia Incognita, an Amsterdam hackerspace, was the Hack in the Box Amsterdam CTF overlord and a drop-out.

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Help me out bro

Bropages are a beginner-friendly, example-based supplement to the manpages. Other than searching the web for commands, ie. the usage of commands, bropages ease the transition towards using the manpages, which can be very daunting to beginners.

A quick overview of the tool and why and how you should contribute, even and especially as someone comfortable in the UNIX commandline.

Sarah Braun

Sarah is a journeyman carpenter turned backend developer.

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SHA2017 is the next major Dutch outdoor hacker conferences which are held every four years. This talk shows how this event is organized, what can be expected and of course tries to get people on board in organizing. SHA, EMF and CCC alternate every year to bring a big outdoor event for hackers.

The next Dutch event aims for about 5500 visitors.


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Meteor, the Distributed Data Protocol and You!

Meteor is a web and mobile application development platform built on Node.js that brings with it some really cool tools out of the box. It enables developers to very quickly set up an MVP application by providing things like build tools, full-stack reactivity, auth/user system and first party support for two major view systems(React and Angular), leaving the developer time to build the actual features.

The body of the talk will be demoing some cool features of Meteor's distributed data protocol(DDP) and a brief summary about some strengths and weaknesses of Meteor in general.

Jonas Klastrup

Jonas is a frontend developer from Kalundborg with a passion for real-time data and an unhealthy obsession with server-side rendering in this age of single page javascript apps. When he's on the clock he's the CJSO at Rebel Penguin, dealing with live sports and betting data.

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Measurements and the Broken Internet

The internet is broken, always something wrong somewhere. I will go through some of the sites that can help discover and debug internet network problems.

Henrik Lund Kramshøj

Henrik is an internet samurai working in internet and security around the world.

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Fingerprint Cloning

A quick walkthrough of the process and gear involved when wishing to spoof/clone fingerprints for unlocking smartphones.

Knud Højgaard

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IRC over SMS at BornHack

Alex will walk over a small tool that was written in the evenings of the planning week right before BornHack.

Alexander Færøy

Hacker, crypto hobbyist, BornHack organizer.

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More to be announced.

Metadata for Lightning Talks

To be recorded: No

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Schedule for Lightning Talks

  • Friday, Sep 2nd, 2016, 11:00 (CEST) - Friday, Sep 2nd, 2016, 14:00 (CEST) at Speakers Tent