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Hushfile is a zero-knowledge (clientside encrypted) filesharing service. The code is on (spread around different repositories), and the service is running on

The first part of this workshop will explain the idea behind hushfile. The initial (and current) implementation will be covered, including the rationale for some of the choices I made. The various attempts at adding large file support will be covered, including why they failed.

The second part of the workshop will be an open discussion about the future of hushfile. All ideas and input are welcome, although ideas that are possible to implement today are preferrable to ideas that might be possible to implement a few years down the line. Hopefully we can arrive at a set of goals and principles that can guide the future development of hushfile.

The third and final part of the workshop will be hacking on PoC implementations of what we discussed in part two. Hopefully we can get as far as mocking up some working prototypes for server and clients.

The workshop will also feature the two other main developers on hushfile, Janus Troelsen and Ronni Elken Lindsgaard (time permitting).

NOTE: The workshop will be taking place in the speaker tent.

Hosts for v2:

Metadata for v2

To be recorded: No

URLs for v2

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Schedule for v2

  • Thursday, Sep 1st, 2016, 19:00 (CEST) - Thursday, Sep 1st, 2016, 21:00 (CEST) at Workshop room